The Works of Dr. Richard A. Muller

“Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls”

Jer. 6:16



Order of Contents

Books  12+
By Subject:  Articles, Lectures, Chapters, Reviews, etc.


Church History
Reference Works

Resources for Muller’s Writings
Related to Muller




About Dr. Muller & his Works

Dr. Richard A. Muller (see Wikipedia) is one of the foremost historians of Reformed theology from the Reformation and puritan eras and is a professor of historical theology at Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Muller has been a tremendous influence in the surge in recent decades in exploring and furthering interest in reformed theology from its classical period.  All of his writings are eminently valuable.

Muller’s four volume magnum opus, Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics  Buy  gives a survey and analysis of the history of development of the major reformed doctrines of the first part of a systematic theology from the primary sources.

Muller is also noted for being a leading force in overturning the ‘Calvin vs. the Calvinists’ thesis, the notion that later scholastic Calvinism (characterized as a predestinarian system) was a deviation from the earlier humanism of Calvin.  Muller has successfully argued instead that later ‘Calvinism’ was an organic development of continuity, not just from Calvin (or even primarily from Calvin), but from the broader reformed tradition, and that not centered around predestination, but around traditional and Biblical loci, or topics.

Muller’s works reach far beyond these few points and have opened up to us a rich storehouse for all those who seek to recover Reformed orthodoxy with Reformed orthopraxy (right-conduct).


About this Collection

This bibliography of Muller’s works is the most extensive that is available online (last updated in 2016), though not quite exhaustive.  We will continue to add to it and make it more complete in the days ahead, the Lord willing.

The main part of the collection is organized by subject for your easier perusal.  Most all of the articles and reviews below can be found through searching journal databases at a major research library.

May the Lord bless these writings to your soul.



Books  12+

(In chronological order.  The books of various essays from other authors that Muller co-edited are not included here, though the chapters in them that he wrote are below on this webpage categorized by subject)



(HT: R. Andrew Myers)

Dictionary of Latin & Greek Theological Terms: Drawn Principally from Protestant Scholastic Theology  Buy  1st ed.  (Baker, 1985)  338 pp.  Index (in English)  The 2nd ed. is rev. and expanded, especially with more philosophical terms.

Christ & the Decree: Christology & Predestination in Reformed Theology from Calvin to Perkins  (1986; Baker, 1988)  256 pp.  ToC


Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics, vol. 1 & 2 (Holy Scripture: the Cognitive Foundation of Theology)  reprint of 1st ed.  (1987; Baker Books, 1993)  ToC 1 & The first edition was only two volumes.

Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics: the Rise & Development of Reformed Theology, ca. 1520 – ca. 1725, vol. 1 (Prolegomena to Theology), 2 (Holy Scripture, the Cognitive Foundation of Theology), 3 (The Divine Essence & Attributes), 4 (The Triunity of God)  2nd ed.  Buy  (Baker Books, 2003)  ToC 1, 2, 3, 4  This second edition has some valuable revisions and additions, as well as being greatly expanded into four volumes.

This is Muller’s magnum opus.  Volume 5 is planned to come out soon and hopefully the whole set will be reprinted at that time so that the volumes will be easier to afford.

God, Creation & Providence in the Thought of Jacob Arminius: Sources & Directions of Scholastic Protestantism in the Era of Early Orthodoxy  (Baker, 1991)  309 pp.  ToC

The Study of Theology: From Biblical Interpretation to Contemporary Formulation  in Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation, vol. 7  (Zondervan, 1991)  238 pp.  ToC

The Unaccommodated Calvin: Studies in the Foundation of a Theological Tradition  Pre  (Oxford Univ. Press, 2001)  324 pp.  ToC

After Calvin: Studies in the Development of a Theological Tradition  Buy  Pre  (2003)  288 pp.  ToC

Calvin & the Reformed Tradition: On the Work of Christ & the Order of Salvation  Pre  (2012)  288 pp.  ToC

ed. The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Theology, 1600-1800  Pre  (2016)  688 pp.  ToC

Church History: An Introduction to Research Methods & Resources  (1995)  250 pp.  Co-authored with James Bradley.  The 2nd ed. (2016) contains many electronic resources that the 1st ed. did not.

Divine Will & Human Choice: Freedom, Contingency, & Necessity in Early Modern Reformed Thought  Pre  Buy  (2017)  336 pp.  ToC

Grace & Freedom: William Perkins & the Early Modern Reformed Understanding of Free Choice & Divine Grace  Pre  (Oxford Univ. Press, 2020)  244 pp.  ToC

Providence, Freedom & the Will in Early Modern Reformed Theology  Buy  (RHB, 2022)  288 pp.  ToC

This work compiles a number of Muller’s previous articles on the subject.







Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics: the Rise & Development of Reformed Theology, ca. 1520 – ca. 1725, vol. 1 (Prolegomena to Theology), 2 (Holy Scripture, the Cognitive Foundation of Theology), 3 (The Divine Essence & Attributes), 4 (The Triunity of God)  2nd ed.  Buy  (Baker Books, 2003)  ToC 1, 2, 3, 4  This second edition has some valuable revisions and additions, as well as being greatly expanded into four volumes.

The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Theology, 1600-1800  Buy  (2016)  688 pp.

Dictionary of Latin & Greek Theological Terms: Drawn Principally from Protestant Scholastic Theology  Buy  1st ed.  (Baker, 1985)  338 pp.  Index (in English)  The 2nd ed. is rev. and expanded, especially with more philosophical terms.

The Study of Theology: From Biblical Interpretation to Contemporary Formulation .in Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation, vol. 7  Buy  Pre  (Zondervan, 1991)  238 pp.  ToC


Chapter in a Book

‘Was it Really Viral?  Natural Theology in the Early Modern Reformed Tradition’  in Crossing Traditions: Essays on Reformation & Intellectual History in Honour of Irena Backus  (2017), pp. 507-31



‘What is Theology?’  1991  4 pp.

‘Scholasticism Protestant and Catholic: Francis Turretin on the Object and Principles of Theology’  in Church History 55 (1986): pp. 193-205

‘Giving Direction to Theology: The Scholastic Dimension’  in Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 28 (1985), pp. 183-93


Dialogue with John Frame

”The Study of Theology’ Revisited: A Response to John Frame’  Pay  in Westminster Theological Journal 56 (1994), pp. 409-17

‘Historiography in the Service of Theology & Worship: Toward Dialogue with John Frame’  Pay  (1997)


Reviews of Systematic Theologies

Reviewed Work: Reformed Dogmatics Set out & Illustrated from the Sources by Heinrich Heppe, Ernst Bizer, G. T. Thomson  1979  2 pp.

Review of The Systematic Theology of John Brown of Haddington, by John Brown, introduction by Joel R. Beeke & Randall Pederson, in Calvin Theological Journal 38.2 (2003): 362-364


Review of The Living God, Systematic Theology, vol. 1, by Thomas C. Oden  in Consensus 13.2 (1987): 99-100

Oden was a United Methodist theologian who promoted ‘paleo-orthodoxy’, relying on the teachings of the historic Church as opposed to modern trends.

Review of Life in the Spirit, Systematic Theology, vol. 3, by Thomas C. Oden, in Consensus 20.1 (1994): 133-134



Reviewed Work: Rhetorique et theologie: Calvin, Le Commentaire de l’ÉEpître aux Romains by Benoit Girardin  1980  1 page

Review of The Use of the Bible in Theology: Evangelical Options, ed. Robert Johnston  in Theology Today  44.2 (1987): 284-285

Review of The Science of Theology, by Evans, McGrath & Galloway, in Consensus: A Canadian Lutheran Journal of Theology, 13,1 (Spring, 1987), pp. 114-15

Review of A Theology of Word and Spirit: Authority and Method in Theology, by Donald Bloesch, in Calvin Theological Journal  29.1 (1994): 307

Review of What Christians Believe: a Biblical and Historical Summary, by Alan Johnson and Robert Webber, Calvin Theological Journal 29.2 (1994): 523-525

Review of Who’s Who in Theology: From the First Century to the Present, by John Bowden, in Calvin Theological Journal 29.1 (1994):308

Review of The Emergence of Christian Theology, by Eric Osborn, in Calvin Theological Journal  31.2 (1996): 622-623



Epistemology & Apologetics


‘The Dogmatic Function of St. Thomas’ “Proofs”: A Protestant Appreciation’  in Fides et Historia  24/2 (1992) pp. 15-29

‘Aquinas Reconsidered’, pt. 1, 2, 3  on Reformation21  being a review of Scott Oliphint’s book, Thomas Aquinas

“Reading Aquinas from a Reformed Perspective,” Calvin Theological Journal, 53.2 (2018)

‘Kuyper & Bavinck on Natural Theology’  Bavinck Review 10 (2019): 5–35



The Knowledge of God


‘“Duplex cognitio dei” in the Theology of Early Reformed Orthodoxy’  in Sixteenth Century Journal 10 (1979), pp. 51-61

The Latin means ‘the two-fold knowledge of God’, referring to Calvin’s phrase and idea that:

“…in the fashioning of the universe as in the general teaching of Scripture the Lord shows himself to be simply the creator.  Then in the face of Christ he shows himself the Redeemer.”



Reviewed Work: De falsa et vera unius Dei Patris, Filii et Spiritus Sancti cognitione libri duo [Of the False and True Knowledge of the One God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit]  by Antal Pirnat  (1989)  2 pp.

Review of The Knowledge of God in Calvin’s Theology, expanded ed., by Edward A. Dowey Jr., in Lutheran Quarterly, n.s., 10.2 (1996), pp. 201-202

Aquinas Reconsidered, pt. 1, 2, 3  on Reformation21  being a review of Scott Oliphint’s book, Thomas Aquinas

“Reading Aquinas from a Reformed Perspective,” Calvin Theological Journal, 53.2 (2018)





God, Creation & Providence in the Thought of Jacob Arminius: Sources & Directions of Scholastic Protestantism in the Era of Early Orthodoxy  (Baker, 1991)  309 pp.  ToC


Chapters in Books

“God as Absolute & Relative, Necessary, Free & Contingent: The Ad Intra-Ad Extra Movement of Seventeenth-Century Reformed Language About God”  in Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey  Buy  eds. R. Scott Clark & Joel E. Kim  (Escondido: Westminster Seminary California, 2010), pp. 56-73

‘God, Predestination & the Integrity of the Created Order: A Note on Patterns in Arminius’ Theology’  (1994)  15 pp.  in Later Calvinism International Perspectives, 431-46  Buy



‘Unity and Distinction: The Essence of God in the Theology of Lucas Trelcatius, Jr.’  2008  26 pp.  in Reformation & Renaissance Review 10 (2008): 315-41

‘Not Scotist: Understandings of Being, Univocity & Analogy in Early Modern Reformed Thought’  (2015)  24 pp.  in Reformation & Renaissance Review: Journal of the Society for Reformation Studies  (Aug 2012), vol. 14, issue 2, pp. 127-50

‘Absolute and Relative; Unconditioned with Conditions; Necessary, Free, and Contingent: Reviewing the Reformed Scholastic Understanding of God’



Reviewed Work: The Divine Community: Trinity, Church, and Ethics in Reformation Theologies. by John R. Loeschen  1982  3 pp.

Review of Institutes of Elenctic Theology, vol. 2, Eleventh through Seventeenth Topics, by Francis Turretin, trans. George Giger, ed. James Dennison Jr., in Calvin Theological Journal  29.2 (1994): 614-615

Review of Trinitarian Spirituality: John Owen and the Doctrine of God in Western Devotion, by Brian Kay, in Journal of Ecclesiastical History 60.2 (2009): 395-396



The Immutability of God


‘Incarnation, Immutability, and the Case for Classical Theism’  1983  18 pp. in Westminster Theological Journal 45 (1983): 22-40



The Will of God, Love & Grace


‘A Tale of Two Wills: Calvin and Amyraut on Ezekiel 18:23’  in Calvin Theological Journal 44 (2009): 211-25



At ReformedBooksOnline

Richard Muller on Common Grace and the Free Offer of the Gospel

John Murray Compared with the Post-Reformation on the Sincere Free Offer of the Gospel (including quotes from Dr. Muller under 12 comparative questions)


At Theological Meditations

Highlighting Muller’s Citations of Calvin on God’s Slowness to Anger and Willingness to Save

Richard Muller on the Grace and Patience of God in Reformed Orthodoxy

Richard Muller on God’s Universal and Special Love in Early Reformed Thought



Review of ‘God calls us to His Service’: the Relation Between God and His Audience in Calvin’s Sermons on Acts, by Wilhelmus H.Th. Moehn, in Calvin Theological Journal 38.2 (2003): 396-397



On Calvinism


‘On Psychologists’ Uses of Calvinism’  1985  3 pp.  in American Psychologist 40.4 (1985)  466-468  Co-authored with Hendrika Vande Kemp

‘Was Calvin a Calvinist?  Or, Did Calvin (or Anyone Else in the Early Modern Era) Plant the ‘TULIP’?’  n.d.  17 pp.

‘How Many Points?’  1993  8 pp. from Calvin Theological Journal, Vol. 28 (1993): 425-33



Predestination & Providence


Christ & the Decree: Christology & Predestination in Reformed Theology from Calvin to Perkins  Buy  2008  256 pp.  Here is a chapter from the work: ‘Calvin’s Doctrine of Predestination’

God, Creation & Providence in the Thought of Jacob Arminius: Sources & Directions of Scholastic Protestantism in the Era of Early Orthodoxy  (Baker, 1991)  309 pp.  ToC


Chapters in Books

‘God, Predestination & the Integrity of the Created Order: A Note on Patterns in Arminius’ Theology’  1994  15 pp.  in Later Calvinism International Perspectives, 431-46  Buy

‘Grace, Election & Contingent Choice: Arminius’s Gambit & the Reformed Response’  1995  27 pp.  in ed. Thomas Schreiner & Bruce Ware, The Grace of God, the Bondage of the Will, vol. 2, Historical & Theological Perspectives on Calvinism  Buy  pp. 251-278


Audio Lectures

‘Revising the Predestination Paradigm: An Alternative to Supralapsarianism, Infralapsarianism and Hypothetical Universalism’  being the Fall Lecture series (2008?) at Mid-America Reformed Seminary

The three lectures are: ‘The Problem Stated’, ‘The Lapsarian Question,’ & ‘Varieties of Hypothetical Universalism’.  It may be possible to attain them for around $15 through contacting Mid-America.



‘The Placement of Predestination in Reformed Theology: Issue or Non-Issue’‘The Placement of Predestination in Reformed Theology: Issue or Non-Issue’  2005  26 pp. in Calvin Theological Journal 40 (2005): 184-210

‘Perkins’ A Golden Chaine: Predestinarian System or Schematized Ordo Salutis?’  1978  12 pp.  in Sixteenth Century Journal 9 (1978): 69-81  This can be read for free by creating a JSTOR account.

‘Predestination,’ in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation, ed. Hans J. Hillerbrand (1996), 3:332-338  Buy

‘The Myth of ‘Decretal Theology”  1995  8 pp.  in Calvin Theological Journal 30 (1995): 159-67

‘Found (No Thanks to Theodore Beza): One ‘Decretal’ Theology’  in Calvin Theological Journal 32 (1997): 145-51



On Predestination & Reformed Free Choice, contra Determinism & Philosophical Necessity


Divine Will and Human Choice: Freedom, Contingency & Necessity in Early Modern Reformed Thought  Buy  (2017)  336 pp.


Chapters in Books

‘Grace, Election & Contingent Choice: Arminius’s Gambit and the Reformed Response’  1995  27 pp.  in ed. Thomas Schreiner & Bruce Ware, The Grace of God, the Bondage of the Will, vol. 2, Historical & Theological Perspectives on Calvinism  Buy  pp. 251-278

Mylius, R.A. [Richard Muller] – ‘In the steps of Voetius: Synchronic Contingency & the Significance of Cornelius Elleboogius’ Disputationes de Tetragrammato to the Analysis of his Life & Work’  (2010)  10 pp.  in ed. M. Wisse, M. Sarot & W. Otten, Scholasticism Reformed: Essays in Honour of Willem J. Van Asselt  Buy  pp. 92-102

“God as Absolute & Relative, Necessary, Free & Contingent: The Ad Intra-Ad Extra Movement of Seventeenth-Century Reformed Language About God”  in Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey  Buy  ed. R. Scott Clark & Joel E. Kim, 56-73. Escondido: Westminster Seminary California, 2010

See also Willem van Asselt, J. Martin Bac, and Roelf T. ve Velde, Reformed Thought on Freedom: The Concept of Free Choice in Early Modern Reformed Theology  Buy  (2010)  243 pp. which is a book-length confirmation of Muller’s chapter defending the earlier reformed view (and that of WCF 5.2) on the freedom of the will against philosophical necessity.


Audio Lecture

“Jonathan Edwards and the Absence of Free Choice: A Parting of Ways in the Reformed Tradition”  1 hour & 11 minutes, Sept. 29th, 2010, at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, being the Inaugural Lecture for the Jonathan Edwards Center.

This lecture was made into a journal article below: ‘Jonathan Edwards and the Absence of Free Choice’

“Jonathan Edwards is often regarded as an epitome of Calvinism for his teaching on the freedom of will, though he was, in his own time and for a century after his death, a much-debated thinker whose views polarized Reformed circles. This lecture will concentrate on Edwards’ reception in Britain, which has received little attention despite its significance in the Reformed tradition. Concentrating on two historical contexts, Dr. Muller will consider the mixed reception of Edwards’ thought, note differences between Edwards and the older Reformed orthodoxy, and point to a parting of the ways in the Reformed tradition that took place largely in the eighteenth century.”



‘Jonathan Edwards & the Absence of Free Choice: A Parting of Ways in the Reformed Tradition’  (2011)  20 pp.

Here is Paul Helm’s published rejoinder.  You may need to set up a free account to read it.

‘Jonathan Edwards and Francis Turretin on Necessity, Contingency, and Freedom of Will. In Response to Paul Helm’  2014  19 pp.

Here is Paul Helm’s surrejoinder.  Muller dominates the exchanges.

‘Goading the Determinists: Thomas Goad (1576-1638) on Necessity, Contingency & God’s Eternal Decree’  in Mid-America Journal of Theology 26 (2015), pp. 59-75

‘Absolute & Relative; Unconditioned with Conditions; Necessary, Free, & Contingent: Reviewing the Reformed Scholastic Understanding of God’



The Covenant of Redemption


‘Toward the Pactum Salutis: Locating the Origins of a Concept’  in Mid-America Journal of Theology 18 (2007), pp. 11-65

‘The Spirit & the Covenant: John Gill’s Critique of the Pactum Salutis‘  in Foundations 24 (1981), pp. 4-14



The Covenant of Works


‘The Covenant of Works and the Stability of Divine Law in Seventeenth Century Reformed Orthodoxy: A Study in the Theology of Herman Witsius and Wilhelmus A Brakel’  1994  25 pp.  in Calvin Theological Journal 29 (1994): 75-101



Review of The Federal Theology of Johannes Cocceius (1603-1669), by Willem J. van Asselt, trans. Raymond A. Blacketer, in Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 57.2 (2003): 164-165



The Covenant of Grace


Divine Covenants, Absolute and Conditional:  John Cameron and the Early Orthodox Development of Reformed Covenant Theology  2006  46 pp.  in Mid-America Journal of Theology 17 (2006): 11-56

‘The Federal Motif in Seventeenth Century Arminian Theology’  1982  20 pp.  in Nederlands archief voor kerkgeschiedenis 62 (1982): 102-22  This can be read for free by creating a JSTOR account

‘Covenant and Conscience in English Reformed Theology: Three Variations on a 17th Century Theme’  Pay to Read  $5 a month  1980  26 pp. in Westminster Theological Journal 42 (1980): 308-34



Reviewed Work: Fountainhead of Federalism: Heinrich Bullinger and the Covenantal Tradition. With a translation of De testamento seu foedere Dei unico et aeterno (1534) by Charles S. McCoy, J. Wayne Baker, Heinrich Bullinger  1994  3 pp.

Reviewed Work: The Origins of the Federal Theology in Sixteenth-Century Reformation Thought by David A. Weir  1992  2 pp.

Reviewed Work: The Covenant of Grace in Puritan Thought. by John von Rohr  1988  2 pp.

Review of The Federal Theology of Johannes Cocceius (1603-1669), by Willem J. van Asselt, trans. Raymond A. Blacketer, in Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 57.2 (2003): 164-165





Christ & the Decree: Christology and Predestination in Reformed Theology from Calvin to Perkins  Buy  (2008)  256 pp.


Chapter in a Book

‘The Christological Problem as Addressed By Friedrich Schleiermacher: A Dogmatic Query’  in ed. Marguerite Shuster & Richard Muller, Perspectives on Christology: Essays in Honor of Paul K. Jewett  Buy  (Zondervan, 1991), pp. 141-64



‘The Christological Problem in the Thought of Jacobus Arminius’  1988  18 pp.  in Nederlands archief voor kerkgeschiedenis / Dutch Review of Church History, Vol. 68, No. 2 (1988), pp. 145-163.  This can be read for free by setting up a JSTOR account

‘Henry Boynton Smith: Christocentric Theologian’  1983  15 pp.  in Journal of Presbyterian History 61 (1983): 429-44  This can be read for free by creating an account with JSTOR

‘Emanuel V. Gerhart on the “Christ-Idea” As Fundamental Principle’  Pay to Read  $5 a month  1986  20 pp. in Westminster Theological Journal 48 (1986): 97-117

‘A Note on “Christocentrism” And The Imprudent Use Of Such Terminology’  Pay to Read  $5 a month  2006  in Westminster Theological Journal 68 (2006): 253-60



Reviewed Work: The Historical Argument for the Resurrection of Jesus during the Deist Controversy by William Lane Craig  1988  2 pp.  in Church History  27.3 (Sep. 1988): 397-380

‘Soteriological Christology’ Review of The Anonymous Christ: Jesus as Savior in Modern Theology, by Lee Snook, in Reformed Journal 38.11 (1988):30-31

Review of Jesus Christ and Creation in the Theology of John Calvin, by Peter Wyatt, in Calvin Theological Journal 31.2 (1996): 618-620

Review of Jesus Christ in the Preaching of Calvin and Schleiermacher, by Dawn DeVries, in Calvin Theological Journal 31.2 (1996): 603-607



The Incarnation


‘Incarnation, Immutability, and the Case for Classical Theism’  1983  in Westminster Theological Journal 45:1 (Spring 1983): 22 ff.



The Kingly Office of Christ


‘Christ in the Eschaton: Calvin and Moltmann on the Duration of the Munus Regium’  1981  28 pp.  in Harvard Theological Review 74 (1981): 31-59.  This can be read for free by setting up a JSTOR account.



The Atonement


‘Was Calvin a Calvinist?  Or, Did Calvin (or Anyone Else in the Early Modern Era) Plant the ‘TULIP’?’  n.d.  17 pp.


Audio Lectures

‘Revising the Predestination Paradigm: An Alternative to Supralapsarianism, Infralapsarianism and Hypothetical Universalism’  being the Fall Lecture series (2008?) at Mid-America Reformed Seminary

The three lectures are: ‘The Problem Stated’, ‘The Lapsarian Question,’ & ‘Varieties of Hypothetical Universalism’.  It may be possible to attain them for around $15 through contacting Mid-America.



Reviewed Work: Calvin’s Doctrine of the Atonement by Robert A. Peterson  1984  2 pp.

Review of Hypothetical Universalism: John Preston and the Softening of Reformed Theology, by Jonathan D. Moore, in Calvin Theological Journal 43.1 (2008): 149-150



Scripture, the Word of God


ed. with Bradley, James E – Church, Word and Spirit: Historical and Theological Essays in Honor of Geoffrey W. Bromiley  Buy  1987


Chapters in Books

‘The “Whole Counsel of God”:  Scripture, Exegesis & Doctrine in the English Annotations & the Westminster Confession’  2007  82 pp.  in Scripture & Worship: Biblical Interpretation & the Directory for Worship  Buy 

”The Only Way of Man’s Salvation’: Scripture in the Westminster Confession’  1996  19 pp.  in ed. John Leith, Calvin Studies VIII: the Westminster Confession in Current Thought, pp. 14-33  Colloquium on Calvin Studies, Davidson College

Scimus enim quod lex spiritualis est [For we know that the Law is Spiritual]‘: Melancthon & Calvin on the Interpretation of Romans 7:14-23’  1997  21 pp.  in ed. Timothy Wengert & M. Patrick Graham, Philip Melancthon (1497-1560) & the Commentary, pp. 216-37  University of Sheffield Academic Press



‘Christ—The Revelation Or The Revealer? Brunner And Reformed Orthodoxy On The Doctrine Of The Word Of God’  Pay to Read  $5 a month  1983  in Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 26 (1983): 307-19

‘Scripture,’ in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation, ed. Hans J. Hillerbrand (1996), 4:37-39  Buy

‘The Foundation of Calvin’s Theology: Scripture as Revealing God’s Word’  1979  9 pp.  in Duke Divinity School Review 44 (1979): 14-23



Reviewed Work: Calvinus Sacrae Scripturae Professor: Calvin As Confessor of Holy Scripture. by Wilhelm H. Neuser  1995  3 pp. in The Sixteenth Century Journal 26.2 (Summer 1995): 478-480





‘Competent but Flawed,’ Review of Born Again: a Biblical and Theological Study of Regeneration, by Peter Toon, in Reformed Journal  38.4 (1988): 28-29



Faith, Assurance, Reason & Ethics

Chapters in a Book

‘Beyond Hypothetical Universalism: Moise Amyraut (1596-1664) on Faith, Reason, and Ethics’  in The Theology of the French Reformed Churches  Buy  pp. 197-216

“An examination of the broader work of Moise Amyraut that looks at works and areas of thought that were highly valued among his Reformed contemporaries, as distinct from his more controversial work.”

‘The Rational Defense & Exposition of Christianity: Thomas Blackwell & Scottish Orthodoxy in the Early 18th Century’  2015  22 pp.  in Reformed Orthodoxy in Scotland: Essays on Scottish Theology 1560-1775  Buy



‘Fides and Cognitio in Relation to the Problem of Intellect and Will in the Theology of John Calvin.’  1990  17  pp.  in Calvin Theological Journal 25 (1990): 207-24



Reviewed Work: Assurance of Faith: Calvin, English Puritanism, and the Dutch Second Reformation. by Joel R. Beeke  1993  3 pp.

Reviewed Work: The Divine Community: Trinity, Church, and Ethics in Reformation Theologies. by John R. Loeschen  1982  3 pp.



The Lord’s Supper


‘Calvin on Sacramental Presence, in the Shadow of Marburg and Zurich’  in Lutheran Quarterly 23 (2009): 147-67

‘From Zürich Or From Wittenberg? An Examination of Calvin’s Early Eucharistic Thought’ in Calvin Theological Journal 45 (2010): 243-55



Reviewed Work: Grace and Gratitude: The Eucharistic Theology of John Calvin by Brian A. Gerrish  1995  3 pp.



The Church


ed. with Bradley, James E – Church, Word and Spirit: Historical and Theological Essays in Honor of Geoffrey W. Bromiley  Buy  1987



Reviewed Work: The Divine Community: Trinity, Church, and Ethics in Reformation Theologies. by John R. Loeschen  1982  3 pp.

Reviewed Work: The Reformed Imperative: What the Church Has to Say That No One Else Can Say by John H. Leith  1990  1 page

Review of John Calvin on the Diaconate and Liturgical Almsgiving by Elsie McKee, in Zeitschrift fur Kirchengeschichte  98.1 (1987): 125-126



On the Civil Government

Chapter in a Book

‘Calvin, Beza & the Exegetical History of Romans 13′  (1998)  17 pp.  in ed. John B. Roney & Martin I. Klauber, The Identity of Geneva: The Christian Commonwealth, 1600-1900  Buy  pp. 39-56






Reformation & Puritan Commentaries & Exposition

Chapters in Books

‘Biblical Interpretation in the 16th & 17th Centuries’  29 pp.  in ed. McKim, Historical Handbook of Major Biblical Interpreters  Buy  (IVP, 1998)

This gives a comprehensive listing and description of the major Bible commentators and their works during the 1500’s and 1600’s.

‘The “Whole Counsel of God”:  Scripture, Exegesis & Doctrine in the English Annotations & the Westminster Confession’  2007  82 pp.  in Scripture & Worship: Biblical Interpretation & the Directory for Worship  Buy



Reviewed Works: Ezekiel, I. Chapters 1-12. Calvin’s Old Testament Commentaries. by John Calvin, D. Foxgrover, D. Martin; Daniel, I. Chapter 1-6. Calvin’s Old Testament Commentaries. by John Calvin, T. H. L. Parker  1995  2 pp.

Review of The Calov Bible of J.S. Bach, by Johann Sebastian Bach, ed. Howard Cox  Consensus 14.1 (1988): 116-118

Review of An Exposition of Ezekiel, Geneva Series Commentary, by William Greenhill, Calvin Theological Journal 30.2 (1995): 563-565



Biblical Interpretation


ed. with John L. Thompson – Biblical Interpretation in the Era of the Reformation: Essays Presented to David C. Steinmetz in Honor of His Sixtieth Birthday  Buy 

The Study of Theology: From Biblical Interpretation to Contemporary Formulation .in Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation, vol. 7  Buy  Pre  (Zondervan, 1991)  238 pp.  ToC


Chapters in Books

‘The Hermeneutic of Promise & Fulfillment in Calvin’s Exegesis of the Old Testament Prophecies of the Kingdom’  14 pp.  in ed. David C. Steinmetz, The Bible in the Sixteenth Century  Buy  (Duke Univ. Press, 1990), pp. 68-82

‘The Significance of Precritical Exegesis: Retrospect & Prospect’  (1996)  10 pp.  in Biblical Interpretation in the Era of the Reformation: Essays Presented to David C. Steinmetz in Honor of His Sixtieth Birthday  Buy  pp. 335-45

‘Biblical Interpretation in the Era of the Reformation: the View from the Middle Ages’ in ed. with John L. Thompson, Biblical Interpretation in the Era of the Reformation: Essays Presented to David C. Steinmetz in Honor of His Sixtieth Birthday  Buy

‘Joseph Hall—Rhetor, Theologian & Exegete: His Contribution to the History of Interpretation’  26 pp.  in Joseph Hall, Solomon’s Divine Arts, ed. Gerald T. Sheppard  in Pilgrim Classic Commentaries, vol. 4  Buy  (Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 1992), pp. 11-37



Review of: Biblical Interpretation in the Early Church: an Historical Introduction to Patristic Exegesis, by Manlio Simonetti, in Calvin Theological Journal 31.1 (1996): 310-311

Review of The Use of the Bible in Theology: Evangelical Options, ed. Robert Johnston  in Theology Today  44.2 (1987): 284-285



On the Hebrew Vowel Points

Chapter in a Book

‘The Debate over the Vowel Points & the Crisis in Orthodox Hermeneutics’  Pre  (1980)  19 pp.  in Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 10.1 (1980) 53-72 and in After Calvin: Studies in the Development of a Theological Tradition  Buy  2003  288 pp.



On Melchizedek

Chapter in a Book

‘An ‘Immeasurably Superior’ Rhetoric: Biblical & Homiletical Oratory in Calvin’s Sermons on the History of Melchizedek & Abraham’  (2014)  17 pp.  This is also a chapter in ed. Muller, Biblical Interpretation & Doctrinal Formulation in the Reformed Tradition: Essays in Honor of James De Jong  Buy



On Ezekiel 18:23  ‘Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord God: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?’


‘A Tale of Two Wills: Calvin and Amyraut on Ezekiel 18:23’  in Calvin Theological Journal 44 (2009): 211-25



On Romans 7

Chapter in a Book

Scimus enim quod lex spiritualis est [For we know that the Law is Spiritual]‘: Melancthon & Calvin on the Interpretation of Romans 7:14-23’  1997  21 pp.  in ed. Timothy Wengert & M. Patrick Graham, Philip Melancthon (1497-1560) & the Commentary, pp. 216-37  University of Sheffield Academic Press



On Romans 13

Chapter in a Book
‘Calvin, Beza and the Exegetical History of Romans 13′  1998  17 pp.  in ed. John B. Roney & Martin I. Klauber, The Identity of Geneva: The Christian Commonwealth, 1600-1900  Buy  pp. 39-56



On Hebrews 11

Chapter in a Book
‘William Perkins & the Protestant Exegetical Tradition: Interpretation, Style & Method in the Commentary on Hebrews 11′  (1991)  23 pp.  in William Perkins, A Cloud of Faithful Witnesses: Commentary on Hebrews 11ed. Gerald T. Sheppard  in Pilgrim Classic Commentaries, vol. 3  Buy  pp. 71-94




Church History


Reference Work


Church History: An Introduction to Research Methods & Resources  2nd ed.  Buy  (2016)  336 pp.  Co-authored with James Bradley.



On the Early Church


Review of: Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius in a New English Translation, with Notes and Introduction, trans. and ed. Brian Copenhaver, in Calvin Theological Journal 29.2 (1994): 624-625

See Wikipedia on the Hermetica, non-Christian, Egyptian-Greek wisdom texts from the 2nd & 3rd centuries AD.

Review of: Prophecy in Carthage: Perpetua, Tertullian, and Cyprian, by Cecil M. Robeck Jr., in Calvin Theological Journal 30.2 (1995): 499-501

Review of: Biblical Interpretation in the Early Church: an Historical Introduction to Patristic Exegesis, by Manlio Simonetti, in Calvin Theological Journal 31.1 (1996): 310-311

Review of: The Early Church: An Annotated Bibliography of Literature in English, by Thomas Robinson, in Calvin Theological Journal 31.2 (1996): 623

Review of The Presence of God: A History of Western Christian Mysticism, vol. 1, The Foundations of Mysticism, by Bernard McGinn, in Calvin Theological Journal 31.1 (1996): 212-213

Review of A Scripture Index to the Works of St. Augustine in English Translation, by James W. Wiles, in Calvin Theological Journal 31.1 (1996): 301-302



On the Middle Ages


The Dogmatic Function of St. Thomas’ “Proofs”: A Protestant Appreciation  in Fides et Historia  24/2 (1992) pp. 15-29

Aquinas Reconsidered, pt. 1, 2, 3  on Reformation21  being a review of Scott Oliphint’s book, Thomas Aquinas

“Reading Aquinas from a Reformed Perspective,” Calvin Theological Journal, 53.2 (2018)


Chapter in a Book

‘Biblical Interpretation in the Era of the Reformation: the View from the Middle Ages’ in ed. with John L. Thompson – Biblical Interpretation in the Era of the Reformation: Essays Presented to David C. Steinmetz in Honor of His Sixtieth Birthday  Buy



Review of Peter Lombard, by Marcia L. Colish, in Calvin Theological Journal 31.2 (1996): 547-548

Review of Anticlericalism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, by Peter A. Dykema & Heiko A. Oberman, in Zwingliana 24 (1997): 153-155

Review of The Spiritual Espousals, the Sparkling Stone and other Works by John Ruusbroec.  Introduction and translation by James A. Wiseman, O.S.B. Preface by Louis Dupre. (New York: Paulist Press, 1985)  Pay to Read  $30  1 page



The Renaissance


Reviewed Work: Sacred Rhetoric: The Christian Grand Style in the English Renaissance. by Debora K. Shuger  1989  2 pp.

Reviewed Work: Renaissance Dialectic and Renaissance Piety: Benet of Canfield’s Rule of Perfection. A Translation and Study by Kent Emery, Jr.  1989  1 page

Reviewed Work: Humanists and Reformers: A History of the Renaissance and Reformation by Bard Thompson  1998  2 pp.

Review of Johann Heinrich Alsted, 1588-1638: Between Renaissance, Reformation, and Universal Reform, by Howard Hotson, in Calvin Theological Journal 36.2 (2001): 399-400

Peter Martyr Vermigli, 1499-1562: Renaissance Man, Reformation Master, by Mariano Di Gangi, in Calvin Theological Journal 30.1 (1995): 308-309



Early Modern Reformed Thought


Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics: the Rise & Development of Reformed Theology, ca. 1520 – ca. 1725, vol. 1 (Prolegomena to Theology), 2 (Holy Scripture, the Cognitive Foundation of Theology), 3 (The Divine Essence & Attributes), 4 (The Triunity of God)  2nd ed.  Buy  (Baker Books, 2003)  ToC 1, 2, 3, 4  This second edition has some valuable revisions and additions, as well as being greatly expanded into four volumes.

Calvin and the Reformed Tradition: On the Work of Christ and the Order of Salvation  Buy  2012  288 pp.

The Unaccommodated Calvin: Studies in the Foundation of a Theological Tradition  Buy  (Oxford Univ. Press, 2001)  324 pp.  ToC

After Calvin: Studies in the Development of a Theological Tradition  Buy  Pre  (2003)  288 pp.


Chapters in Books

‘Diversity in the Reformed Tradition: a Historiographical Introduction’  20 pp. in ed. Michael Haykin & Mark Jones, Drawn into Controversie: Reformed Theological Diversity and Debates within Seventeenth-Century British Puritanism  Buy  pp. 11-31

‘The Era of Protestant Orthodoxy’  25 pp.  in ed. D. G. Hart & R. Albert Mohler, Jr., Theological Education in the Evangelical Tradition  Buy  (Baker, 1996), pp. 103-28

‘The Problem of Protestant Scholasticism—A Review & Definition’  (2001)  19 pp.  in ed. Willem van Asselt & Eef Dekker, Reformation & Scholasticism: An Ecumenical Enterprise  Buy  pp. 45-64
‘Demoting Calvin: the Issue of Calvin & the Reformed Tradition’  (2011)  14 pp.  in ed. Amy Burnett, John Calvin, Myth & Reality: Images & Impact of Geneva’s Reformer  Buy  pp. 3-17

‘Was it Really Viral? Natural Theology in the Early Modern Reformed Tradition’  in Crossing Traditions: Essays on Reformation & Intellectual History in Honour of Irena Backus (2017), pp. 507-31


Inaugural Lectures

‘Scholasticism and Orthodoxy in the Reformed Tradition: An Attempt At Definition’  Buy  1995  

This was Muller’s inaugural address delivered in the Calvin Seminary Chapel for the P. J. Zondervan Chair of Historical Theology.

‘Ad fontes argumentorum: The Sources of Reformed Theology in the Seventeenth Century’  Utrechtse Theologische Reeks; 40. 1999 

This was Muller’s inaugural lecture on assuming the post of visiting professor of the Belle Van Zuylen Chair at the Faculty of Theology of Utrecht University, Wed., May 11th, 1999.



‘Directions in the Study of Early Modern Reformed Thought’  Perichoresis, 14.3 (2016), pp. 2-16

‘Giving Direction To Theology: The Scholastic Dimension’  Pay to Read  1985  This, and other articles, may be read for $5 a month.

‘Scholasticism, Reformation, Orthodoxy, and the Persistence of Christian Aristotelianism’  Pay to Read  $5 a month  1998  Trinity Journal (1998): 81-96

‘Reassessing the Relation of Reformation and Orthodoxy—A Methodological Rejoinder’  2011  9 pp.  in American Theological Inquiry, 4/1 (2011), pp. 3-12
‘Protestant Scholasticism: Methodological Issues and Problems in the Study of Its Development’  1999  5 pp.  in Areopagus [Uitgegeven door de Faculteit Godgeleerdheid van de Universiteit Utrecht], Nieue Jaargang 3/3 (1999), pp. 14-19

‘Joseph Hall (1574–1656): Toward Peace in the Church & a Reformed Via Media’  in Calvin Theological Journal, 53.1 (2018), pp. 9-31



Reviewed Work: Reformed Thought and Scholasticism: The Arguments for the Existence of God in Dutch Theology, 1575-1650. by John Platt  1983  2 pp.

Reviewed Work: Reformed Dogmatics Set out and Illustrated from the Sources by Heinrich Heppe, Ernst Bizer, G. T. Thomson  1979  2 pp.

Reviewed Work: The Origins of the Federal Theology in Sixteenth-Century Reformation Thought by David A. Weir  1992  2 pp.

Reviewed Work: The Puritan Moment: The Coming of Revolution in an English County by William Hunt  1984  2 pp.

Reviewed Work: Humanists and Reformers: A History of the Renaissance and Reformation by Bard Thompson  1998  2 pp.

Reviewed Work: The Religion of the Heart: A Study of European Religious Life in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries by Ted A. Campbell  1993  2 pp.



On Scholasticism


God, Creation & Providence in the Thought of Jacob Arminius: Sources & Directions of Scholastic Protestantism in the Era of Early Orthodoxy  (Baker, 1991)  309 pp.  ToC

Dictionary of Latin & Greek Theological Terms: Drawn Principally from Protestant Scholastic Theology  Buy  1st ed.  (Baker, 1985)  338 pp.  Index (in English)  The 2nd ed. is rev. and expanded, especially with more philosophical terms.


Chapters in Books

‘Scholasticism in Calvin: a Question of Relation & Disjunction’  (1997)  18 pp.  in ed. Wilhelm Neuser & Brian Armstrong, Calvinius sincerioris religionis vindex: Calvin as Protector of the Purer Religion  Buy  pp. 247-265
‘The Problem of Protestant Scholasticism—A Review & Definition’ 2001  19 pp.  in ed. Willem van Asselt & Eef Dekker, Reformation & Scholasticism: An Ecumenical Enterprise  Buy  pp. 45-64


‘Scholasticism and Orthodoxy in the Reformed Tradition: An Attempt At Definition’  Buy  1995   This was Muller’s inaugural address delivered in the Calvin Seminary Chapel for the P. J. Zondervan Chair of Historical Theology.



‘Scholasticism Protestant and Catholic: Francis Turretin on the Object and Principles of Theology’  1986  12 pp.  in Church History 55 (1986): 193-205  This can be read for free by opening an account with JSTOR.

‘Giving Direction to Theology: The Scholastic Dimension’ 1985  10 pp.  in Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 28 (1985): 183-93

‘Giving Direction To Theology: The Scholastic Dimension’  Pay to Read  1985  This, and other articles, may be read for $5 a month.

‘Scholasticism, Reformation, Orthodoxy, and the Persistence of Christian Aristotelianism’  Pay to Read  $5 a month  1998  Trinity Journal (1998): 81-96

‘Absolute and Relative; Unconditioned with Conditions; Necessary, Free, and Contingent: Reviewing the Reformed Scholastic Understanding of God’

‘Protestant Scholasticism: Methodological Issues and Problems in the Study of Its Development’  1999  5 pp.  in Areopagus [Uitgegeven door de Faculteit Godgeleerdheid van de Universiteit Utrecht], Nieue Jaargang 3/3 (1999), pp. 14-19
‘Arminius and the Scholastic Tradition’  1989  14 pp.  in Calvin Theological Journal 24 (1989): 263-77



Reviewed Work: Reformed Thought and Scholasticism: The Arguments for the Existence of God in Dutch Theology, 1575-1650. by John Platt  1983  2 pp.




Early Modern Philosophy

Chapter in a Book

‘Thomas Barlow On The Liabilities Of “New Philosophy”. Perceptions Of A Rebellious Ancilla In The Era Of Protestant Orthodoxy’  Pay  in ed. M. Wisse, M. Sarot & W. Otten, Scholasticism Reformed: Essays in Honour of Willem J. Van Asselt  Buy  pp. 179-95

‘Calvinist Thomism Revisited: William Ames (1576-1633) & the Divine Ideas’  in From Rome to Zurich—Between Ignatius & Vermigli: Essays in Honor of John Patrick Donnelly, S.J. (2017), pp. 103-20


Video Lecture

Calvinist Thomism Revisited: William Ames (1576-1633) & the Divine Ideas  2015  74 min.



‘Reformation, Orthodoxy, “Christian Aristotelianism,” and the Eclecticism of Early Modern Philosophy’  2001  19 pp. in Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis 81 (2001): 306-25  This can be read for free by creating a JSTOR account.

‘Vera Philosophia cum sacra Theologia nusquam pugnat: Keckermann on Philosophy, Theology, and the Problem of Double Truth’  1984  24 pp.  in Sixteenth Century Journal 15 (1984): 341-65  This can be read for free by creating a JSTOR account.

‘Not Scotist: Understandings of Being, Univocity & Analogy in Early Modern Reformed Thought’  (2015)  24 pp.  in Reformation & Renaissance Review: Journal of the Society for Reformation Studies  (Aug 2012), vol. 14, issue 2, pp. 127-50

The Dogmatic Function of St. Thomas’ “Proofs”: A Protestant Appreciation  in Fides et Historia  24/2 (1992) pp. 15-29



Reviewed Work: Pascal: Adversary & Advocate by Robert J. Nelson  1986  2 pp.

Reviewed Work: Calvin & Classical Philosophy. by Charles Partee  1978  2 pp.



On Ramism


Reviewed Work: Ramism in William Perkins’ Theology by Donald K. McKim  1989  2 pp.

Reviewed Work: Commonplace Learning: Ramism and Its German Ramifications 1543–1630 by Howard Hotson  2008  2 pp.



Early Modern Politics

Chapter in a Book

‘Reflections on Persistent Whiggism & Its Antidotes in the Study of Sixteenth- & Seventeenth-Century Intellectual History’  2009  19 pp. in Seeing Things Their Way  Buy  pp. 134-153



On John Calvin


Calvin & the Reformed Tradition: On the Work of Christ & the Order of Salvation  Buy  (2012)  288 pp.

The Unaccommodated Calvin: Studies in the Foundation of a Theological Tradition  Buy  (Oxford Univ. Press, 2001)  324 pp.  ToC

After Calvin: Studies in the Development of a Theological Tradition  Buy  Pre  (2003)  288 pp.


Chapters in Books

‘Calvin’s Doctrine of Predestination’ from Christ & the Decree

“An ‘Immeasurably Superior’ Rhetoric: Biblical & Homiletical Oratory in Calvin’s Sermons on the History of Melchizedek and Abraham”  2014  17 pp.  This is also a chapter in ed. Muller, Biblical Interpretation and Doctrinal Formulation in the Reformed Tradition: Essays in Honor of James De Jong  Buy

‘Facing Poland: Calvin’s Polish Correspondence and the Geography of Reformation Europe’ in Learning from the Past: Essays on Reception, Catholicity & Dialogue in Honour of Anthony N. S. Lane  Buy

‘The Hermeneutic of Promise & Fulfillment in Calvin’s Exegesis of the Old Testament Prophecies of the Kingdom’  14 pp.  in ed. David C. Steinmetz, The Bible in the Sixteenth Century  Buy  (Duke Univ. Press, 1990), pp. 68-82

‘Scholasticism in Calvin: a Question of Relation & Disjunction’ 1997  18 pp.  in ed. Wilhelm Neuser & Brian Armstrong, Calvinius sincerioris religionis vindex: Calvin as Protector of the Purer Religion  Buy  pp. 247-265

‘Calvin, Beza & the Exegetical History of Romans 13′  1998  17 pp.  in ed. John B. Roney & Martin I. Klauber, The Identity of Geneva: The Christian Commonwealth, 1600-1900  Buy  pp. 39-56

Ordo docendi: Melanchthon & the Organization of Calvin’s Institutes, 1536-1543′  17 pp.  in ed. Karin Maag, Melanchthon in Europe: His Work & Influence beyond Wittenberg  Buy  (Paternoster & Baker, 1999), pp. 123-40

‘Demoting Calvin: the Issue of Calvin & the Reformed Tradition’  2011  14 pp.  in ed. Amy Burnett, John Calvin, Myth & Reality: Images and Impact of Geneva’s Reformer  Buy  pp. 3-17

Scimus enim quod lex spiritualis est [For we know that the Law is Spiritual]‘: Melancthon and Calvin on the Interpretation of Romans 7:14-23’  1997  21 pp.  in ed. Timothy Wengert & M. Patrick Graham, Philip Melancthon (1497-1560) and the Commentary, pp. 216-37  University of Sheffield Academic Press



‘Calvin’s “Argument du livre” (1541): An Erratum to the McNeill and Battles Institutes’  1998  4 pp.  in The Sixteenth Century Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1 (Spring, 1998), pp. 35-38  This can be read for free by creating a JSTOR account.

‘In the Light of Orthodoxy: The “Method and Disposition” of Calvin’s Institutio from the Perspective of Calvin’s Late-Sixteenth-Century Editors’  1997  26 pp.  in The Sixteenth Century Journal, Vol. 28, No. 4 (Winter, 1997), pp. 1203-1229  This can be read for free by creating a JSTOR account.

‘Directions in Current Calvin Research’  2001  8 pp.  in Religious Studies Review 27 (2001): 131-39

‘A Tale of Two Wills: Calvin and Amyraut on Ezekiel 18:23’  in Calvin Theological Journal 44 (2009): 211-25

‘The “Reception of Calvin” in Later Reformed Theology: Concluding Thoughts’   2011  19 pp. in Church History and Religious Culture, 91/1-2 (2011), pp. 255-274

‘The Foundation of Calvin’s Theology: Scripture as Revealing God’s Word’  1979  9 pp.  in Duke Divinity School Review 44 (1979): 14-23

‘Fides and Cognitio in Relation to the Problem of Intellect and Will in the Theology of John Calvin.’  1990  17  pp.  in Calvin Theological Journal 25 (1990): 207-24

‘The Starting Point of Calvin’s Theology: An Essay-Review’ Review of The Starting Point of Calvin’s Theology, by George H. Tavard, in Calvin Theological Journal 36 (2001): 314-41

‘Calvin on Sacramental Presence, in the Shadow of Marburg and Zurich’  in Lutheran Quarterly 23 (2009): 147-67

‘From Zürich Or From Wittenberg? An Examination of Calvin’s Early Eucharistic Thought’ in Calvin Theological Journal 45 (2010): 243-55



Reviewed Work: Opera Exegetica, vol. XVI: Commentarii in Pauli Epistolas ad Galatas, ad Ephesios, ad Philippenses, ad Colossenses. by Ioannis Calvini, Helmut Feld  1994  3 pp.

Reviewed Work: Calvinus Sacrae Scripturae Professor: Calvin As Confessor of Holy Scripture. by Wilhelm H. Neuser  1995  3 pp.

Reviewed Work: Grace and Gratitude: The Eucharistic Theology of John Calvin by Brian A. Gerrish  1995  3 pp.

Reviewed Work: Calvin’s Preaching by T. H. L. Parker  1994  2 pp.

Reviewed Work: Calvin and the Anabaptist Radicals by Willem Balke, William J. Heynen  1983  2 pp.

Reviewed Work: Calvin’s Doctrine of the Atonement by Robert A. Peterson  1984  2 pp.

Reviewed Works: Ezekiel, I. Chapters 1-12. Calvin’s Old Testament Commentaries. by John Calvin, D. Foxgrover, D. Martin; Daniel, I. Chapter 1-6. Calvin’s Old Testament Commentaries. by John Calvin, T. H. L. Parker  1995  2 pp.

Reviewed Work: Calvin and Classical Philosophy. by Charles Partee  1978  2 pp.

Reviewed Work: Rhetorique et theologie: Calvin, Le Commentaire de l’ÉEpître aux Romains by Benoit Girardin  1980  1 page

Reviewed Work: Calvin and the Reformation by William Park Armstrong  1981  1 page

Review of Calvin et la dynamique de la parole: etude de rhetorique reformee. by Olivier Millet   1993  3 pp.

Review of John Calvin on the Diaconate and Liturgical Almsgiving by Elsie McKee, in Zeitschrift fur Kirchengeschichte  98.1 (1987): 125-126

Review of Calvin and the Rhetoric of Piety, by Serene Jones, in Calvin Theological Journal 31.2 (1996): 582-583

Review of Calvin: An Introduction to His Thought, by T.H.L. Parker, in Calvin Theological Journal 31.2 (1996): 590-591

Review of Jesus Christ and Creation in the Theology of John Calvin, by Peter Wyatt, in Calvin Theological Journal 31.2 (1996): 618-620

Review of Jesus Christ in the Preaching of Calvin and Schleiermacher, by Dawn DeVries, in Calvin Theological Journal 31.2 (1996): 603-607

Review of The Knowledge of God in Calvin’s Theology, expanded ed., by Edward A. Dowey Jr., in Lutheran Quarterly, n.s., 10.2 (1996): 201-202

Review of The Legacy of John Calvin: Papers Presented at the Twelfth Colloquium of the Calvin Studies Society, ed. David Foxgrover, Calvin Theological Journal 36.2 (2001): 395

Review of ‘God calls us to His Service’: the Relation Between God and His Audience in Calvin’s Sermons on Acts, by Wilhelmus H.Th. Moehn, in Calvin Theological Journal 38.2 (2003): 396-397



Calvin & the Calvinists


After Calvin: Studies in the Development of a Theological Tradition  Buy  Pre  (2003)  288 pp.


Chapters in Books

‘John Calvin & Later Calvinism: the Identity of the Reformed Tradition’  19 pp.  in ed. David C. Steinmetz & David Bagchi, The Cambridge Companion to Reformation Theology  (2004), pp. 130-149

‘Reception & Response: Referencing & Understanding Calvin in Post-Reformation Calvinism’  19 pp.  in ed. Irena Backus & Philip Benedict, Calvin & His Influence, 1509-2009  (2011), pp. 182-201



‘Calvin & the Calvinists: Assessing Continuities & Discontinuities Between the Reformation and Orthodoxy’, Part I, Part II  1995/6  30 & 35 pp.  in Calvin Theological Journal 30 (1995): 345-75 & 31 (1996), pp. 125-60 and in After Calvin  Buy

‘The ‘Calvinists’ Respond to Calvin’, being a plenary address at the International Calvin Congress, Geneva, May, 2009



On Servetus


Reviewed Work: The Restoration of Christianity: An English Translation of the Christianismi restitutio 1553 by Michael Servetus, Christopher A. Hoffman, Marian Hillar  2009  2 pp.



On Philip Melancthon

Chapters in Books

Ordo docendi: Melanchthon & the Organization of Calvin’s Institutes, 1536-1543′  17 pp.  in ed. Karin Maag, Melanchthon in Europe: His Work & Influence beyond Wittenberg  Buy  (Paternoster & Baker, 1999), pp. 123-40

Scimus enim quod lex spiritualis est [For we know that the Law is Spiritual]‘: Melancthon and Calvin on the Interpretation of Romans 7:14-23’  1997  21 pp.  in ed. Timothy Wengert & M. Patrick Graham, Philip Melancthon (1497-1560) and the Commentary, pp. 216-37  University of Sheffield Academic Press



On Martin Bucer

Review of Martini Buceri Opera Latina, Volume 1 by Cornelis Augustijn, Pierre Fraenkel, Marc Lienhard  1984  2 pp.



On Heinrich Bullinger


Reviewed Work: Fountainhead of Federalism: Heinrich Bullinger and the Covenantal Tradition. With a translation of De testamento seu foedere Dei unico et aeterno (1534) by Charles S. McCoy, J. Wayne Baker, Heinrich Bullinger  1994  3 pp.



On Peter Martyr Vermigli


Peter Martyr Vermigli, 1499-1562: Renaissance Man, Reformation Master, by Mariano Di Gangi, in Calvin Theological Journal 30.1 (1995): 308-309



On John Knox


Reviewed Work: Theology & Revolution in the Scottish Reformation: Studies in the Thought of John Knox by Richard L. Greaves  1982  1 page



On Immanuel Tremellius

Review of From Judaism to Calvinism: the Life & Writings of Immanuel Tremellius (c. 1510-1580), by Kenneth Austin, in Religious Studies Review 35.4



On Joseph Hall

Chapter & Article

‘Joseph Hall—Rhetor, Theologian & Exegete: His Contribution to the History of Interpretation’  26 pp.  in Joseph Hall, Solomon’s Divine Arts, ed. Gerald T. Sheppard  in Pilgrim Classic Commentaries, vol. 4  Buy  (Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 1992), pp. 11-37

‘Joseph Hall (1574–1656): Toward Peace in the Church & a Reformed Via Media’  in Calvin Theological Journal, 53.1 (2018), pp. 9-31



On Theodore Beza

Chapter in a Book

‘The Use and Abuse of a Document: Beza’s Tabula Praedestinationis, the Bolsec Controversy, and the Origins of Reformed Orthodoxy’  1999  28 pp.  in ed. Carl R. Trueman & R. Scott ClarkProtestant Scholasticism: Essays in Reassessment  Buy  pp. 33-61

‘Calvin, Beza and the Exegetical History of Romans 13′  1998  17 pp.  in ed. John B. Roney & Martin I. Klauber, The Identity of Geneva: The Christian Commonwealth, 1600-1900  Buy  pp. 39-56

‘Theodore Beza: His Life, Work, and Contribution to the Reformed Tradition’  2001  11 pp.  in ed. Carter Lindberg, The Reformation Theologians: An Introduction to Theology in the Early Modern Period  Buy  pp. 213-224



‘Found (No Thanks to Theodore Beza): One ‘Decretal’ Theology’  in Calvin Theological Journal 32 (1997): 145-51



Reviewed Work: Correspondance de Théodore de Bèze, Vol. 17, 1576, Vol. 18, 1577 by Hippolyte Aubert, Alain Dufour, Beatrice Nicollier, Reinhard Bodenmann, Théodore de Bèze  1997  2 pp.  in Church History 66.1 (1997): 116-117



On James Arminius & Arminianism


God, Creation & Providence in the Thought of Jacob Arminius: Sources & Directions of Scholastic Protestantism in the Era of Early Orthodoxy  (Baker, 1991)  309 pp.  ToC


Chapters in Books

‘God, Predestination & the Integrity of the Created Order: A Note on Patterns in Arminius’ Theology’  1994  15 pp.  in Later Calvinism International Perspectives, 431-46  Buy

‘Grace, Election & Contingent Choice: Arminius’s Gambit & the Reformed Response’  (1995)  27 pp.  in ed. Thomas Schreiner & Bruce Ware, The Grace of God, the Bondage of the Will, vol. 2, Historical and Theological Perspectives on Calvinism  Buy  pp. 251-278



‘Consecrated Through Suffering: The Office of Christ in the Theology of Jacob Arminius’  2013?  34 pp.

‘The Christological Problem in the Thought of Jacobus Arminius’  1988  18 pp.  This can be read for free by setting up a JSTOR account

‘The Federal Motif in Seventeenth Century Arminian Theology’  1982  20 pp.  in Nederlands archief voor kerkgeschiedenis 62 (1982): 102-22  This can be read for free by creating a JSTOR account

‘The Priority of the Intellect in the Soteriology of Jacob Arminius’  Pay to Read  $5 a month  1993  17 pp.  in The Westminster Theological Journal55 (1993), pp. 55-72

‘Bibliographia Arminiana: A Comprehensive, Annotated Bibliography Of The Works Of Arminius’  Pay to Read  $30  2009  27 pp.  Co-authored with Keith Stanglin, in Arminius, Arminianism, and Europe, pp. 263-90

‘Arminius And The Reformed Tradition’  Pay to Read  $5 a month  2008  29 pp.  in Westminster Theological Journal 70 (2008): 19-48

‘Arminius and the Scholastic Tradition’  1989  14 pp.  in Calvin Theological Journal 24 (1989): 263-77



Review of Carl Bangs, Arminius: A Study in the Dutch Reformation, 2nd ed. (Grand Rapids: Zondervan/Francis Asbury, 1985)  Pay to Read  $30  2 pp.



On the Canons of Dort

‘The Canons of Dort’ Forum 20.1 (Winter 2013), pp. 11-12



On John Cameron


Divine Covenants, Absolute and Conditional:  John Cameron and the Early Orthodox Development of Reformed Covenant Theology  (2006)  46 pp.

‘Dating John Davenant’s De Gallicana controversia sententia in the Context of Debate over John Cameron: A Correction’  (2015)  12 pp.



On William Ames

Chapter in a Book

‘Calvinist Thomism Revisited: William Ames (1576-1633) & the Divine Ideas’  in From Rome to Zurich—Between Ignatius & Vermigli: Essays in Honor of John Patrick Donnelly, S.J. (2017), pp. 103-20


Video Lecture

Calvinist Thomism Revisited: William Ames (1576-1633) & the Divine Ideas  (2015)  74 min.



On Johann Alsted


Review of Johann Heinrich Alsted, 1588-1638: Between Renaissance, Reformation, & Universal Reform, by Howard Hotson, in Calvin Theological Journal 36.2 (2001), pp. 399-400



On Moses Amyraut

Chapters from Books

‘Beyond Hypothetical Universalism: Moise Amyraut (1596-1664) on Faith, Reason & Ethics’  in The Theology of the French Reformed Churches Buy  (2014), pp. 197-216

“An examination of the broader work of Moise Amyraut that looks at works and areas of thought that were highly valued among his Reformed contemporaries, as distinct from his more controversial work.”

‘Richard Muller on Amyraut’  selections from Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2003), 1:79-80



‘A Tale of Two Wills: Calvin & Amyraut on Ezekiel 18:23’  in Calvin Theological Journal 44 (2009), pp. 211-25



On William Perkins


Christ & the Decree: Christology and Predestination in Reformed Theology from Calvin to Perkins  Buy  (2008)  256 pp.



‘William Perkins and the Protestant Exegetical Tradition: Interpretation, Style and Method in the Commentary on Hebrews 11′  1991  23 pp.  in William Perkins, A Cloud of Faithful Witnesses: Commentary on Hebrews 11ed. Gerald T. Sheppard, Pilgrim Classic Commentaries, vol. 3  Buy  pp. 71-94

‘Perkins’ A Golden Chaine: Predestinarian System or Schematized Ordo Salutis?’  1978  12 pp.  in Sixteenth Century Journal 9 (1978): 69-81  This can be read for free by creating a JSTOR account.

Reviewed Work: Ramism in William Perkins’ Theology by Donald K. McKim  1989  2 pp.



On John Davenant


‘A Davenant Bibliography in Chronological Order’  n.d.  9 pp.



On Westminster Confession, ch. 1

Chapters in Books

‘The “Whole Counsel of God”:  Scripture, Exegesis, and Doctrine in the English Annotations & the Westminster Confession’  2007  82 pp.  in Scripture and Worship: Biblical Interpretation and the Directory for Worship  Buy

”The Only Way of Man’s Salvation’: Scripture in the Westminster Confession’  1996  19 pp.  in ed. John Leith, Calvin Studies VIII: the Westminster Confession in Current Thought, pp. 14-33  Colloquium on Calvin Studies, Davidson College



On Johannes Cocceius


Review of The Federal Theology of Johannes Cocceius (1603-1669), by Willem J. van Asselt, trans. Raymond A. Blacketer, in Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 57.2 (2003): 164-165



On John Owen

Review of Trinitarian Spirituality: John Owen & the Doctrine of God in Western Devotion, by Brian Kay, in Journal of Ecclesiastical History 60.2 (2009), pp. 395-96



On Francis Turretin


‘Scholasticism Protestant and Catholic: Francis Turretin on the Object and Principles of Theology’  1986  12 pp.  in Church History 55 (1986): 193-205  This can be read for free by opening an account with JSTOR.

‘Jonathan Edwards and Francis Turretin on Necessity, Contingency, and Freedom of Will. In Response to Paul Helm’  2014  19 pp.



Review of Institutes of Elenctic Theology, vol. 2, Eleventh through Seventeenth Topics, by Francis Turretin, trans. George Giger, ed. James Dennison Jr., in Calvin Theological Journal  29.2 (1994): 614-615



The 1700’s  (see the section on John Gill below also)

Chapters in Books

‘The Rational Defense & Exposition of Christianity: Thomas Blackwell and Scottish Orthodoxy in the Early 18th Century’  2015  22 pp.  in Reformed Orthodoxy in Scotland: Essays on Scottish Theology 1560-1775  Buy

‘Philip Doddridge & the Formulation of Calvinistic Theology in an Era of Rationalism and Deconfessionalization’  2010  19 pp.  in Religion, Politics and Dissent, 1660-1832  Buy  pp. 65-84



Reviewed Work: The Historical Argument for the Resurrection of Jesus during the Deist Controversy by William Lane Craig  1988  2 pp.  in Church History  27.3 (Sep. 1988): 397-380

Reviewed Work: The Religion of the Heart: A Study of European Religious Life in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries by Ted A. Campbell  1993  2 pp.

Review of The Systematic Theology of John Brown of Haddington, by John Brown, introduction by Joel R. Beeke & Randall Pederson, in Calvin Theological Journal 38.2 (2003): 362-364


1700’s Musicians, Reviews

Review of The Calov Bible of J.S. Bach, by Johann Sebastian Bach, ed. Howard Cox  Consensus 14.1 (1988): 116-118

Review of Mozart: Traces of Transcendence, by Hans Kung, trans. by John Bowden, in Consensus 21.2 (1995): 129-130



On John Gill

Chapter in a Book

‘John Gill and the Reformed Tradition: a Study in the Reception of Protestant Orthodoxy in the Eighteenth Century’  Pre  1997  18 pp.  in The Life and Thought of John Gill (1697-1771): a Tercentennial Appreciation  Buy



‘The Spirit and the Covenant: John Gill’s Critique of the Pactum Salutis‘  1981  11 pp.  in Foundations 24 (1981): 4-14



Review of The Collected Writings of John Gill [CD-Rom], by John Gill, in Calvin Theological Journal 38.2 (2003): 380-381



On Friedrich Schleiermacher

Chapter in a Book

‘The Christological Problem as Addressed By Friedrich Schleiermacher: A Dogmatic Query’  in ed. Marguerite Shuster & Richard Muller, Perspectives on Christology: Essays in Honor of Paul K. Jewett  Buy  (Zondervan, 1991), pp. 141-64



On Karl Barth & Neo-Orthodoxy


‘What I Haven’t Learned From Barth’  1987  2 pp.  in Reformed Journal 37 (1987): 16-18

‘Directions in the Study of Barth’s Christology’  Pay to Read  $5 a month  1986  in Westminster Theological Journal  48.1 (Spring 1986): 119 ff.

‘Karl Barth and the Path of Theology Into the Twentieth Century: Historical Observations’  Pay to Read  $5 a month  1989  in Westminster Theological Journal 51 (1989): 25-50

‘The Barth Legacy: New Athanasius Or Origen Redivivus? A Response to T F. Torrance.’ Read Through a Library  1990  31 pp.  in The Thomist 54 (1990): 673-704.  To read this work one must have access to ProQuest through a subscribed library.



‘The Place and Importance of Karl Barth in the Twentieth Century: A Review Essay’  Review of How Karl Barth Changed My Mind, ed. Donald McKim; Karl Barth, A Theological Legacy, by Eberhard Jungel, trans. Garrettt Paul; Theology Beyond Christendom: Essays on the Centenary of the Birth of Karl Barth, May 10, 1886, ed. John Thompson; and The Way of Theology in Karl Barth: Essays and Comments, ed. H. Martin Rumscheidt  Pay to Read  $5 a month  1988  29 pp.  in Westminster Theological Journal 50.1 (1988): 127-156

‘Barth’s “Göttingen Dogmatics (1924-26)”: A Review and Assessment of Volume One’  Pay to Read  $5 a month  1994 in Westminster Theological Journal  56.1  (Spring 1994): 115 ff.

‘Sins of Omission,’ Review of Karl Barth, a Theological Legacy, by Eberhard Jungel, trans. Garrett Paul, in Reformed Journal 37.10 (1987): 28, 30-31

Review of A Theology of Word and Spirit: Authority and Method in Theology, by Donald Bloesch, in Calvin Theological Journal  29.1 (1994): 307



Reformed Theology in America


Review of Reformed Theology in America: A History of its Modern Development by David F. Wells  (1987)  3 pp.




Reference Works



Dictionary of Latin & Greek Theological Terms: Drawn Principally from Protestant Scholastic Theology  Buy  1st ed.  (Baker, 1985)  338 pp.  Index (in English)  The 2nd ed. is rev. and expanded, especially with more philosophical terms.

Church History: An Introduction to Research Methods & Resources  Buy  2nd ed., 2016  336 pp.  Co-authored with James Bradley.

The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Theology, 1600-1800  Buy  2016  688 pp.


Chapters in Books

‘Biblical Interpretation in the 16th & 17th Centuries’  29 pp.  in ed. McKim, Historical Handbook of Major Biblical Interpreters  Buy  (IVP, 1998)

This gives a comprehensive listing and description of the major Bible commentators and their works during the 1500’s and 1600’s.



‘A Davenant Bibliography in Chronological Order’  n.d.  9 pp.

‘Bibliographia Arminiana: A Comprehensive, Annotated Bibliography Of The Works Of Arminius’  Pay to Read  $30  2009  27 pp.  Co-authored with Keith Stanglin, in Arminius, Arminianism, and Europe, pp. 263-90



Review of Martini Buceri Opera Latina, Volume 1 by Cornelis Augustijn, Pierre Fraenkel, Marc Lienhard  1984  2 pp.

Review of: The Early Church: An Annotated Bibliography of Literature in English, by Thomas Robinson, in Calvin Theological Journal 31.2 (1996): 623

Review of Who’s Who in Theology: From the First Century to the Present, by John Bowden, in Calvin Theological Journal 29.1 (1994):308

Review of A Scripture Index to the Works of St. Augustine in English Translation, by James W. Wiles, in Calvin Theological Journal 31.1 (1996): 301-302




Resources for Muller’s Writings


Bibliographies of Muller’s Works

Muller, Richard – Curriculum Vitae  n.d.  6 pp.

Clark, R. Scott – ‘Bibliography of Works by Richard Muller’

The bibliograpy is chronologically arranged and is current through 2012.

Fields, Paul & Andrew McGinnis – ‘Bibliography of the Works of Richard A. Muller’ Pay  Pre  (see p. 766 ff.)  2013  28 pp.  in ed. Ballor, Sytsma, Zuidema – Church & School in Early Modern Protestantism: Studies in Honor of Richard A. Muller on the Maturation of a Theological Tradition  Buy  (2013)  800 pp.

The bibliography is current through 2013.  The book is ridiculously expensive.


Collected Articles of Muller

Muller’s Page

Articles by Richard Muller  15 articles at Galaxie Software Electronic Publishing.

Richard Muller’s Articles at Brill  9 articles which cost $30+ to read

Richard Muller’s Articles at JSTOR  about 40+ articles for free (with conditions)




Related to Richard Muller


Festschrift for Muller

ed. Ballor, Sytsma, Zuidema – Church & School in Early Modern Protestantism: Studies in Honor of Richard A. Muller on the Maturation of a Theological Tradition  Buy  Pre  (2013)  800 pp.


Assessment of Muller’s Main Thesis

Klauber, Martin – ‘Continuity and Discontinuity in Post-Reformation Reformed Theology: an Evaluation of the Muller Thesis’  1990  8 pp.  in Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 33 (1990): 467-75


Reviews of Muller’s Books


van Dixhoorn, Chad B. – Reviewed Work: Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics: The Rise and Development of Reformed Orthodoxy, c. 1520 to c. 1725 by Richard A. Muller  2007  5 pp.  This can be read for free by setting up a JSTOR account.

Maclean, Iain S. – Reviewed Work: Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics: The Rise and Development of Reformed Orthodoxy, ca. 1520-1725 by Richard A. Muller  2005  3 pp.  This can be read for free by setting up a JSTOR account.

Klauber, Martin – Reviewed Work: Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics Volume 2: The Doctrine of Scripture. by Richard A. Muller  1994  2 pp.

Kelley, Douglas – A Rehabilitation of Scholasticism?  A Review Article on Richard A. Muller’s Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics, vol. 1, Prolegomena to Theology  n.d.  11 pp.


God, Creation & Providence in the Though of Jacob Arminius

Bangs, Carl – Reviewed Work: God, Creation, and Providence in the Thought of Jacob Arminius: Sources and Directions of Scholastic Protestantism in the Era of Early Orthodoxy by Richard A. Muller  1997  3 pp.  This can be read for free by setting up a JSTOR account.


The Unaccommodated Calvin

Lane, Anthony N. S. – Reviewed Work: The Unaccommodated Calvin. Studies in the Foundation of a Theological Tradition. (Oxford Studies in Historical Theology.) by Richard A. Muller  2004  4 pp.  This can be read for free by setting up a JSTOR account.

Taylor, Larissa – Reviewed Work: The Unaccommodated Calvin: Studies in the Foundation of a Theological Tradition by Richard A. Muller  2001  2 pp.

Sunshine, Glenn – Reviewed Work: The Unaccommodated Calvin: Studies in the Foundation of a Theological Tradition by Richard A. Muller  2001  2 pp.

Kingdon, Robert – Reviewed Work: The Unaccommodated Calvin: Studies in the Foundation of a Theological Tradition by Richard A. Muller  2001  3 pp.

Selderhuis, Herman – Reviewed Work: The Unaccommodated Calvin: Studies in the Foundation of a Theological Tradition by Richard A. Muller  2001  2 pp.


After Calvin

Balserak, John – Reviewed Work: After Calvin: Studies in the Development of a Theological Tradition by Richard A. Muller  2004  3 pp.

Sunshine, Glenn – Reviewed Work: After Calvin: Studies in the Development of a Theological Tradition by Richard A. Muller  2005  2 pp.


Biblical Interpretation in the Era of the Reformation

McKim, Donald – Reviewed Work: Biblical Interpretation in the Era of the Reformation: Essays Presented to David C. Steinmetz in Honor of His Sixtieth Birthday. by Richard A. Muller, John L. Thompson  (1998)  4 pp.

McKee, Elsie – Reviewed Work: Biblical Interpretation in the Era of the Reformation: Essays Presented to David C. Steinmetz in Honor of His Sixtieth Birthday by Richard A. Muller, John L. Thompson  1999  2 pp.


Christ & the Decree

Armstrong, Brian – Reviewed Work: Christ and the Decree: Christology and Predestination in Reformed Theology from Calvin to Perkins by Richard A. Muller  1989  2 pp.

Reid, W. Stanford – Reviewed Work: Christ and the Decree: Christology and Predestination in Reformed Theology from Calvin to Perkins. by Richard A. Muller  1988  1 page


Church History: an Introduction to Research, Reference Works and Method

Fritze, Ronald – Reviewed Work: Church History: An Introduction to Research, Reference Works, and Methods. by James E. Bradley, Richard A. Muller  1996  3 pp.  Note that this is on the first edition, the 2nd edition is significantly updated.

Lehmann, Helmut – Reviewed Work: Church History: An Introduction to Research, Reference Works and Methods by James E. Bradley, Richard A. Muller  1997  2 pp.




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