

Order of Contents

Anthologies  4
Christologies  16+
Biblical Christologies  5




Christology is the study of Christ, and a Christology is simply a volume giving some systematic survey of theological issues pertaining to Christ.  The genera, at least in the name, is modern; hence the lack of older works on this page.

Unfortunately there are not many contemporary, reformed, monographs on Christology.  While the evangelical works below are not always reliable, yet they can be helpful.

The older genera about Christ went under the notion of works on the Person and Work, or Office(s), of Christ.  See there for recommended, solid, reformed works (especailly advanced ones).  The best intermediate level Christology on this page is by the reformed minister Mark Jones, Knowing Christ  (BoT, 2015)  265 pp.  ToC.

The anthologies below are particularly helpful for getting a selection of readings from throughout Church history.  For historical theology on this subject, see ‘Historical Theology’ on our page, On the Person of Christ.




The Whole of Church History

eds. Astley, Jeff, David Brown & Ann Loades  – Christology: Key Readings in Christian Thought  Pre  (Westminster John Knox Press, 2009)  ToC  The publisher is liberal.


Early & Medieval Church

eds. Hardy, Edward Rochie & Cyril Richardson – Christology of the Later Fathers  in The Library of Christian Classics, no. 3  (Westminster Press, 1954)  400 pp.  ToC  This has readings from Athanasius to the 6th Ecumenical Council.

Ed. Norris, Richard A. – The Christological Controversy  in Sources of Early Christian Thought  (Fortress Press, 1980)  162 pp.  ToC  This goes up to the Council of Chalcedon.

eds. Carmody, James & Thomas Clarke – Word & Redeemer: Christology in the Fathers  (Paulist Press)  140 pp.  ToC  The publisher and editors are Romanist.  This goes up to John of Damascus.





Schaff, Philip – 1st pt. of Christ & Christianity: Studies on Christology, Creeds & Confessions…  (Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1885), pp. 23-123  ToC

Schaff (1819–1893) was a Swiss-born, German-educated protestant theologian and ecclesiastical historian, who spent most of his adult life living and teaching in the United States.

Stalker, James – The Christology of Jesus, being his Teaching concerning Himself according to the Synoptic Gospels  (A.C. Armstrong & Son, 1899)  305 pp.  ToC

Stalker (1848-1927) was a reformed minister in the United Free Church of Scotland and a prolific author.



Ramm, Bernard L. – An Evangelical Christology:  Ecumenic & Historic  (Thomas Nelson, 1985)  235 pp.  ToC

Ramm (1916-1992) was a baptist theologian and apologist within the broad evangelical tradition.  He wrote prolifically on topics concerned with biblical hermeneutics, religion and science, Christology, and apologetics. Here is a review of this work.

Runia, Klaas – The Present-Day Christological Debate  (IVP, 1984)  125 pp.  ToC

Runia (1926– 2006) was a Dutch theologian, churchman and journalist.  He did his doctorate on Karl Barth.  In 1956 he was appointed Professor of Systematic theology at the Reformed Theological College in Geelong, Australia.  During his time in Australia he exerted much influence on evangelical Christians.  In 1971 he was appointed Professor of Practical Theology at the Kampen Theological University.  During his professorship he was regarded as a leader of the orthodox wing of the Dutch Reformed Church (Gereformeerde Kerken van Nederland), now the Protestant Church in the Netherlands.

Webster, Douglas D. – A Passion for Christ: an Evangelical Christology  (1987; Regent College Publishing, 2001)  221 pp.  ToC



Treier, Daniel J. – Christology  in New Studies in Dogmatics  (Zondervan)

Treier (b. 1972) has been a professor of theology at Wheaton College.  “…my theological commitments are evangelical and eclectic, very broadly in the Reformed tradition.  My scholarship focuses generally on evangelical systematic theology…” – Wheaton

Horton, Michael S. – Lord & Servant: a Covenant Christology  (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2005)  290 pp.  ToC

eds. Sanders, Fred & Claus Issler – Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective: an Introductory Christology  Pre  (B&H Academic, 2007)  ToC  Foreward Gerald Bray

Sanders identifies as a Wesleyan.  This book has some helpful things in it, however:

Ch. 2 argues for Social Trinitarianism, that the the Godhead has three centers of consciousness, which is nascent Tritheism.

Ch. 3 promotes the Christiology of the early Church father Cyril, who, though he was orthodox in most of what he had to say, yet nonetheless taught miaphysitism (a-nature-ism), an ancient heresy.

Ch. 4 advocates for Christ having only one mind, which mind is divine and eternal.  This is contrary to the early Chuch councils, that Christ has a human as well as a divine mind, and is the ancient heresy of Apollinarism.

Ch. 5, on the Atonement, is by Bruce Ware, who is a hypothetical universalist.

* Jones, Mark – Knowing Christ  (Banner of Truth, 2015)  265 pp.  ToC

Highly recommended, intermediate-level work which is engaging and orthodox.  Jones is a reformed pastor who has been in the PCA.

* Pawl, Timothy – In Defense of Conciliar Christology: a Philosophical Essay  in Oxford Studies in Analytic Theology  (Oxford Univ. Press, 2016)  245 pp.  ToC

This is a very technical work.

Duby, Stephen J. – Jesus & the God of Classical Theism: Biblical Christology in Light of the Doctrine of God  Ref  Buy  (Baker Academic, 2022)  464 pp.

Duby is a professor of theology at Phoenix seminary.  A special interest of his research is the theology of Thomas Aquinas and post-Reformation and modern protestant theology.





Weidner, Revere Franklin – Christology, or the Doctrine of the Person of Christ, Outline Notes based on Luthardt  (Chicago: Wartburg Publishing House, 1913)  222 pp.  ToC





Pohle, Joseph –  Christology: a Dogmatic Treatise on the Incarnation  trans. Joseph Pohle  2nd ed.  (St. Louis: B. Herder, 1913)  320 pp.  ToC

Pohle was a major Romanist theologian.

O’Collins, Gerald – Christology: a Biblical, Historical & Systematic Study of Jesus  2nd ed.  Pre  (1995; Oxford Univ. Press, 2009)  ToC

O’Collins is a Jesuit professor of theology.



Oakes, Edward T. – Infinity Dwindled to Infancy: a Catholic & Evangelical Christology  Pre  (Eerdmans, 2011)  459 pp.  ToC

McMahon, Christopher – Understanding Jesus: Christology from Emmaus to Today  Ref  Buy  (Anselm Academic, 2013)  250 pp.

McMahon is a Romanist professor of theology.

“…moves with ease through biblical material, Christological councils, and contemporary debates, and it even addresses the issues of religious pluralism and Christology–all while maintaining a faith-friendly perspective…  Sidebars, charts, reflection questions, suggestions for further reader, and a glossary…” – Bookflap




Bonhoeffer, Dietrich – Christology  (Collines, 1966)  130 pp.  ToC

Neo-orthodoxy is highly not recommended; this is here for historical purposes.



Biblical Christologies

Old Testament


Hengstenberg, Ernst W. – The Christology of the Old Testament, & Commentary on the Messianic Predictions, vols. 1 (Gen-Josh, 2 Sam, Psalms, Song, Hos, Joel, Amos, Oba, Jon, Mic), 2 (Isa, Zeph, Jer), 3 (Eze, Dan, Hag, Zech 1-10), 4 (Zech 11-14, Mal, Appendices)  (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1861)  ToC 1234

Only messianic passages are commented on by this conservative Lutheran scholar.  This is the classic work in this field.

**  ‘This great work deals with a most vital theme in a masterly manner; it has always been held in high esteem.  We confess, however, that we can only read it as a task, for the dry scholastic style repels us, and it seems to us that in answering a number of skeptical doctors, whose opinions are ridiculous, the author has made much ado about nothing.’ – Spurgeon


New Testament

Marshall, I. Howard – The Origins of New Testament Christology  (Apollos, 1990)  140 pp.  ToC

Marshall (1934–2015) was a Scottish New Testament scholar who identified as an evangelical methodist.


On Paul’s Christology


Rostron, S. Nowell – The Christology of St. Paul, Hulsean Prize Essay…  (London, Roxburghe House, 1912)  270 pp.  ToC

Rostron (1883–1948) was a Church of England clergyman, academic and professor at the London College of Divinity.



Fee, Gordon – Pauline Christology: an Exegetical-Theological Study  Ref  Buy  (Baker, 2013)  740 pp.

Fee is in the Pentecostal tradition (which distinctives are erroneous).

Tilling, Chris – Paul’s Divine Christology  Pre  (Eerdmans, 2012)  ToC

Tillilng is a lecturer in New Testament Studies at St Mellitus College, which is Anglican.




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