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This site is growing weekly, but books are being added to the internet daily!

Suggest authors that you would like to see made available.  Better yet, send over an exhaustive list of links to their books!  If you would like to submit longer lists, bibliographies, recommended reading lists, or anything that the form below is inconvenient for, just ask for our email.

All other suggestions and feedback are welcome as well.




This site is maintained by Travis Fentiman.

Fentiman earned an MDiv. from Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and works as a nurse.  He is a member of a reformed church and resides with his wife and three children in Vermont, USA.  He desires to spend his life bringing people to Christ and nurturing His Bride, the Church.


R. Andrew Myers is a Regular Contributor.

Mr. Myers is a member of the RPCNA, a paralegal by profession, and lives in Virginia with his wife and five precious children.  He served as an editor for the Matthew Poole Project for six years and keeps a very interesting and edifying blog related to church history and devotional material entitled, Virginia is for Huguenots.