Polemical Theologies & on Controversies

For a bishop [elder] must be…  the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry…  sober…  temperate…  Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.  For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers…  whose mouths must be stopped…  that they may be sound in the faith.”

Titus 1:7-11

“And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him.”

1 Kings 18:21




Polemical, elenctic or controversial theology is aimed at, and organized by refuting errors, false doctrines, sects, heresies and false religions with Scripture and the light of nature.  ‘Polemic’ and ‘elenctic’ come from Greek words meaning ‘war’ and ‘refutative’ respectively.




Heresiographies, Surveys of Sects & Religions, & on Heresies & Error

Atheism                                        Separatism & Brownism
Islam                                             Antinomianism
Judaism                                        Erastianism
Socinianism                                  Voluntaryism
Romanism                                    Ecclesiocracy
Greek & Eastern Orthodoxy         Prelacy & Episcopacy
Lutheranism                                  Congregationalism & Independency
Arminianism                                  Hyper-Preterism
Libertines                                      Anabaptism



Order of Contents


Polemical Theologies  7+
Systematics Emphasizing Polemics  8+
Controversies  4
Polemical Theologian  1


Polemical Theologies  18+
Systematics Emphasizing Polemics  16+
Commentaries Emphasizing Polemics  2
Controversies  8+
Polemical Theologian  2

French  1
Biblio  1



Handbooks of Polemical Theology


Rutherford, Samuel – A Survey of the Spiritual Antichrist, Opening the Secrets of Familism & Antinomianism in the Antichristian Doctrine of John Saltmarsh & William Del, the Present Preachers of the Army now in England, & of Robert Town, Tobias Crisp, H. Denne, Eaton & Others: in which is Revealed the Rise & Spring of Antinomians, Familists, Libertines, Swencfeldians, Enthusiasts, etc., the Mind of Luther, a Most Professed Opposer of Antinomians, is Cleared & Diverse Considerable Points of the Law & the Gospel are Discovered, in Two Parts  (1648)  IA

The first half of the book is on the history and rise of Antinomians and Familists.  The second half is a survey and refutation of Antinomianism.

Lyford, William – The Instructed Christian, or the Plain Man’s Senses Exercised to Discern Both Good and Evil, being a discovery of the Errors, Heresies, and Blasphemies of these Times, and the Toleration of them…  †1653  350 pp.

Dickson, David – Truth’s Victory Over Error: or the True Principles of the Christian Religion  Buy  1662, being the first positive commentary on the Westminster Confession.  It is polemical in nature.

Rijssen, Leonard – A Complete Summary of Elenctic Theology & of as Much Didactic Theology as is Necessary  trans. J. Wesley White  MTh thesis  (Bern, 1676; GPTS, 2009)  316 pp.  with an Introduction by White

Turretin, Francis – Institutes of Elenctic Theology, vol. 12, 3  tr. George M. Giger, ed. James Dennison Jr.  (1679–1685; P&R, 1992)  ToC 12, 3

Turretin (1623–1687) was a Genevan-Italian, reformed, scholastic theologian.



Thornwell, James, H. – Collected Writings, vol. 3, ‘Theological & Controversial  Buy  (1871)

This volume takes up the Rationalist and Papal controversies.

Girardeau, John L.

Calvinism & Evangelical Arminianism  Buy  HTML, 1890  584 pp.

This book covers the gamut of the breadth of soteriology.

Discussions of Philosophical Questions  1900  532 pp.

A modern title to this book would be “Conflict of Worldviews”.  This work and the below work contain much of Girardeau’s writings on systematic issues.  Many in his day desired him to write a systematic theology, but it did not happen.

Discussions of Theological Questions  Buy  534 pp.



Various – The Fundamentals, 4 vols.  Buy  1909

This was the foundational work of fundamentalism as a counter-response to the growing liberalism of the day.  These volumes were intended to be a systematic defense of Christianity against liberal errors.  It includes 100 articles authored by leading scholars including B. B. Warfield, James Orr, G. Campbell Morgan, Charles Erdman, H. C. G. Moule, and Bishop Ryle.  This set is solid.  It does not contain the numerous distinctive weaknesses that fundamentalism would later develop.



Systematic Theologies that Emphasize Polemics


Calvin, John – Institutes of the Christian Religion, vols. 123  Buy  (1559)  tr. Henry Beveridge  ToC



Trelcatius, Jr., Lucas – A Brief Institution of the Common Places of Sacred Divinity, Wherein, the Truth of Every Place is Proved, and the Sophisms of Bellarmine are Reproved  2nd ed.  (1610)  595 pp.

Trelcatius Jr. (1573-1607) was a professor of theology at Leiden.  Robert Bellarmine was a prominent Roman Catholic apologist.

Leigh, Edward – A System or Body of Divinity… wherein the Fundamentals & Main Grounds of Religion are Opened, the contrary Errors Refuted, most of the Controversies Between us, the Papists, Arminians & Socinians Discussed & Handled  (London, 1654)

van Mastricht, Peter – Theoretical-Practical Theology  (RHB)



à Brakel, Wilhelmus – The Christian’s Reasonable Service, in which Divine Truths concerning the Covenant of Grace are Expounded, Defended Against Opposing Parties…, vols. 1234  Buy  1700, translated by Bartel Elshout

de Moor, Bernard – Continuous Commentary on John Marck’s Didactic-Elenctic Compendium of Christian Theology  Buy  (1761- 1772)

Only the first five chapters, in five volumes, are presently (2023) available in English translation, but look for further volumes in the future.  As portions are translated, excerpts are being put up at the blog.  The table of contents to the whole has been translated on the page, Reformed Systematic Theologies in Latin, 1651-1700’s.

De Moor “maintained the fundamental line of confessional orthodoxy without drawing heavily on any of the newer philosophies…  [and he] maintained a fairly centrist Reformed position… Vitringa and De Moor served as codifiers and bibliographers of the earlier tradition, the former from a federalist, the latter from a nonfederalist perspective.  Indeed, De Moor’s efforts did for later Reformed orthodoxy what the massive system of Quenstedt did for Lutheranism in the concluding years of the seventeenth century: the work was so exhaustive and so complete in detail and bibliography that it virtually ended the development of Reformed doctrine in the form of orthodox system.” – Richard Muller



Hodge, Charles – Systematic Theology, vol. 1 (Theology), 2 (Anthropology), 3 (Soteriology & Eschatology)  Buy  (1872-4)

Dabney, Robert L. – [Systematic Theology] Syllabus & Notes of the Course of Systematic & Polemic Theology Taught in Union Theological Seminary, Virginia  Buy  (1878)  915 pp.  ToC



Berkhof, Louis – Systematic Theology  Buy  784 pp.

This is a classic, brief, one volume systematic theology.  It was originally intended to be an abbreviated summary of the thought of Bavinck’s four volume Reformed Dogmatics.  The online link does not include Berkhof’s introduction to systematic theology, though the copy for purchase linked does.

Henry, Carl – God, Revelation & Authority, 6 vols.  Buy  1976-1983

Henry was an influential evangelical of the mid-1900’s and professor of theology at Fuller Theological Seminary.  His work is massive, philosophical and something of a bedrock in its field.  While not a complete systematic theology, it is a more than complete defense of the doctrine of God and revelation.



On Controversies


Dury, John – pp. 4-18  of pt. 1 of A Case of Conscience Concerning Ministers Meddling with State Matters in, or out of, their Sermons…  (London, 1649)

Burgess, Anthony – ‘On Vain Disputing’  (1652) 13 pp.  being an excerpt from Sermon 2 and the whole of Sermon 51 from his Spiritual Refining, in modern English

Burgess (†1664), one of the Westminster divines, shows the unprofitbleness of vain disputes in religion that edify none, but only pine away the soul as the lean kine of Pharaoh’s Egypt, at the expense of living grace in the soul.




Werenfels, Samuel – A Discourse of Logomachus [Word-Fighting]: or Controversies about Words, so Common Among Learned Men…  (1711)  236 pp.  ToC


How to Manage Controversies


Baxter, Richard – pp. 283-87  in Sermon 11, ‘The Cure of Melancholy & Overmuch Sorrow by Faith & Physic’  in A Continuation of Morning-Exercise Questions & Cases of Conscience Practicaly Resolved by Sundry Ministers in October, 1682  ed. Samuel Annesley  (London: Dunton, 1683)


Use of Sarcasm

Thomas Hall

Vindiciæ literarum, The Schools Guarded…  (1655), Rhetorica Sacra, or a Synopsis of the most material Tropes and Figures contained in the Sacred Scriptures, pp. 167-69

“IRONIA: ironic, taunting speeches may lawfully be used, as occasion serves.

(1) God himself used them in Genesis 3:22. “The man is become as one of us” – as one of the Trinity, whereby God declares his great disdain of their affectation of an impossible preeminence in being like to God, which is to say: “By his sin he is become most unlike to us. See how well Satan hath performed his promise to man, is not he become like one of us? And hath not he gained a goodly measure of knowledge, both of good and evil?”

So Judges 10:14. “Go, cry to the gods which ye have chosen.”  It is an ironic upbraiding them for their idolatry, which they found so comfortless, in their greatest need, their idols being no way able to deliver them.

So in Isaiah 14:4, 8-9, God himself teaches his people to deride the proud King of Babylon.

(2) Christ used it in Matthew 26:45: “sleep on,” which is to say: “Go to now, sleep on, take your rest if ye can, behold a perilous time is at hand, wherein ye shall have little list or leisure to sleep.”

(3) Elijah used it to the worshippers of Baal in 1 Kings 18:27. He mocks them, and bids them cry aloud to their drowsy or busy god, peradventure their Baal was asleep, or in a journey, etc.

So Micaiah bids Ahab “go up and prosper,” which is to say: “go up and perish,” 1 Kings 22.15.

So Job (17:2) taunts at his false friends, in an ironic expression: “No doubt but ye are the people, and wisdom shall die with you, which is to say:  “In your own conceit, there are no men in the world but you. No doubt but reason hath left us, and is given wholly unto you; yea wisdom is so tied to your persons, that her conservation and mine depends on yours.”

So Amos 4:4-5: “Come to Bethel, and transgress at Gilgal, multiply transgressions,” etc., which is to say:  “Since by no means ye will be reclaimed, but are desperately set on sin; go on, and fill up the measure of your sin.”

Thus Solomon, without any breach of charity, or stain of holiness, checks the young man’s folly [by saying in] Ecclesiastes 11:9: “Rejoice O young man, etc. but know,” etc.  By an ironic concession, he bids him rejoice and take his pleasure, etc., and then marries all with a stinging but, in the end.

So Paul with a holy scoff, derides the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 4.8, 10: “ye are full, ye are rich, you reign as kings,” etc. “we are fools, ye are wise,” etc. “we are nothing, you are all.” Etc.

(Ironica est concessio, exprimens Corinthiorum de seipsis corruptam opinionem. Aretius)”



On the Polemical Theologian

Witsius, Herman – ‘The Character of the Genuine Theologian’  tr. Archibald Alexander  in The Biblical Repertory & Theological Review  (April, 1832), pp. 158-170

The original Latin of the title was, ‘Theologus Modestus [Moderate, Temperate]…’





Polemical Article


Vitringa, Campegius – Controversial Theses upon Doctrine of the Christian Religion, Pt. 1  (Franeker: Halmam, 1701)  8 pp.  11 theses with 3 more appended theses

Vitringa was Dutch reformed and here affirms or denies theses in the name of the reformed, contra her opponents.



Polemical Theologies


Beza, Theodore – Theological Tracts, in which many of the Doctrines of the Christian Religion are Restored to Whole and Defended from the Word of God Against the Heretical Sects of our Times, vol. 123  (Geneva, 1570)  ToC 1, 2, 3  Indices: Subject 1, 2, 3  Scripture 1, 2, 3

Beza (1519-1605)

Table of Contents

Vol. 1

To the Reader

1. A Confession of the Christian Faith, & a Collation of the Same with Papal Heresies  1  Subject Index

1. Trinity  1
2. God the Father  1
3. Jesus Christ the only Son of God  2
4. Holy Spirit  6
5. Church  32
6. Last Judgment  55
7. Brief Antitheses between the Papacy & Christianity  56-79

2. Another Brief Confession of Faith, with the Same Method as Above  80

3. That Heretics Ought to be Punished by the Civil Magistrate, against the Mishmash of Martin Bell & the Sect of the New Academics  85

Servetus the Heretic  85
The three parts of this tract  87
Refutation of Bellius’s dividion of heretics  88
Of hypocrites & schismatics  89
How many kinds of heretics  91
Origin, definition & duties of the Magistrate out of philosophers’ books    91
Same out of books of Scripture  92
Two cities: one of God, another of the Devil  92
Twofold right of the city of God, i.e. the Church  92
Ecclesiastical & civil jurisdictions  92
Human laws, divine law  93

1st Part: Whether heretics are to be punished?  94

Martin Luther on  94
Brentz, Erasmus, Calvin, Lactantius  95
Chrysostom, Jerome, Augustine, Hilary  96
1st Argument [of an Adversary]  96
2nd Argument  103
3rd & 4th Arguments  108
5th Argument, from the Authority of Gamaliel  109
6th Argument, from the Authority of Paul  109
7th Argument, from the Description of Love  110
8th Argument, that Christians ought to be Mild & Merciful  110
9th Argument  112
10th Argument  114
11th Argument  117
12th Argument  117

1st Argument [of a different adversary]  119
2nd Argument  121
3rd Argument, from the Example of Christ & the Apostles  122
4th Argument, because the World is not able to Judge of Heresy  124
5th Argument, because many Princes Abuse their Power  125
6th Argument, from the Authority of the Ancient Church  126

Whether to Punish Heretics with Capital Punishment is Prohibited to a Magistrate?  128

Arguments of an Adversay Answered

1st Argument, from the Parable of the Tares  128
2nd Argument, that it is not allowed to Magistrates to Kill the Soul  133
3rd Argument, from the Parable of the Tares, from the Judgment of the Academies  135
4th Argument, for then the Greatest Part of Men would be Killed  136
5th Argument, because Paul does not Command to Kill, but to Avoid Heretics, & He Desires the Jews to be Anathematized  138
6th Argument, because Paul Prohibits Anyone to Judge before the Time  139
7th Argument, because the Fear of Death Makes Hypocrites  139
8th Argument  140
9th Argument, from the Authority of the Ancient Church  141

Confirmation of the Question Put Forth  142

That Heretics are to be Punished  143
1. Heretics are able by Law to be Punished by the Citizenry, even the Magistrate  143
2. From the Authority of the Word of God  145
3. From the Perpetual Custom of the Foreign Nations  147
4. From the Consensus of the Recent Doctors of the Church  148

Beza quotes and/or references Luther, Melanchthon, Urbanus, the German Church, Brentius, Bucer, Capito, Bullinger, Musculus & the Genevan Church.

Heretics, further, have occassionally been coerced to capital punishment  150

Further Arguments

1. From the Gravity of the Crime of a Heretic  151
2. From the Authority of the Word of God  153

Beza discusses numerous Mosaic laws, the abrogation of the Law, the Decalogue, ceremonies, how the Judicial Law differs from the Decalogue, how the Judicial & Ceremonial laws differ, how far the Judicial Law is not abrogated, etc.

Examples of the New Testament  161

Beza responds to 9 arguments of an opponent (numbered in the margins)

Examples of Ecclesiastical History  167

Conclusion of the Whole Disputation  167

Block quote from Bullinger, Decades, Sermon 8  167-8

4. A Sum of the Whole of Christianity, or a Description & Distribution of the Causes of the Salvation of the Elect & of the Destruction of Reprobates, Collected & Explicated out of the Sacred Writings  170

Table 170

ch. 1, That the question on the eternal predestination of God is neither curious, nor is it of small necessity in the Church of God  171

ch. 2, Of the eternal counsel of God in itself hidden, that yet at length it is known by its effects  171  7 aphorisms

ch. 3, Of the execution of the eternal counsel in that which is common to the elect and reprobate  177  6 aphorisms

ch. 4, Wherein the order of the causes the Lord manifests his election in, and in a certain respect brings about the way, will be opened  180  13 aphorisms

ch. 5, Wherein the order the Lord executes the counsel of reprobation and manifests the thing itself is begun  190  7 aphorisms

ch. 6, Of the last and full execution of the counsel of God in both the elect and reprobate  194  5 aphorisms

ch. 7, In what way this doctrine may be able to be publicly and profitably set forth  197

ch. 8, In what way persons may be able to apply this whole doctrine to themselves with some fruit  199  5 aphorisms

5. A Sum of Doctrine on a Sacramental Thing  206

On Christ:

1. Of the Person of Christ  206
2. Of the Office of Christ
3. Of the Gifts which are Conferred to the Elect from Christ
4. In what way Christ with his gifts is laid hold of by us

On a Sacrament

1. For what purpose and to what end have the sacraments been instituted?  207

2. From where is the efficacy of the sacraments?  207

3. What is the formal cause of the sacraments?

4. What is the power of this formal cause?

5. What is the material of the sacraments?

6. In what way is the thing conjoined with the sign?  208

7. What is to be judged of these formulas, ‘The body of the Lord is in, with, or under the bread,’ or ‘next to the bread’ and if indeed there are others of another kind

8. What is to be made of this formula, ‘Christ is present bodily, really and substantially in the Supper’

9. What is to be thought of this formula, ‘Christ is present and distributed in the Supper in an incomprehensible way  209

10. In what way is the reality [res] of the sacrament communicated to us?

11. In what way is the sense in these sayings to be admitted: ‘To chew the body of the Lord’ & ‘To drink his blood’ and like things

12. In what way are those words to be explained, ‘This is my body’ and ‘This is my blood’

13. Who are the unfaithful  210

Conclusion  210

6. A Plain & Perspicuous Tract on the Lord’s Supper, in which the Calumnies of Joachim Westphal [a Lutheran] are Refelled  211

7. Cyclops, A Dialogue on the True Communication of the Body & Blood of the Lord, against the Fabrications of Tilemann Heshusen [a Lutheran]  259

8. A Purging of the Calumnies which have been Spattered on the Genevan Church by Tilemann Heshusen [a Lutheran]  312

9. A Response to the Calumnies of Sebastian Castellio which Endeavor to Subvert the Sole Foundation of our Salvation, that is, the Eternal Predestination of God  337

10. A Response to the Defenses & Reprehensions of Sebastian Castellio which Defend his Interpretation of the New Testament Against Beza & in Turn Tries to Reprehend his Version  425

11. A Response to the Arguments of Johannes Brent & the Theses of Jacob Andreae [who were Lutherans] which seek to Confirm the Omnipresence of the Body of Christ, that is, [a Response] against the Renewed Errors of Nestorius & Eutyches  507

[Nestorius (386-450) held, to simplify, that Christ was two persons.  Eutyches (c. 380-c. 456) held that Christ had one mixed nature.]

12. Of the Hypostatic Union in Christ of the Two Natures, an Assertion Against Jacob Andreae  625

13. Homoiousias: of the Unity of the Divine Essence & the Three Personal Subsistences in it Against the Arians, an Epistle…  646

14. [21] Theses or Axioms on the Trinity of Persons & the Unity of Essence out of the Lectures of Theodore Beza  651

15. Some Variously Numbered Psalms of David Expressed: a Specimen of the Whole Future Work if the Lord so Provides  654

[Includes Ps. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 15, 18, 19, 22, 24, 34, 36, 37, poetic preface to 51, 51, 52, 104, 118, 130, 136, 137, 138, 148]

16. A Short Book of Christian Questions & Responses, in which the Principal Heads of the Christian Religion are Propounded  669


vol. 2

1. Of Polygamy & Divorces  1

Of Polygamy 1
.    Of the Other Kind of Polygamy  8
.    Out of the Synod of Neo-Caesariana  60
.    Out of the Synod of Laodicea  60

2. Of Repudiations & Divorces  64

Of Divorces  105-37

3. A Council Ought to be Constituted for the Peace of the Christian Churches:  To the Sacred, Majestic, Caesar & Established Congregations of the Roman Empire of Augustus  138

4. A Defense of the Sacramental Conjunction of the Body & Blood of Christ with the Sacred Symbols Against the Most False Demonstrations of Matthew Flacius Illyricus & the Apology of the Same  152

Demonstrations of Illyricus with Responses by Beza

1st  152
2nd  155
3rd  157
4th  159
[Sic] 5th  167
7th & 8th  174
9th  176
10th  177
11th  178
12th  180
13th  181
14th  182
15th  189
16th  199
17th  201
18th, 19th & 20th  206
21st  209
22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th  214
26th  241
27th  247
28th  249
29th & 30th  251-57

5. A Defense to the Libel of the Sorbonne Pseudo-Theologian, F. Claude de Xainctes, to which has been given the title, ‘An Examination of the Calvinian & Bezan Doctrine of the Lord’s Supper, Collected out of the Writings of the Same Authors’  257  [No subdivisions]

6. A Response to the Railings of Friedrich Balduin [a Lutheran] of Ecebol, the Apostate  287

7. Another Defense to the Response of Francis Claude of Xainctes  334

To the Magnificent & Honored Lords, the Lord Consul & Senate of Bern  382

Psalms 11 & 23  405

8. A Brief & Necessary Response to the Calumnies of Dr. Nikolaus Selnecker [a Lutheran] & the Theologians of Jena [Germany]  407  [No subdivisions]

9. A Modest & Christian Defense to the Abusive & Virulent Response of Dr. Nikolaus Selnecker  423

Dedication  423
The Defense  428

On the First Head of the Cause, that is, on the Place of Peter, that one ought to Lay Hold of Christ in Heaven  431

To the 2nd & 3rd Part of the Response of Selnecker, of which one is on the Ascension of Christ, the other on the Ubiquity of the Same  437

To that which is Called the Defense of Selnecker  449

10. The Third Defense to the Crying of Nikolaus Selnecker  453

Of the Person of Christ  455-80

Subject Index

The Continuous Judgment of Cyril [from the Gospel of John] on the Communication & Enlivening Power of the Body of Christ, Explicated out of the Writings of the Same & Other Fathers, by the Author Christian Hessiandro  1  [No subdivisions]

The Diallacticon of a Good & Learned Man, on the Truth, Nature & Substance of the Body & Blood of Christ in the Eucharist  31

To All Christians  32
The Diallacticon  33-65


vol. 3

Dedicatory Epistle

1. The Third Response to Francis Claude of Sainctes  1

1. On the Things of the Eucharstic Controversy  1
2. From Where One Ought to Seek an Explanation of the Institution of the Eucharist  2
3.  4
4.  5
5.  6
6.  10
7.  11
8.  17
9.  31
10.  In No Way is our Judgment in Expounding the Words of Christ Absurd  43-53

2. A Defense to the Acts of the Assembly of 15 Theologians having been recently held at Torgau [Germany]  53

The Lutheran assembly had condemned 20 propositions as false which were aimed at the Reformed view; Beza responds to each in turn.  Then (p. 64) Beza answers 16 questions about the Supper.

To the Brief Confession or Affirming Part (so-called)  67

Beza responds to each of the 10 paragraphs of their brief confession about the Supper in turn.

3. A Mild & Christian Dispute with Dr. Johann Pappus [a Lutheran], a Doctor of the Church of Strassburg [Germany], on the Hypostatic Union of the Two Natures in Christ & its Effects  74  (1574)

Arguments of Beza with Responses Following

1.  74
2.  76
3.  77
4.  78
5.  79
6.  81
7-9  83
10.  84
11.  86
[sic] 13.  91
14.  92
15-16  93
17-19.  94
20.  95
21-22.  96
23-24.  97
25-26.  98-101

4. A Response for the Truth for the Body of Christ Against the Fiction of Ubiquity & the Clamor of William Holder  101

Pseudo-Truths  110
Of Falsehoods  118
Of Calumnies  121

5. A Response to Some Rotten Calumnies of Jacob Andreae [a Lutheran], Partly Recently Fabricated & Partly Repeated from Elsewhere  124

Theses of Andrea with Response by Beza

1.  124
2-3.  125
4-5.  126
6-8.  127
9-10.  128
11-12.  129
13-15.  130
16-21.  131-2

6. A Tract on the Visible Marks of the True Catholic Church  132  [No subdivisions]

7. A Response on the Lord’s Supper against the Dogmas of Jodoc Harch of Montens  148

Beza gives an introduction and then gives block quotes from Harch’s work, with page references, till p. 161.  The Beza responds under these subheadings:

Of the Signs in the Lord’s Supper  161
Of the Things Sacramentally Signified in the Lord’s Supper  161
Of the Analogy of the Signs & the Thing Signified  162
Of the Conjunction or Copulation of the Signs & the Things Sacramentally Signified in the Lord’s Supper  162
On the Perceiving of the Signs & Things Signified in the Lord’s Supper  162
Of the Effects of the Lord’s Supper  162
On the Way & Rule of Administering the Lord’s Supper  164-86

8. A Book of Theological Epistles  186

Dedication  186
Epistles  187

10  215
20  227
30  244
40  251
50  261
60  273
70  284
80-84  290-309

9. Two Homilies Against the Errors of the Sacramentarians for the True Presence of Christ in the Lord’s Supper  309  (1574)

1st Homily  309
2nd Homily  314

10. Another Part of Questions & Responses, which is on the Sacraments  324

To the Christian Reader  324
ToC  324

1-3  On the Sacraments in General & on the Term ‘Sacrament’
.         328
4-12  The Fundamentals of the Definition of Sacraments  329
13-16  The Definition of Sacrament for the Sign  331
17-18  The Definition of the Sacrament for the Whole Mystical
.         Action  332
19-40  An Exposition of the Particular Definition of the
.         Sacraments  332
41-52  On the Conjunction of the Signs & the Things Signified
.         in the Sacraments  333
53-68  Of the Perception of the Signs & the Things Signified
.         334
69-76  A Collation of the Old & New Sacraments  337
77-86  Of the Sacramental Forms of Speaking  339
87  Of the Number of the Christian Sacraments  341
88-89  Of Baptism  341
90-91  Of External Baptism  342
92-100  Of the Things Signified in Baptism  342
101  Of the Antiype in Baptism  343
102-113  An Analytical Tract on Baptism  343
114-160  Various Questions on Baptism  344
[sic] 162-167  Of the Lord’s Supper & the Various Names of it
.         351
168-202  Of the Lord’s Supper Itself  352
203-237  On the Explication of the Words, ‘This is my Body’ &
.         ‘This is my Blood’  356
238-249  Various Questions on the Lord’s Supper  363

11. The Life of John Calvin Accurately Described  365  The years are in the margins.

The Testament of John Calvin  383
A Catalogue of Books Written by John Calvin  388

12. A Short Book of Theodore the Presbyter of Rhaithu Against Some Heresies Now & Formerly Opposing the Hypostatic Union of the Two Natures in Christ, now set forth First in Greek & Made into Latin [in Parallel Columns] by Theodore Beza of Vezel, to which is Adjoined a Collation of the Same Heresies with the Recently Agitated Controversies on the Same Thing  390

Theodore of Raithu (fl. late 6th or early 7th century) was a Christian theologian, considered the last of the Neo-Chalcedonians.  The book translated here is Προπαρασκευή, The Preparation, also sometimes known as Basic Indoctrination.

Intro  390
The Opinion of Mani  391
The Opinion of Paul of Samosota  391
The Opinion of Apollinarius  391
The Opinion of Theodore of Mopsuestia  392
The Opinion of Nestorius  392
The Opinion of Eutyches  392

The [True] Definition of the Church [about Christ]  393
An Explication of the Definition  393

The Opinion of Julian  396
The Opinion of Severus & the Definition of the Church  396-8

To the Reader  398
A Sum [Collation] of the Orthodox Doctrine on the Two Natures in Christ by the Hypostatic Union [by Beza]  399-401

13. A Most Complete Tract on the Doctrine & True Use of Predestination, out of Lectures of Theodore Beza on the 9th Chapter of the Letter to the Romans  402

Prolegomena  402
A Table  403
In What Way God may use the Will of Man?  407
Of the Fall of the Angels & the First Men  410
On Romans 9 [verse by verse]  413
On the Use of the Doctrine of Predestination that Pertains to Ministers of the Word of God & Others Judging of Others  436

Theses on Justification  437
Theses on Predestination  438
Theses on the Particular Application of Predestination to the Elect…  439
Theses on the Application of the Doctrine of Reprobation to the Reprobate  439

To the Christian Reader  440
Excertps from The Bondage of the Will by Luther  440




Voet, Gisbert – A Syllabus of Theological Problems, which, for the Needed Thing to be Proposed or Pressed, are Accustomed to be Used in Private & Public Exercises of Disputations, Examinations, Gatherings & Consultations…  First Part  (Utrecht, 1643)  530 pages  No page numbers  Abbreviations  No further parts are online.

Part 1, Of Theology,
Containing what Ought to be Believed

1st Section, The Precognitions, End, Principle & Subject of Theology, even God, with his External Common Works & their Opposites

Tract 1, Of the Precognitions & Principles of Theology

I. Of Theology

1. Natural Theology
2. Supernatural Theology

Creedal Theology [Not found]
Scholastic Theology [Mixed in with the Above]

II. Of the Chief Good or of Blessedness

Controversies of the 1st Kind
Controversies of the 2nd Kind
.      The Ultimate End of Man in Common
.      The Formal Rule of Blessedness
.      The Object & Requisites
.      The Attainment of Blessedness,
.      The Adjuncts, Cognates & Opposites

III. Of the Principles of Christian Dogmas

1. Divinity & Authority of Scripture

Controversies with Outsiders, from Faith
With Papists & Other of the Heterodox
of the Second Kind

2. The Necessity of Scripture
3. The Canonical & Apocryphal Books
.        Appendix: Apostles’ Creed
.        On the Use & Abuse of the Apocryphal Books
4. Integrity & Perfection of Scripture
5. Traditions
6. Perspicuity of Scripture
7. Reading of Sacred Scripture
8. The Authentic Edition & Translation
.         Appendix on Sacred Criticism
9. The Real Interpretation & Sense
10. The Judge of Controversies
.         On the [Pontifical] Circle
11. The Fathers & Ecclesiastical Writings

Tract 2, On God, the Names & Attributes of God, the Trinity of Persons & the Immanent Decrees or Actions of God

I. Of the Nature of God

1. Existence & Nature [Quidditate] of God, Whether there may be a God?
.        What is God?
2. Names of God in General & Specific
3. Attributes of God in General
4. Attributes of God in Specific

1st Kind

(1) Unity of God
(2) Primacy
(3) Simplicity
(4) Perfection
(5) Infinity
(6) Immensity
(7) Eternity
(8) Invisibility & Incomprehensibility
(9) Immutability

2nd Kind

(1) Intellect or Knowledge [Scientia] of God
.        Appendix: Of Ideas in God
(2) Will of God
(3) Grace of God
(4) Mercy of God
(5) Righteousness of God
.        Appendix: On the Right of God
(6) Veracity of God
.        Appendix: Of Falsity
(7) Power of God
(8) Goodness of God
(9) Love of God
Appendix: Hatred & Wrath of God
(10) Patience of God
(11) Majesty of God
(12) Glory of God
(13) Life of God
(14) Blessedness of God

II. Of the Trinity in General

1. Of the Equality, Mutual Relation & Order of Persons & Personal Notions, likewise of the Ways of SpeakingCorollaries
2. Of the Divine Relations [Not explicitly subtitled]
3. Of the Divine Notions, Powers & Notional Acts in General
4. Of the Procession & Origin of the Divine Persons
5. Of the Notional Acts, where is in specific of the Generating Power
6. Of the Giving & Mission of the Divine Persons; in Specific:

(1) Of the Person of the Father
(2) Of the Person of the Son
(3) Of the Person of the Holy Spirit

[Sic] V. Of the Decrees or the Immanent Actions of God

Tract 3, Of the External Works of God: Creation, of Angels, , Conservation, Providence, the Image of God, etc.

I. Of Creation & the Works of the Six Days

1. Creation in General
2. The Creature in General
3. The World
4. The Works of the 1st Day

Of Heaven
Appendix of Philosophical Questions
Of the Land
Of the Light of the First Day
Further Philosophical Questions
On Privation [in mostly Philosophical Matters]

5. The Works of the 2nd Day
6. The Works of the 3rd Day

The Land, the Dry Land Especially

Appendix: Questions of Physics & Geography:

On Water
On Floods
On Plants
On Physics
On Fossils
On Hell
On Paradise [Relating to Eden]

7. The Works of the 4th Day

On Stars (Philosophical, More Theological)
On Planets (Physical & Astronomical, including the Sun & Moon)
On the Effects & Consequences of the Stars
On Motion
On Daylight & Light, & Phases or Appearances from there Arising
Of Heat
On Occult Influences
On Time

8. The Works of the 5th Day

On Animals in General
On Fish & Birds

9. The Works of the 6th Day

Of Land Animals
Of Man in General
Of the Body
Of the Spirit
Of the Union of the Soul to the Body

Philsoophial Questions:
.     On the Powers or Faculties of the Soul
.     On the Intellect, or the Human Mind
.     On the Conscience
.     On Appetite in General
.     On Sensation
.     Of the Will
.     Of the Principles of Existance, or of the
.           Rise of Man
.     Of the Generation of Man
.     Of the Proper Adjuncts & Effects of Man, which they are accustomed to attribute to the account of the soul, the body or the total composite

II. Of Angels

1. Of the Angels in General

Whether Angels may Exist & were Created?
What they Are
Of What Qualities are they on Account of their Properties?
Of What Qualities are they on Account of their Intellect? & its Mode & Object
Of the Will
On Account of their Affections, Power, Actions & Adjuncts

2. Of the Good Angels in Specific
.        Intellect, Will, Power, Actions & Adjuncts

(1) Of the Guardianship of Angels
(2) Of the Order of the Angels & Heavenly Hierarchy
(3) Containing Cases about Interactions with Good Angels

3. Of Evil Angels
.         Species & Object, Intellect, Will & Affections
.         Power & Actions

(1) Of Spectres, & Antidotes to Them
(2) Of the Possessed [Energumenis]
.      Practical-Moral Problems
.      Practical-Ascetic Problems
.      Political, Medical-Theological
.      Textual, Historical
.       From Novelties of Historical Churches
(3) Of the Divisions & Orders of Demons
(4) Cases & Counsels about the Nature, Qualities & Operations of Evil Angels

III. Of the Conservation & Providence of God

1. Of Providence in General
2. Of Providence in Specific: of Conservation
.      Of Annihilation
3. Of Providence Strictly So-Called, or of Governance
.      The Object of it
.      Acts of Providence: of Premotion & Concursus
.              The Mode of Operating
.              About Rational Creatures
.              About Man (Animal & Civil Life, Eternal Life, Marriage, Public Things, Wars)
.              Physical Acts Before & After Conversion
.              Moral Acts around Salvation
.              About Irrational Creatures
.              An Indirect Act, or of Permission
.              Further are these

[Sic] 5. Of Adjuncts & Consequences of Providence
.              Of Necessity & Contingency
.              Of Chance, Fortune & Fate
.              Of the Use & Practice of this Doctrine

Appendix: Containing a Threefold Table, in which is the Form of an Antidote Against Any Tables of Calumnies of the Adversaries

First Table, Exhibiting the False Judgments or Opinions of Papists, Remonstrants, Socinians & Anabaptists…

1. Of the Children of Covenanted Parents being Damned if they are not indeed Baptized

2. Of the Inclination of Man to Evil Before the Fall

3. Of Mortality, Not being the Punishment of Sin

4. Of the Damnation of Innocent Men, the Power of which Not a Few Scholastics Give to God, even by this Distinction, that this Damnation does not Hold on this Occassion on Account of Punishment

5. On the Providence of God & of Uncertain Knowledge [Scientia], & of More Than Stoic Fate, Because it is in No Way Permitted to God to Establish Liberty

6. Of the Annihilation of the Body & the Mortality of the Soul

7. On Sanctification: the Catechism of the Remonstrants, #46, says, ‘From God being constituted the Author of Salvation, it is impossible for those which are knowing eternal life & are believing in Jesus, all which obey Him & are not able otherwise to evade eternal damnation, etc., all studiously seeking this way, not to come to obtaining eternal life.’

8. [It is impossible] for God not to receive in grace at the end of life the penitent sinner and the one desiring grace.

9. [?] That God may so lead the will and judge the sin and not so much the sinner, that the punishment has been divinely imposed, even imputed to Himself

10. That those truly faithful, if one does sin, and that in person insofar as he does, and while he does it, yet it may be of the Devil. Jacob Batelier in Accur. Exam., p. 43

11. That there is no hope, no certainty of salvation, except which is founded in the foregoing practice of piety.  Poppius in Angusta so thinks in The Consolation of the Sick, p. 426

The Second Table, Exhibiting the Hard Sayings & Phrases & Less than Fitting Distinctions of the Papists, Remonstrants & Lutherans

The Third Table, Exhibiting the True Judgments of the Papists, Lutherans & Remonstrants

1. On Original Sin & the Enslaved Will
2. On the Efficacy & Necessity of Grace in Conversion
3. On Putting Away Works from Justification & of the Right to Eternal Life
4. Of the Certainty of Salvation
5. Of Imperfection in this Life
6. Of Providence
7. Of Predestination & Reprobation
8. Of the State of Infants
9. Of the Foreknowledge of God & the Necessity of Consequence
10. Of the Efficacy of the Providence of God in Evil

IV. Of the Image of God, the Fall, Free Choice, etc.

1. Of the State of Integrity

(1) Of the Image of God Absolutely
(2) Of the Image of God in the Subject

(i) in Christ
(ii) in the Angels
(iii) in Man

(3) In Which Things the Image of God Consists

(i) Nature
(ii) Rectitude, or Supernatural Gifts
(iii) Dominion
(iv) Immortality

[Sic] (5) A Consideration of the Image of God in Man according to the Various States

(i) Image of God in Man Considered as far as the State of Innocence

(ii) First Man Considered Apart from Righteousness

(iii) Of the Powers of Man Apart from Righteousness

(iv) Of the Powers of Man Considered with Righteousness

(v) Whether the Image may have been in the Intellect?

(vi) Of the Dominion of Adam

(vii) Of Gifts


Of the Condition of the Progeny to be Born as far as the State of Innocence

Of the Image of God in Man After the Fall in the State of Destitution & Restitution Considered

Of the Image of God in Inferior Creatures

Tract 4, Of the Misery of Man, or of the State of Sin

I. Of the Fall of Adam

Of the Cause of the Fall
In which the Fall Consisted
Of the Greatness & Weight
Of Other Adjuncts, of the Necessity & Possibility
Of the Effects & Consequences

II. Of Enslaved & Free Choice

III. Of Sin

1. Of Sin in General

Of Evil
Of the Nature of Sin
Of the Subject of Sin
Of the Causes of Sin (General, Internal, External)
Of the Adjuncts of Sin
Of the Effects & Consequences of Sin
Of the Dividing of Sin

2. Of Original Sin

Whether it may be? & What it is?
Of the Subject
Of the Causes & the Propagation
Of the Adjuncts & Effects

3. Of Actual Sin

Of the Distinctions of Actual Sin in General
The Distinctions in Specific; of Participating in Sin
Of the Use of Spiritual Ones
Of the Sin of Omission
Of Reigning Sin
Of Spiritual Sin
Of the Sin of Ignorance, Contra the Consicence, & of Malice
Of Sin Contra Nature
Of Clamorous Sins
On Internal & External Sin, & that of the Mouth & of Work
Of Sins of Induration & Security

Of the Sin Against the Holy Spirit
.        Nature, Subject & Object
.        Causes, Adjuncts, Division
Of Backsliding Sin, or of Spiritual Backsliding


(1) Of Venial Sin
(2) Of the Seven Deadly [Capitalibus] Sins

IV. Of the Punishments of Sins in General

1. Of Punishment in General

Subject, Object, Causes
End, Adjuncts & Effects
Opposites: Remission
.     Of Change & Mitigation

2. Of the Punishments & All General, Direct Evils in Specific
.      In this Life
.      After this Life (See below on the 4 Last Things)


(1) Of Vanity & Human Misery
.       Inward
.       Outward, or of the Body
(2) Of the Infelicity & Dishonor of the Impious
(3) Of the Cross of the Pious
(4) Of the Persecution of the Church (See Below in the Tract on the Church)
(5) Of the Judgments of God

3. Of Indirect Punishments

2nd Section, Of Redemption

Tract 1, Of the Works of Redemption, or of God the Redeemer in General

I. Of Redemption & God the Redeemer

II. Of Predestination

1. Of Predestination in General
2. Of Election
.      Appendix: On the Book of Life
3. On Reprobation

III. Of the Covenants & the Gospel, & its Comparison with the Law

1. Of the Covenants in General
2. Of the Law, or the Covenant of Works
.        Of the End

3. Of the Covenant of Grace
4. Of the Dispensation of the New Covenant in the Old Testament from Adam to Christ, Exhibited

Of the Old Testament, General Questions
Of the Mode of the Dispensation from Abraham unto Moses
Exhibited from Moses unto Christ

5. Of the Mode of the Dispensation of the New Covenant after Christ, Exhibited, or of the Gospel

1-2 Commandments
3-7 Commandments
8 & 10 Commandments

Appendix: On the Title of the Covenants: of the Divine Promises

Tract 2, Of the Person, Offices & States of Christ the Mediator

I. Of the Person of Christ the Mediator

1. Of the Assumption & Union of the Human Nature

Of the Person Assuming
Of the Human Nature Assumed
Of the Mode of the Assumption, as far as the
.      Order
Of the Conception & Bearing
Of the Incarnation
Of the Hypostatic Union
Of the Birth & Nativity
Of Mary the Mother of Christ
Of the Circumstances of the Nativity of Christ
Of the Concomitants, Antecedents &
.      Especially of the Magi
Of the Star of the Magi

2. On the Consequences & Effects of the Union

Of Christ, Theanthropos
Of the Communication of Properties
Of Those Things which are Convenient to Christ by Reason of the Human Nature

Of the Knowledge [Scientia] of Christ &
.      his Ignorance
Of the Power of the Soul of Christ
Of the Defects of the Body
Of the Defects of the Soul
On the Will of Christ

Of Those Things which are Convenient to Christ by Reason of the Union: Of the Subjection & Obedience of Christ

II. Of the Offices of Christ the Mediator

1. Of the Mediator & the Office of the Mediator in
.       General
2. Of the Prophetic Office
3. Of the Priestly Office

Of the Presupposed Condition of the Priestly Office, which is on the Obedience of Christ to the Law

Of the First Part, or of the Act: The Sacrifice of the Priestly Office, even the Full Satisfaction & Expiation

Of the Second Part of Christ the Priest, even Intercession

Appendix: On Melchizedek

4. Of the Kingship of Christ
.          Of Christ the Judge

III. Of the States of Christ the Mediator

1. Of the Humiliation

Of his Life [Conversatione]
Of the Temptation
Of his Sufferings in General
Of Just Before the Passion, & of the Agony of
.      Christ
Of the Prayer in Agony
Of the Death of Christ
Of the Piercing of the Side of Christ
Of the Killers of Christ
Of the Cross
Of the Swooning of Mary
Of the Burial
Of the Descent to Inferos

2. Of the State of Exaltation

In General
Of the Transfiguration
Of the Resurrection
Of the Ascension of Christ
Of the Session at the Right Hand of the
.      Father

Appendix: On the Collation of the Types of Christ with its Archetype

Of the First Adam with Christ
Of Melchizedek with Christ (See the Appendix to the Priesthood)
Of Moses with Christ
Of David with Christ
Of Solomon with Christ
On the Messiah Contra the Jews
What Sort the Messiah would be
Whether the Messiah may have Come?
Whether Christ may be that Messiah?

Tract 3, Of the Effect of Christ the Mediator, that is, of Salvation, or of the Accomplishment & Application of Salvation

I. Of the Accomplishment of Salvation

1. Of the Obedience, Satisfaction & Merit of Christ

Of the Types of the Satisfaction of Christ

On the End to Which of the Satisfaction & Merit (including Sufficiency & Efficiency)

2. Of Human Satisfactions (with many absurd questions, including about Purgatory, Intercessions for the Dead, Indulgences, Release from Purgatory, Vows, Things Vowed & Pilgrimages)

II. Of the Application of Salvation, or of the Applied Grace of God in General

1. Grace
.      Of the Division & Cause of Grace
2. The Subject & Antecedents of the Application, that is, of the State of the Elect before Conversion
.       Some Problems More Hypothetical
3. The Salvation of Infants

Of Any & All Infants
Of Infants of Infidels
Of Infants of the Faithful in General
Of Elect Infants of the Faithful
Of Infants of the Faithful Dying Before the
.      Use of Reason
Absurd & Inept Questions of Papists

Appendix: Of Retards, the Insane & the Deaf

4. Of Calling, Regeneration & Conversion

Of Calling
Of Regeneration
.      Essence & Cause
.      Adjuncts & Effects
Of Regeneration in the Second Moment, or of
.      the Actual Conversion of a Sinner

Appendix: Of the Perfection of Regeneration Following & of the Perfection of Sanctification in Death or After Death

5. Of Repentance, Penance, etc.

Appendix: Absurd, Inept & Curious Questions of the Papists
.      On Penance in General
.      On the Sacrament of Penance (& as it is
.             Virtue & of its Effect)

6. Faith

On the Origin of Faith
Of the Form or Essence of Faith
Of the Receiving Subject of Faith
.      What, or of Those Having Faith
.      By Which
Of the Occupying Subject of Faith, or of the
.      Object
Of the Properties & Effects of Faith
Of the Perseverance of Faith & of the Saints
Of the Acts of Faith (Internal & External, or of
.      Confession)
Of the Effects & Opposites of Faith

7. Union & Communion with Christ
8. Reconciliation & the Remission of Sins
9 . Justification

As to the Term
Of Justification in General
Of the Causes of Justification
Of the Active & Passive Righteousness of
.       Christ
Of the Distinction of Justification into Active &
.       Passive

10. Adoption
11. Sanctification
12. Of the Dignity, Liberty, Glory & the Privileges of the Sons of God
.        In General
.        In Specific, in the New Testament After the
.                Appearing of Christ

Tract 4, Of the Church

I. Of the Church

1. Of the Church in General

Of its Definition & Nature
Of the Cause & Subject, or Material of the
.        Church
Of the Adjuncts & Properties
Of the Divisions or Distinctions of the Church

2. The Head of the Church, the Roman Pope & The Antichrist

Of Christ the Sole Head of the Church, & of
.       the Roman Pope
Of The Antichrist

3. Of the Visible Church & its Marks
.         Appendix: Of the Parts & Members of the
.               Visible Church, even of Ecclesiastical
.               Ministers, Government, Censures, etc.

4. Of the Church Before the Fall & After the Fall in the O.T.

Of the Church Before the Fall
From the Fall to Christ in General
Of the Church of the Patriarchs Until Moses
In Specific, Under Moses, the Judges, the
.     Kings & After the Captivity

5. The New Testament Church

In General
Of the Apostolic Church
Of the Ancient Church
Of the Medieval [Intermedia] Church
Of the 3rd Age [Aetate]

6. The Roman Church

7. The Church Having Been Reforming

In General
Of the Ancient: of the Waldenses & the
.      Bohemians
Of Recent Times, from Luther, in General
Of the Ancient, Protestant German Church, unto the Schism through the Book of Concord
Of the Anglican Church
Of the Swiss, French, Scottish, Belgic, Polish, Bohemian, Hungarian, Transylvanian & Numerous German Churches

8. The Modern Churches Beyond: the Western, Greek, of Moscow, Armenia, Egypt, Iberia, Syria, Jacobite, of Georgia, Ethiopia & the Indies.

II. Of the Tyrannical & Violent Enemies of the Church

III. Of the Opposites of the Church: of the Heterodox & Other Turbulent Persons

1. Of Apostates & Heretics in General
2. Of Atheism & Atheists
3. Of Heathenism & the Conversion of the Heathens
.      Of Heathenism in General
.      Of the Heathenism of the Ancient Time, or of
.          the O.T.
.            Before the Flood & From There unto Moses
.            From Moses to the Apostles
.       Of the Calling & Conversion of the Heathens

4. Judaism

Of the Defection & State of the Jews
Of the Adjuncts & Cognates of Judaism
Of the Distinction of Judaism
Of the Conversion of the Jews

(1) Of the Samaritans
(2) Of the Ancient Sects of the Jews
(3) Of the Ancient & Modern Semi-Judaizers

5. Of Mohommedism
6. Of the Ancient Heretics (Ebionites, Cerenthians, Valentinians, Marcionites, Manichees; Arians, Eunomians, Nestorians, Pelagians, etc.)

7. Of the Modern Enthusiasts & Libertines

In General
Of the Henry-Nicolatians
Of the David-Jorists
Of the Zwenckfeldians
Of the Franckists, of Ezekiel Metz, etc.
Appendix: On the Semi-Libertines, the
.        Libertine Sects & the German Interim &
.        the Intermisters

8. Of the Modern Anti-Trinitarians, or Anti-Christians, or Anti-Evangelicals, or of All Simultaneously, whether Concealed or Open

Of the Anabaptists
Of the Neo-Arians, named the Socinians
Of the Remonstrants in Belgium
Appendix: On the Doctrine of Conrad Vorsti

IV. Of Some, which, while They Openly Recede from the Papacy & Heresies, yet Cause an Uproar & Bring on Trouble Through Errors, Schisms & Scandals

1. Of Schism & Schismatics, by whatever way they
.     Illegitamately Secede

In General
Of the Errors & Schism of the Neo-Lutherans
.       On Some Intestine Contentions
Of the English Separatists, commonly called
.       Brownists or Barrowists

2. Of Moderates, the Tepid & Syncretists

In General

Of Those which Unduly Approve or Admit of Lukewarmness, Moderation & Toleration of Certain Dogmas of the Papists, the Remonstrants or the Anabaptists

Of Them which are either Tepid or Approve of Lukewarmness, Moderation & Toleration about the Government & Ceremonies, named Heirarchics [Formalists] in Disputes in England

3. Of the Disorderly, those Lax in Discipline, of
.       Scandalizers & those Scandalized

Tract 5, Of Signs  [Miracles, Prophecy, Sacrifices, Sacraments, etc.]

I. Of the Nature of a Miracle, of Displaying Things & Portents
.        Appendix: On Terrifying Panic
II. On Signs of the Times & Premonitions of Death
III. On Miracles

1. On the Essence & Cause of a Miracle
[2. is Skipped]
3. Of Miracles in Particular

On the Girl of Aurelia
On Faith & the Gift of Miracles

IV. Of Prophecy

1. Of Prophecy in General

(1) Of its Nature & the Definition of ‘Prophecy’
(2) Of the Subjects & Causes of Prophecy
(3) Of the Peculiarities, Adjuncts & Signs of Prophecy
(4) Of the Divisions of Prophecy

2. Of Rapture & Ecstacy
3. Of External Visions, or Apparitions
3. [sic] Of the Opposites of Prophecy
4. Of the Prophets in Specific

V. Of the Charismatic Gifts

1. Of the Charismatic Gifts in General
2. Of the Charismatic Gifts in Specific (of Miracles, Healings, Exorcism, Prophecy, Languages & Interpretation)

VI. Of Types, Ceremonies & Sacrifices

1. Of the Types & Ceremonies in General
2. Of Sacrifices, Priests, the Fire of the Sacrifices & Altars

VII. Of the Sacraments

1. Of Sacraments in General (Their Necessity, Cause, Efficacy & Effect, Absurd Questions about them, & their Number)

Appendix: Many Absurf & Inept Questions on the 5 False Sacraments

(1) On Penance/Repentance

On Contrition of the Heart (Of the Object, Quality, Time, Adjuncts & Effect)

On the Confession of the Mouth (Of its Necessity, Nature, Quality, Effect, Seal & Reservation of Fallings, etc.)

(2) On Confirmation
(3) On Extreme Unction
(4) On Marriage
(5) Of Orders

Appendix: On the Ministers of the Sacraments

2. On Circumcision
.        Appendix: On the Circumcision of Christ
3. On the Passover, or the Paschal Lamb
4. Of Baptism (Efficacy, Effect, Subject & Adjuncts of)

On Anabaptism
On the Minister of Baptism
On the Elements, Rites & Circumstances of Baptism
On the Baptism of John
Many Inept Questions on the Baptism of Christ

5. On the Lord’s Supper

On Transubstantiation & Consubstantiation
On the Mass-Sacrifice

VIII. On the Testings of Spirits

Tract 6, Of the Four Last Things

I. On Death

1. On Death in General (on its Nature, Causes, Subject, Adjuncts, Properties, Miracles & Rare Events around it, & Premonitions of)

2. On Death in Specific, of the Pious & Impious


(1) On Mourning for the Dead
(2) On Honoring the Dead & of Burial
(3) On a Particular Judgment of the Soul in Death, or After Death

II. Of the State of the Soul After Death

1. Of the Common State of the Pious & Impious

Of the Immortality of the Soul
On the Life & Operations of the Separated Soul
On the Knowledge of the Separated Soul
On the Adjuncts, Properties & Affections of the Separated Soul

(1) On Psychopannychia [Soul-Sleep]
(2) On Metempsuchosei, or the Transmigration of Souls
(3) On the Wandering of Souls

2. Of the Separated Soul in Specific

On the Separated Soul of the Blessed (Place, Felicity, Intellect & Will)
On the Separated Soul of the Damned (Place & Punishment)

Appendix: On Spectres, or Apparitions of Souls

3. On the Limbos (of the Fathers & of Infants)

4. Of Purgatory (On its Essence & Nature, Site & Place, Punishments, Duration, Relaxation of Punishment, Liberation out of, its Torturers & of the Condition of the Souls in it)


(1) Of the Repose, Refreshment & Sight of Blessed Souls
(2) Whether there be a Passage through Fire Burning to the Last Day?
(3) Of Prayers & Intercessions for the Dead

III. Of the State of the Body After Death & of the Resurrection

1. Of the Intermediate State of the Body in General, or of the Cadaver (Before & After the Whole Dissolution of it)

2. On the State of the Body in Specific (Of the Blessed & Damned)

3. Of the Resurrection (Knowledge of the Resurrection, on Whether & What it may be, on the Subject & Objection of it & of its Causes)


(1) Of the Living at the Last Day
(2) Of Others Not Having Died, such as Enoch & Elijah
(3) Of those that Died Twice
(4) Of the Resurrection of the Martyrs, Rev. 20 [& Premillennialism]

IV. The Coming unto Judgment & the End of the World

1. Of the Last Coming of Christ (Whether He may be Coming, From Where, What Place & in What Way, the Time of it, the Signs of it & its Effects & Consequences)

2. Of the Millennial Reign & Many Questions Inept & Absurd

3. Of the Last Judgment (Of the Judge, those Judged, the Place, Time, Way & Form)

4. Of the End of the World (Whether it may be, When, the Way, & of the Cleansing Fire or of the Conflagaration of the World)

V. Of Eternal Blessedness

1. Of Life Eternal (its Essence, the Beatific Vision & its Mode, & the Adjuncts & Properties of Eternal Life)

2. Of the Heaven of the Blessed

3. Of the Glorious Body

Appendix: Of the Blessedness & State of the Angels (in General & Before & After the Judgment)

VI. Of Eternal Death

1. Of the State of Eternal Death After the Judgment (in General, as to the Soul, Will, Intellect & Body)

2. Of Hell (Existence, Place & Situation, Hell-Fire, Whether there is Infernal Refreshment?)

Appendix: On Hell & the State of the Damned (in General & Before & After the Judgment)


Forbes, John – Historical & Theological Instructions on Christian Doctrine, the Varied State of Things, on the Errors & Controversies that have Arisen…  (Amsterdam, 1645)  Ext. ToC  This work was commended by Polyander, Trigland, Spanheim, Voet, Maets, Hoornbeeck, Cloppenburg, Coccejus and Maresius, as well as Gerhard Vossi, an Arminian.

Forbes (1593-1648) was one of the Scottish Aberdeen doctors.  He held to episcopacy, defended the Five Articles of Perth (which introduced five innovations in worship) and argued that the Scottish National Covenant (1638) was unlawful.

This work of his gained him the reputation of being one of the greatest theologians of the reformed Church.  The covenanters ‘acknowledged his orthodoxy and high Christian character’, according to the DNB.  Rutherford critiques him in Divine Right of Church Government (1646) on pp. 652-3 and in the Appendix on kneeling for the Lord’s Supper and the nature of indifferent matters and Church authority.


Brief ToC

Dedicatory Epistle: King Charles
Judgments of Facultes, etc.
Ext. ToC

1. Of God  1

1. Apostles’ Creed & its Institution  1
2. Brief history of the Principal Heresies sprung up contra the health of the doctrine of God and which have been condemned by catholic fathers  2
3. A specimen of the doctrine of the ancient fathers out of Ignatius, Justin, Athenagoras and Irenaeus  6
4. Four creeds, even the Antiochene, Nicene, Constantinopolan and Athanasian, one with some excerpts unto the illustration of this doctrine…  10
5. The One God, Three  14
6. Of the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son  16
7. Contra a dissertation of a certain anonymous patron of the Socinians on the peace and concord of the Church, published by Irenaeus Philalethan…  17
8. On the inseparability of the most holy Trinity and the undivided operation ad extra  20
9. Of the theandric operations, or of the powers of God
10. Inseparability does not thwart order, nor appropriation, nor the separation of the name or symbols  21
11. Of the relations not going out; also on elocations on some divine Person with respect to Himself  23
12. Of the names which are spoken of God with respect to the creature  24
13. Of the creation of man in the image of the Trinity, and of that speaking of God unto God, ‘Let us make man in our image’  25
14. Of Abraham’s reception of the three travellers  28
15. An explication of some sayings of the most holy Scripture on the one God  28
16. Of the hymn, ‘Holy, holy, holy’  29
17. The unity of the divine essence in the Trinity of Persons by the doctrine of baptism and the unity of the name, is set forth  32
18. Of our Father, whom we invoke in the Lord’s Prayer  34
19. To whom we are reconciled through the Mediator  35
20. Why to the Father is appropriated that whole coming together of the Trinity in the business of reconciliation through the Mediator  36
21. A useful rule unto understanding elocutions about the Trine God.  When one of the three is named in a certain work, the three are understood to work universally  37
22. Of the hymn of glorification: Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, etc.  38
23. Of the one undivided worship, invocation and praising of the most holy Trinity  39
24. That same is set forth in Christ praying and listening  45
25. Of Christ’s subjection and minority  45
26. Of the advent of God and the mission of the divine Person  47
27. From which we petition and receive the Holy Spirit  48
28. An explication of the apostolic prayer, 2 Cor. 13, last verse  49
29. Of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ  50
30. Of our fraternity with Christ and the difference between the natural and adopted sons of God  52
31. Of the object of the apostolic doxology and supplication, 2 Cor. 1:3; Eph. 1:3, 13 & 3:14  55
32. Of the salutation used of the apostle in the beginning of epistles and of some other similar sayings  55
33. The unity and distinction which is in the trine God: not even composition, division, diversity or a difference properly speaking, or a discrepancy or dissimilitude, nor triplicity, nor singularity or solitude, nor confusion, etc.  57
34. Theses on the nature of God  61
35. Theses on the Trinity of Persons in the most simple divine unity  64
36. On Anthorpomorphites, the mention of which is made in ch. 34, thesis 4  68
37. Of Florinians, or Florians, and of Libertines, mention of which is made in ch. 34, thesis 16, and of the monstrous impiety which they with some other heretics share in common; and of the sacred nights  70
38. Of Colluth, mention of whom is made in ch. 34, thesis 21, and of his Colluthian sects  75
An Epilogue containing meter, contemplation and doxology  76

2. Of the Mystery of the Incarnation  77

1. A historical narration, on the first heretical class sprung up contrary to the orthodox doctrine of the incarnation of the Word and by the orthodox or catholic rejected and refuted, or of the first kind of Christ-fighting heretics, which comprehends those heretics which err on the nature and true humanity of Christ  77
2. The second kind of Christ-fighting heretics, which comprehends those heretics, which, knowing the true human nature of Christ, yet err on the origin of the same nature  80
3. The third kind of Christ-fighting heretics, in which kind are those erring on the Person of Christ, however they consent about the truth and origin of his humanity with the orthodox  80
4. Of the fourth kind of Christ-fighting heretics, which encompasses those heretics which, consenting on the Person of Christ with the catholics, yet err on the union and properties of natures in that one Person, or even on the Person and natures, so the Headless-Ones [Acephali, heretical groups without leaders]  81
5. An orthodox antithesis, a metrical compendium set forth against all renowned heresies and errors, in an argument on the mystery of the incarnation  82
6. The 12 chapters or anathemas of Cyril, approved by the third Ephesian ecumenical synod, with a historical preface  82
7. An exegeiss of some heads of Cyril, to which is adjoined some orthodox judgments of some other fathers  84
8. Of the Massalianis, condemned even in the celebrated third ecumenical synod of Ephesus, in which the Euchetai and Enthusiasts are spoken  86
9. A historical preface on the heresy of Eutyches and Discor, and on the occasion and definition of the celebrated fourth ecumenical council, Chalcedon  87
10. An exposition of the faith of the Flavian bishop of Constantinople, which was published in the Constantinoplian council, year 448, and approved by the ecumenical synod of Chalcedon, year 451, as testified by the acts of the synod of Chalcedon in the first action where this exposition and its approbation is extant  88
11. The encyclical epistle of Leo, the first name of him, the bishop of Rome, to Flavius the bishop of Constantinople, contra the heresy of Eutyches…  89
12. A synodical exposition of faith, published by 630 fathers in the council of Chalcedon, the fourth ecumenical, contra the heresy of Eutyches, Archimandrite of Constantinople, and Dioscor, Patriarch of Alexandria, Marcion the Emperor reigning, year 451, from the fifth action of that council.  Some testimonies of the ancient fathers are appended.  92
13. Many things in the same judgment on the incarnation of the Lord, out of the epistles of Leo I, bishop of Rome; adjoined is the profession of Gregory I, bishop of Rome on the four ecumenical councils, with the annotation of Polemon and of the Tropites  93

3. Of the Variegated Condition of the Churches, & many heresies & dissensions, of the 5th Ecumenical Council & of some other Councils, & then so far of the state of things after the Chalcedonian Council up to the time Emperor Heracles, & of the Political Government of Italy up until Charles the Great  96
4. Of Mohammed, & of his Impiety and Sects, & of Holy War & some other Wars  173
5. Of the Monothelites, & of Honorius, the Roman Pope, a Monothelite Heretic  222
6. Contra the Heresy of the Adoptionists  292
7. Of the Object of Religious Worship, & of the 7th & 8th Called Ecumenical Synods  301
8. Of the Pelagian Heresy, & its remnants: where is of the grace of God & the Free Choice of Man & some connected questions  373
9. Of the Sacraments in General, where is of the nature, efficacy & number of the Sacraments of the New Testament  441
10. Of Baptism, contra the errors of the Donatists, Papists & Some Others  473
11. Of the Eucharist  533
12. Of Repentance, & some Connected Questions contra the Errors of the Gnostics, the Most Blessed, the Libertines, Novatians, the Papists, etc.  625
13. Of Pugatory & of Votes for the Expired  670
14. Of the Unity of the Church, & of Schism  708
15. Of the Primacy of the Apostle Peter  734
16. Of the Successors of Peter & the Other Apostles  754

Maresius, Samuel – A New Synopsis of Elenctic Theology, or an Index of the Controversies of Faith out of the Sacred Scriptures, vol. 12  (1646-1647)  Ext. ToC 1 & 2

Maresius (1599-1673)

Table of Contents
Vol. 1

To the Reader

1. On God 1

1. Whether or solely by natural reason the existence of God may be solidly proved?  Affirm, contra atheists and Socinians; and Calvin is liberated from the calumnies of Tirinus, and the natural knowledge of God, acquired as well as innate, is propounded  1

2. Whether God is one only?  Affirm, contra the Ethnics, Manicheans, Valentinus the Gentile and other Tritheists  7

3. Whether God is immense, eternal, immutable and infinite?  Affirm, contra Vorstius, and some erros of Papists are discovered  10

4. Whether all things are ruled by the providence of God?  Affirm, contra the Machiavellians and pseudo-politicals, and in which is revealed the Politicals, called Jesuits  12

2. On the Word of God 14

1. Whether some revealed Word of God may have been given?  Affirm, contra the Profane and Libertines; Tirinus is corrected.  13

2. Whether a revealed word of God outside of Scripture may be constituted in internal revelations?  Deny, contra Swenkfeldians; and the doctrine of Tirinus is twisted amongst the Papists  15

3. Whether the sacred Scripture of the Old and New Testament is the Word of God?  Affirm, contra Atheists, Libertines and Swenkfeld; Tirinus is corrected and charged with him.  16

4. Whether books which are not in the canon of the Hebrews are canonical?  Deny, contra the Papists; Lutherans also are liberated from calumny of Tirinus; he and other Papists are charged with him.  21

5. Whether the Hebrew text of the Old Testament is corrupt?  Deny, contra the Papists, and the examples produced by Tirinus are responded to.  23

6. Whether the Greek version, which is commonly called ‘The 70’, may be or was God-breathed?  Deny, contra the Papists; and Tirinus is charged, with Morin.  27

7. Whether the text of the Greek New Testament is authentic and entire?  Affirm, contra the Papists, and a place to the contrary alleged by Tirinus is expended  29

8. What is to be made of Chaldee, Syriac and Arabic versions?  It is indicated.  31

9. Whether the common Latin version is authentic in all things, according to the decree of the Council of Trent?  Deny, contra the Papists.  32

10. Whether the Scripture is to be translated into the vernacular tongues?  Affirm, contra the Papists; and where is discussed the prohibition of the sacred Scriptures, the reading of them, and worship in a foreign language.  34

11. Whether the sense of Scripture is manifold?  Deny, contra Papists.  40

12. Whether sacred Scripture is perspicuous in things necessary to salvation?  Affirm, contra Papists; Luther is liberated from the calumny of Tirinus.  41

13. Whether appealing to sacred Scripture is the judge of controversies of faith?  Affirm, contra Papists  45

14. Whether the private spirit of any is a norm to be believed?  Deny, contra Anabaptists, Libertines and Swenkfeldians; and it is shown the Reformers have nothing in common with them, notwithstanding they count faith concerning the Scriptures, by law-merit, to the Spirit of faith.  49

15. Whether the political magistrate is the supreme judge of controversies?  It is denied contra Brentius [a Lutheran] and Arminius; and the authority of magistrates in sacred things is discussed.  52

16. Whether the Pope or the representative Church is the supreme and infallible judge of controversies of faith?  It is denied contra Papists; Tirinus is refuted.  55

17. Whether sacred Scripture sufficiently contains all things necessary to salvation?  Affirm, contra Papists and an example to the contrary brought forth by Tirinus out of what remains.  60

18. Whether unwritten traditions in things of morals or faith, outside of sacred Scripture, or the Word of God not-written, are to be admitted?  It is denied, contra the Papists.  65

19. Whether Scripture is necessary to the Church?  Affirm, contra the Papists.  73

3. On the Trinity  75

1. Whether God is one essence, three in Persons?  Affirm, contra the Jews, Muhammadans, Arians, Samosatenians, Socinians; and the eternal divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ is profusely defended  75

2. Whether to say that the Son continues from the Father, the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son, always from eternity and in eternity proceeds and are proceeders, surpasses simply that the Son was begotten and the Holy Spirit proceeds from eternity?  The former is denied and latter affirmed contra the Papists.  87

3. Whether the Holy Spirit proceeds not only from the Father but also from the Son?  Affirm, contra the Greeks; and our Greeks are liberated from the calumnies of Tirinus, and some historical errors of Tirinus are noted.  90

4. On Christ  94

1. Whether the promised Messiah has already come long ago?  Affirm, contra the Jews.  94

2. Whether Jesus the son of Mary was that true Messiah?  Affirm, contra the Jews and the Muhammadans.  96

3. Whether Jesus Christ is true God, not a bare man?  Affirm, contra the same, also Arians, Samosatenians and Socinians.  99

4. Whether Christ is true man consubstantial with us?  Affirm, contra the Manicheans, Marcionites, Anabaptists, Servetus and the like.  103

5. Whether each nature abode in Christ entire, unconfused and unmixed?  Affirm, contra Apollinaris and Eutyches; and it is shown Lutherans do not confess openly those things Tirinus grants, the flesh of Christ being converted into his divinity  104

6. Whether out of the two natures of Christ, one is made?  It is denied, contra Gnostics, Monothelites and Anabaptists.  105

7. Whether in Christ is one Person?  Affirm, contra Nestorius; simultaneously the annulments of Tirinus are noted.  106

8. Whether through the hypostatic union the divine properties are communicated subjectively to the human nature so that it is omnipotent, omnipresent, etc.?  It is denied, contra the Ubiquitarians; where it is disputed at length against Meisner and others.  108

9. Whether the hypostatic union alone effects that, so the properties of the natures are truly spoken of the whole Person, though it is denominated out of the natures from the other?  Affirm, contra the same; and the annulment of Tirinus is noted.  115

10. Whether the body of Christ is or is able to be everywhere?  It is denied, contra the same; and where it is discussed on the session of Christ at the right hand of the Father; and Tirinus is variously noted.  116

11. Whether Christ is Mediator according to each nature?  Affirm, contra Stancarus and Papists; where, along the way, is of the worship of the Mediator.  125

12. Whether Christ sinned or despaired on the cross?  It is denied, and Calvin is liberated from the calumny of Tirinus and of other Papists.  128

13. Whether Christ on earth acted in some ignorance of simple negation with respect to his human nature, or was not knowing competent to Him?  Affirm, contra the Papists; and our judgments are liberated from the Knowing Ones.  131

14. Whether Christ was obliged to have suffered the punishments, not of the damned, but of those that ought to be damned?  Affirm, contra the Papists; and our judgments on this are in part liberated from the calumnies of Tirinus.  135

15. In what sense Christ redeemed us by his bodily death?  It is explicated, contra the Papists.  138

16. Whether the soul of Christ shortly after death descended to subterranean places which they say is below?  It is denied, contra the same; and where is discussed of the limbo of the fathers and of children; the Papists amongst themselves are charged; what Sheol and Hades signify is explicated.  139

17. Whether Christ merited something for Himself?  It is denied, contra the Papists and Socinians.  149

5. On the Church of Christ Battling on the Earth 152

1. Whether the Church of Christ is properly called always visible?  It is denied, contra the Papists, and in what sense ‘visible’ and ‘invisible’ is convenient to the Church is explicated.  152

2. Whether the Church is able to wholly cease?  It is distinguished and explicated contra the Socinians and the Papists.  158

3. Whether the Church is infallible?  It is denied, contra the Papists; and the infallibility of the councils and the Pope is pressed.  161

4. Whether purity of doctrine and the legitimate use of the sacraments are true notes of the Church?  Affirm, contra the Papists.  168

5. Whether those four terms, One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, are genuine notes which may be pressed of that Church which, through certain notes, is to be searched after?  It is denied, contra Papists, and the first of these notes is shown not to agree with the synagogue of Rome.  171

6. What is the true norm of the sanctity of the Church?  It is discussed; where is disputed of the miracles and sanctity of the Roman Church contra the Papists.  175

7. Whether catholicism is a true note of the Church and whether it is agreeable to the Roman communion?  It is denied, contra the Papists; where the term ‘catholic’ is explicated.  179

8. Whether the Roman Church is apostolic?  It is denied, contra the same; and it is simultaneously disputed on a personal succession.  181

9. Whether it is so, whoever is a true member of the Church ought to be under the Pope?  It is denied, contra the same.  183

10. Whether the excommunicated are members of the Church?  It is explained, and the judgment of the Papists is turned on themselves.  184

11. Whether hypocrites and hidden infidels are true members of the Church?  It is denied, contra the Papists.  185

12. Whether even sinners [are true members of the Church]?  Affirm, contra Anabaptists; the [Lutheran] Augsburg Confession is explicated contra the crimination of Tirinus.  187

13. Whether the true Church is the body-mystical of Christ, composed out of only the elect effectually called?  Affirm, contra the Papists.  188

14. Whether the predestinated not yet called pertain formally to the Church?  It is denied, and the calumny of Tirinus in this thing is refuted.  190

15. Whether catechumens [those preparing to be baptized] are members of the Church?  It is distinguished, and the judgment of the Papists is turned on themselves.  191

6. On the Roman Pontiff 192

1. Whether Christ constituted anyone in his place, whom is the head and spiritual monarch of the whole Church?  It is denied contra Papists.  192

2. Whether the government of the Church instituted by Christ is more an aristocracy of all pastors simultaneously than a monarchy of one?  Affirm, contra the same.  198

3. Whether the political magistrate is the supreme head of the Church as the Church?  It is denied, contra the Remonstrants; and the calumnies of the Papists are refuted.  199

4. Whether Peter by Christ has been constituted the head and monarch of the Church?  It is denied, contra Papists; where is profusely discussed the primacy of Peter.  200

5. Whether Peter lived at Rome, and in the second year of Claudius the same fixed his episcopal seat, and 25 years after martyrdom it was furnished.  It is denied contra the same.  211

6. Whether Peter having posited some of his superiority in it, he ought to have a successor?  It is denied contra the same.  216

7. Whether the Roman Pontiff may be the successor of Peter in the Roman episcopacy and the monarchic rulership of the Church?  It is denied, contra the same.  217

8. Whether the priveleges of the Roman seat are owed partly Constantine I & IV, partly to Phocas and partly to Pipin and Charles the Great?  Affirm, contra the same.  218

9. …

10. Whether the primacy and monarchic rule of the whole Church is agreeable to the Roman seat by divine right?  It is denied, contra the Papists.  223

11. Whether the primacy of the Church was first personal, and hence local?  Each is denied, contra the same.  225

12. Whether the Roman Pope is the Antichrist?  It is affirmed and profusely defended contra the same.  227

13. Whether the spiritual power and jurisdiction of the Pope is universal?  It is denied, contra the same.  251

14. Whether the Pope is the supreme judge of controversies of faith and the primary interpreter of sacred Scripture?  It is denied, contra the same.  254

15. Whether the Pope is infallible in the things of faith?  It is denied, contra the same, who here are charged amongst themselves.  257

16. Whether he is able to err in the canonization of saints, in the approbation of monastic orders, etc.?  It is affirmed, contra the same…  260

17. Whether the Pope is able, as a private doctor, to be a hidden heretic or infidel?  It is affirmed, contra the same…  263

7. On the General Councils  269



3. Whether a general council is above the Pope?  It is affirmed for the Sorbonne against Papists.  280

4. Whether the infallibility of a general council depends on the approbation of the Pontiff?  It is denied, contra the Papists, if those things be, to reside in the Pope, even the infallibility of councils and the infallibility of the Church.  283

5. Whether councils, even being approved by the Pope, are infallible?  It is denied, contra the same.  287

6. Which councils were approved, reprobated, or mixed, by Pontiffs?  It is expounded a little.  292

8. On the Pastors of the Church 293

1. What is election, ordination and sending?  It is explicated and many errors of Papists are ventilated; of the name, ‘clergy’, of Paul and Barnabas having been ordained overseers, of raising of hands, laying on of hands and other things.  292

2. Whether miracles always accompany an extraordinary calling?  It is denied, contra the Papists, and along the way, of mediate and immediate calling and of the first reformers is treated.  299

3. Whether any right is competent to the Christian people in the calling of their pastors?  It is affirmed, contra Papists, and what that is, is explicated, and something of bishops and presbyters is sprinkled in, with views of the old rites of the Church and other things.  301

4. Whether any right is competent to the magistrate in the calling of pastors?  It is affirmed, contra Tirinus, and what that kind is, is expounded and compared.  306

5. Whether the calling of all pastors, by divine right, pertains to the Roman Pontiff?  It is denied, contra Papists…  310

6. Whether all ecclesiastical jurisdiction depends on the Pope?  It is denied, contra the same, even from their principles.  314

7. Whether the sending of lesser pastors pertains to the bishop or the head?  It is denied, contra the same and Tirinus carping various things.  315


9. Whether celibacy was from the apostles annexed to the ministry of the Church?  It is denied, contra the Papists, and various reasons and examples are shown to the contrary.  320



12. Whether successive bigamy exludes from the ministry of the Church?  It is denied, contra the same, and it is explicated which bigamy was prohibted by the apostles.  354

13. Whether the tonsure and clerical crown was taken from the gentiles and is superstitious?  It is affirmed, contra the same.  359

9. On Monastics & Pseudo Religionists  362
10. On Political Princes  415

1. Whether a Christian may bear the magistratical office?  It is affirmed, contra Anabaptists.  415

2. Whether the impious and infidels are able to be competent of legitimate dominion in the view of an individual?  It is affirmed, contra anabaptists; and the innocence of Armacan, Wycliff and Huss is guarded contra Tirinus…  422

3. Whether the Christian magistrate is able to establish laws, even which directly and in themselves oblige in conscience?  The first is affirmed, contra Anabaptists; the latter is denied, contra the Papists; the Waldenses and Calvin are liberated from the crimination of Tirinus.  425

4. Whether public and capital judgments are right to exercise by a Christian magistrate?  It is affirmed, contra Anabaptists and Socinians.  427

5. Whether being given in wars is lawful for Christians?  It is affirmed, contra the same.  What Agrippa, Erasmus and Ferus here have observed is shown.  434

6. Whether heretics of any kind are to be punished with death by the magistrate?  What is allowed here and what not by the magistrate is explicated, and the bloody tribunal of the Spanish Inquisition is everted.  442

7. Whether clerics are by right exempt from the jurisdiction of political magistrates?  It is denied contra Papists.

8. Whether all Christian princes are under the Roman Pontiff in spiritual things as well as temporal?  Each is denied: that contra the theologians and the latter contra the canonists of the Papists.  459

11. On the State of the First Parents & Original Sin  461

1. Whether the first parents were made entirely whole, just, perfect and immortal?  It is affirmed, contra Pelagians and Socinians; and simultaneously it is shown that Jesuits and Scholastics really agree here with Pelagians in contriving in the state of pure nature and many other things.  461

2. Whether the first men had original righteousness?  It is affirmed contra Pelagians and Socinians, in whom it is also shown they let things down, especially immortality, which is prolixly defended against Volkelius and others.  467

3. Whether original righteousness was conatural to man, or rather supernatural?  Contra Papists the latter is denied and the former affirmed; and Calvin and Luther are defended from the calumnies of Tirinus on free choice, as in that solely they constitute original rightouesness.  475

4. Whether in Adam all sin and from him original sin in all his posterity is propagated?  It is affirmed against the Pelagians, Socinians and Remonstrants…  480

5. Whether it is in this that the infants of the faithful are holy, that they are born immune from original guilt?  It is denied, and in that, the Jesuit calumny against us is beat back.and the errors of Tirinus are noted.  498

6. Whether a proneness of concupiscence to evil and ignorance constitutes original sin?  It is affirmed contra Papists and Pelagians; and the error of Flaccius is picked off.  503

7. …

8. Whether original sin in individuals passes over through generation?  It is affirmed, contra Pelagians and as many as suspend original sin solely from imputation, where the oversight of Tirinus is noted and something of this mode of passing over and of one’s soul is referred to.  514

9. Whether the blessed Virgin was conceived in original sin, as the rest of men?  It is affirmed, contra Scotists and the minor orders and Jesuits of the Papal communion; and Tirinus with them and with other is charged  518

10. Whether the penalty of original sin is only the privation of original righteousness and the destruction of children in limbo?  It is denied contra the Papists; and it is shown, the privation of original righteousness and the loss of free choice to good, works evil necessarily, formally extending to itself native corruption; the punishments of it, properly spoken, are referred to, and it is distinctly inquired into, according to the Pelagian judgment of the Papists, of the state of infants dying before baptism.  536

12. On Actual Sins & the Cause of Sins  545

1. Whether sin is a vain and false malicious opinion?  It is denied, contra David Jorista and Libertines, and the adjuncts and effects of sin are variously referred to.  545

2. Whether all sins are equal?  It is denied, contra Stoics and Sebastian the Franc; and it is discoursed whether Novatians and Jovinian maintained the same.  549

3. Whether some sins are mortal, some venial?  It is denied contra the Papists.  552


5. Whether all the works of infidels and the unregenerate are sins?  It is affirmed, contra Papists; and Tirinus with Augustine and theirs are charged.  569

6. Whether all the sins of the elect are venial from the event?  It is affirmed, contra Tirinus…  583

7. Whether the motions of first concupiscence, in the beginning, are sins?  It is affirmed, contra the Papists, Socinians, Anabaptists, Remonstrants, Perfectionists, Legalists and others; and further it is profusely disputed on sinlessness and the possibility of the law to save, against the same.  584

8. Whether God is the author of sin?  It is denied, contra Florinians, Manicheans, Libertines, David Jorista and similar ones; and Protestants are liberated from the calumnies of the Jesuits and others, and their adversaries.  604

9. Whether God in any way is the cause of sin, whether physical or moral, or in itself or by the falling out of it (by accident)?  It is denied, contra the Lbertines and other heretics; the calumnies of Adversaries against the Orthodox are refuted, the Ucco-Walistae are noted, and the providence of God and its concursus to bad actions, the permission of sin, the enduration of the impious, an antecedent and consequent will, middle knowledge and other connected matters are profusely discussed.  609

10. What are the true causes of sin?  It is explicated a little, and Tirinus on the way is noted.  630


Vol. 2


13. On the Free Choice of Man & of the Eternal Foreknowledge, Predestination & Reprobation of God  1

1. Whether free choice is well defined as a natural faculty by which man, all prerequisits to working being posited, is able to act or not to act?  It is denied, contra the Jesuits, Socinians and Arminians; further, the nature of his free-choice and will is explicated.  1

2. Whether liberty from servitude and coercion, even from an intrinsic and physical necessity, is sufficient for free choice?  It is affirmed, contra the same, and of liberty and necessity is profusely discussed, and necessity in many things is joined with voluntariness; further, a positive indifference is demonstrated not to be essential to free choice.  10

3. Whether man through sin lost his free choice to good in the genera of morality?  It is affirmed, contra the same; and the calumnies and further oversights of Tirinus are detected, and he with his are charged.  18

4. Whether a liberty of positive indifference leaves a man, in a state of fallen nature, unto moral works which are truly good?  It is denied, contra the same; and it is shown that even unto moral things which so far have political goodness, and according to that, the difficulty is greater than unto vices.  22

5. Whether any natural powers in man may be remaining unto supernatural good?  It is denied, contra the same; and Tirinus in this impudent assertion, with Bellarmine and others from among them are charged, and it is shown in numerous ways that man works nothing truly good except by the special grace of God, and all cooperation and collaterality of free choice with grace is everted.  30

6. Whether the free choice defended by Jesuits, Socinians and Remonstrants is able to be reconciled with the certainty and infallibility of the divine foreknowledge?  It is denied, contra the same, and the true reconciliation is propounded; further, the certainty of divine foreknowledge of all future things, even things contingent, is accurately defended contra the Socinians.  45

7. Whether all created actions, in the genera of being, even so far as circumstances, have been predestinated by God?  It is affirmed, contra the same.  57

8. Whether eternal predestination to glory was made from the fore-vision of merits or faith?  or truly…  The first is denied and the latter affirmed, contra the Jesuits, Remonstrants, Socinians and other remaining pelagians; further, where is discussed the name of ‘predestination’; it is shown in what way, in respect of election rather than reprobation, it is able to be called absolute and efficacious; conditional decrees are refuted; and man fallen is demonstrated to be the object of predestination, according to the judgment of the Synod of Dort, from Scripture and reason, contra Supralapsarians; and our churches are cleared from the calumnies of Tirinus.  62

14. On Grace  137
15. On Justification  217
16. On Merit  348
17. On Prayer, Fasting & Alms  395
18. On Sacraments & Sacramental Things  452

1. Whether sacraments are signs, not only significative of righteousness and sealing of divine promises, but even causative or effective themselvs of righteousness and sanctity, indeed, legal and external under the Old Testament, but spiritual and internal under the New?  It is denied contra the Papists; and on the way, contra the Lutherans, the genus of the sacraments is shown to be a sign.  What the Swenkfeldians, even Anabaptists and Socinians less honorably think of the sacraments is noted.  452

2. Whether the sacramental words are of circumstances and instructive things received, and declare according to this sense?  It is affirmed contra the Papists, the errors of whom on sacramental consecration are laid open.  468

3. Whether an angel is able to be a minister of the sacraments?  It is denied contra some Papists, with whom Tirinus is thus charged, and Luther is liberated from his calumny.  472

4. Whether solely ministers of the Church, called to the office of preaching the divine Word, ought to administer the sacraments?  It is affirmed contra the Papists, and their exceptions are refuted; and simultaneously the necessity of a sacred ministry in the Church is defended, contra a certain recent, anonymous writing.  473

5. Whether the existence or operation of the sacraments depends upon the goodness or intention of the minister?  It is denied first against the Donatists and Anabaptists; Wyclif, the Waldenses and Albigenses are liberated from the crimination of Tirinus; and where, on the way, it is discussed of a heretical ministry.  Second, indeed, it is denied contra Papists, various of which amongst them are charged.  478


19. On Baptism  534
20. On Confirmation  570
21. On the Eucharist  583
22. On the Sacrifice of the Mass  695
23. On Penance  769
24. On Indulgences  818
25. On Extreme Unction  837
26. On Ordination  856
27. On Marriage  874
28. On the Immortality of the Soul & the Resurrection of Bodies  918
29. On Purgatory & Hell  941
30. On Heaven, Heavenly Things [or Persons] & the Worship of Them  979


Alting, J. Henricus

The Scriptural Theology of Heidelberg, vol. 1, containing Didactic & then Elenctic Common Places (Freistad [= Amsterdam], 1646)

pt. 2, Elenctic Theology  Ext. ToC

1. Of Elenctic Theology in General  257

In general, of the nature, nomenclature and causes of controversies  258
In specific, on the origin of the heterodox teaching of:

Samosatenians  263
Anabaptists  263
Papists  264
Lutherans  265

2. Of the Principle of Theology, the Word of God  266

Controversies of Papists:

1. Was prophetic and apostolic Scripture set down (or plowed up) by fortuitous occasions apart from divine imposition?  267

2. Whether the authority of Scripture to us hangs from the testimony of the Church?  271

Controversy of the Anabaptists: 3. Whether the Scripture of the Old Testament is and ought to be canonical for Christians?  279

Controversies of Papists:

4. Whether the books, Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, 1-2 Maccabees, Baruch, the additions to Esther and Daniel are truly canonical?  282

5. Whether traditions not written are the Word of God?  Whether some traditions of Christ and the Apostles given outside the Scripture, and which themsleves are the Word of God, obtain equal authority with the Word of God?  287

6. Whether the genuine sense of Scripture is fourfold: literal, allegorical, analogical and tropological?  292

7. Whether the supreme and infallible interpreter of Scripture, or judge of controversies is the Church, a council or the Roman Pontiff in the chair instructing?  ???

8. Whether the translation of Scripture into vernacular versions is necessary and useful  305

9. Whether the common Latin version is authentic?  310

10. Whether Scripture is only some reminder of faith and life?  or in addition is a perfect canon or rule of both?  312

11. Whether sacred Scripture without traditions, out of the ordination of God, is a necessary sum to us for faith and life?  315

12. Whether the reading of Scripture to all promiscuously, that is, to laymen and clerics, is to be permitted?  317

13. Is Scripture so perfect, such that it contains all dogmas necessary to faith and life?  320

14. Whether sacred Scripture is so perspicuous that that without commentaries even from the people reading with profit, they are able to understand necessary dogmas out of it?  323

3. Of God  328

Controversies of Samosatenians

Whether the Son of God is autotheos?  329

1. Whether in one divine essence there are three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit?  329

2. Whether the Son is true and eternal God, coessential with and coequal to the Father?  351

3. Whether the Holy Spirit is true and eternal God, coessential with and coequal to the Father and the Son?  370

4. Of Predestination  376

Whether the term ‘predestination’ comprehends reprobation?

Controversies of Samosatenians



Controversies of Lutherans

3. Whether predestination comprehends some eternal counsel of God of the salvation of all men universally?  388

Whether the will of God is rightly distinguished into antecedent and consequent?  389

4. Whether the decree of election is absolute…  403


6. Whether there is a certain and immutable number of the elect and reprobate with God?  407

5. Of Creation  412

Controversies of Samosatenians

1. Whether Adam wholly had some original righteousness?  412


Controversies of Papists

3. Whether the original righteousness and immortality of the first man were gifts not natural, but supernatural?  418

6. Of Providence  421

Controversy of Samosatenians, Papists & Lutherans

Whether from our doctrine of providence, by good and necessary consequence, it is able to be deduced that God is the author of sin?  421

7. Of the Law  424
8. Of Sin & Free Will  449
9. Of the Punishment of Sin  474
10. Of the Person & Office of Christ  477

Samosatenians: ‘Whether the Son of God assumed a human nature into the unity of his Person, so thus Christ is God and man in one Person?’ [Yes], pp. 481-92

Anabaptists:  ‘Whether Christ assumed flesh and blood out of the substance of the virgin Mary?’ [Yes], p. 492-504

Papists:  ‘Whether the soul of Christ from its own creation was so replete with knowledge and grace that He did not at anytime learn, nor sensed any sadness or perturbation?’ [Denied], p. 504

Lutherans:  ‘Whether essential properties of God, omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence and power making alive, were communicated to the human nature of Christ by the personal union?’ [Denied], p. 509

11. Of the Church  580
12. Of the Sacraments  593
13. Of Internal Calling and Justifying Faith  632
14. Of Justification  661
15. Of Sanctification  686
16. Of Glorification  693

Alting exegetes this major Lutheran confession and argues the Reformed position.

A Syllabus of Controversies with the Lutherans

Extended Table of Contents

Table  130
Prolegomena  131

Part 1, Controversies About Doctrine

1.Of the Supper of the Lord. 3 Questions  142
2. Of the Person of Christ  177
3. Of Providence  214
4. Of Predestination, 5 Questions  225
5. Of Baptism  253

Part 2, Controversies About Ceremonies

1. Of the Discrepancy of Rituals in the Administration of Baptism & the Supper, 3 Questions  261
2. Of Other Certain Rituals  274
3. Of the Furnishing [Images & Organs] of Church Buildings  278

A New Elenctic Theology, or a System of Elenctics  (Amsterdam, 1654)  Ext. ToC

To the Reader
1. Of the Nature of Theology  1
2. Of the Principle of Theology, Sacred Scripture  30
3. Of God  84
4. Of the Decrees of God & his Eternal Predestination  191
5. Of Creation  265
6. Of Providence  287
7. Of Sin in General & in Specific  320
8. Of Free Choice  355
9. Of the Punishment of Sin  384
10. Of the Law of God  402
11. Of the Gospel, or of the Covenant of Grace  455
12. Of the Person & Office of Christ  483


1. That we deny the deny the virginity of Mary in the birth, holding that she gave brith in a natural way, by an opened womb, contrary to the prophetic oracles, Isa. 7:14; Eze. 44:2, and the evangelical complement of them, Mt. 1:21 ff., by which we confess in the Creed, the Savior was conceived not in the manner [in modo], but was born out of the Virgin, p. 483

2. That we even deny the true humanity of Christ, in that the personality should be taken away from it, p. 484

3. That in Christ we mark and acknowledge something of sin, that is, perturbations, immoderate affections of the soul and other things, from which things, indeed, He deserves to be called a sinner, p. 485

13. Of the Church  508
14. Of the Word & Sacraments  544
15. Of the Government of the Church: Ecclesiastical & Civil  641
16. Of Calling & Faith  712
17. Of Justification  734
18. Of Sanctification  778
19. Of Perseverance  811
20. Of Glorification  825

Appendix on the Syncretism of Religion  837-866

Wettstein, Gernler & Buxtorf – A Syllabus of Controversies in Religion which come between the Orthodox Churches & whatever other Adversaries, for material for the regular disputations…  customarily held in the theological school of the academy at Basil  (Basil, 1662)  No ToC

The work goes through 20 chapters in the order of systematic theology.  Each chapter has around 7-47 questions which state the issue, and then either affirms it or denies it, while stating the positions of the adversaries.  No further discussion is included.

The material was intended to provide disputation topics for students in the theological academy at Basil.


1. Theology & Religion in General  3
2. The Principle of Theology: Sacred Scripture  4
3. God
.     The One Essence  9
.     The Three Persons  11
4. Decrees of God & Predestination  13
5. Creation & the State of Creation  16
6. Providence  19
7. Law  21
8. Sin, Free Choice & the Punishment of Sin  26
9. Covenant of Grace  30
10. Person of Christ & the Incarnation  32
11. Office of Christ & of Both States  35
12. External Calling, where is of the Gospel & the Sacraments in General  41
13. Baptism  45
14. Sacred Supper  48
15. Internal Calling & Faith  54
16. Justification  56
17. Sanctification & Good Works  60
18. Glorification & Heads Deduced from it  64
19. Nature of the Church  68
20. External Government of the Church  75

Hoornbeek, Johannes

On the Conversion of the Indians & Heathens, in Two Books  (Amsterdam, 1669)  ToC  259 pp.

A Sum of Controversies in Religion with Infidels, Heretics & Schismatics  (Utrecht, 1653; 1676)  Index

Dissertation on Controversies & Theological Disputations  1

1. Of Gentilism  56
2. Of Judaism  62
3. Of Mohammedism  70
4. Of Papalism  192
5. Of Anabaptism  330
6. Of Enthusiasts & Libertines, etc.  378
7. Of Socinianism  562
8. Of Remonstrants [Arminians]  575
9. Of Lutherans  608
10. Of Brownists, etc.  738
11. Of Greeks & Orientals  833

Addenda: The Judgment of the Theological Faculty in the Academy of Leiden on the Sects of the Brothers of the Rose-Cross  993

Prideaux, John – Manuductio ad Theologiam Polemicam  [An Introduction to Polemical Theology]  Ref  (1657)  255 pp.

Spanheim, Jr., Frederic – A Historical-Theological Chain of Select Controversies on Religion, even with the Greeks, Orientals, Jews & the Recent Anti-Scripturalists [Rationalists] [Plus Many Other Sects], in which the Fonts of Errors are Opened  (Leiden, 1683/1687)  Ext. ToC  More Ext. ToC

Spanheim, Jr. (1632-1701) was a German reformed professor of theology at Heidelberg and Leiden, and son of Frederic Spanheim, Sr. (d. 1649).

In most of the chapters, Spanheim first lays out historical preconsiderations as to the reason and rise of the controversy, and then, under the False Principles, he usually, briefly, goes through the subjects of systematic theology, expounding and refuting their particular errors.

Brief Table of Contents

To the Hearers

Select Controversies with Papists  35

Historical Prolegomena 35
On the False Principles  61
Appendix:  On the Papal Antichrist

The Principal Controversies with Anabaptists & Fanatics  95

Historical Prolegomena  95
Of the False Religious Principles  101
Appendix: On the Pattern [Momento] of the Errors of the Anabaptists  130

The Principal Controversies with Socinians & Anti-Trinitarians  132

Historical Prolgomena  132
Of the False Principle  140

The Principal Controversies with Today’s Arminians & Remonstrants  218

Historical Prolegomena  218
Of the False Principles  238

Appendix:  A Dissertation having Newly Refuted what [Claude] Pajonists Call Immediate Grace:  On the New Controversy in France about the Mode of the Operation of the Holy Spirit in Conversion  285

On the Occassion of the Anti-Remonstrant Controversy  285
State of the Question  288
Conclusion on the Importance of the Thing  298
Andrew Rivet, from his Last Hours  304

The Principle Controversies with Augsburgians [Lutherans], Commonly Called Confessional Theologians  305

Historical Prolegomena & Preconsiderations  305
Significant Controversies on the Lord’s Supper, from which begun the Schisms  335
Of the Providence of God, Predestination & Related Heads  339
On the Person of Christ, Theanthropos  355
Of Baptism  360
On Some Rites Not Wholly Indifferent  363
Of Mutual Tolerance Between Evangelicals  367

Select Controversies with Modern Greeks & the Oriental Church; a Historical Dissertation on the State of the Oriental Church & the Dissension from the Latin or Pontifical Church  369

The Greek Church which is Spoken of  369
The Genuine Greeks from the Spurious Distinguished  370
The Judgment on the Greeks which the Latins Made of Them  372

Of Gennadius Scholarius  [c.1400–c.1473]  375
Of those called Melkites  384
Of the Georgians & the Mingrelians  385
Of the Jurisdiction of the Father of Constantinople  387
Of the Remaining Patriarchs  390
The Fifth Held Patriarch by the Greeks  390

What the Controversies are with the Greeks  391
The Fundamental Doctrine of Them  394
Even of the Nestorians  395
Of the Latinizing of Them  396
The Jacobites, the Monophysites  398
Their Dissent from the Papists  400
The Maronites  401
The Armenians  402
Whether they Believe in Transubstantiation?  406
Of the Oriental Liturgies  407

What Agreement there may be with the Papists in Appearance  409
The Disagreement from the Latins set forth in a Proposition  410

What Greeks were Against the Latins through the Centuries  411
Through the 11th-12th Centuries  413
Through the 13th & 14th Centuries  414
Through the 15th Century, Before & After the Florentine Union  417

The Latins Contra the Greeks  419
The Dissent of the Greeks [from the Latins] in Doctrine  422
The Dissent in Rites  428
The Dissent in Ecclesiastical Discipline  434

Controversies with the Greeks, even the pure ones, or the Melkites, besides those which are on the Person of Christ especially with the Jacobites [Monophysites] & Nestorians

On the Person of the Holy Spirit; On the Procession of the Holy Spirit from only the Father, & of the Addition of the Term, ‘Filioque’  437

Of the Religious Worship of Creatures; on the Religious Worship of Pictorial Images  439

On the Invocation of Saints as Intercessors with God  442

Of the Person of Christ; on the Unity of the Person of Christ, Theanthropos, and of the Error of the Nestorians  444

Of the Distinction of Natures & then the Will in Christ & on the Council of Chalcedon  445

On Good Works & on the Power unto a Good Work; on the worthiness of works from congruency and a disposition unto grace  447

On Fastings & Abstinence from Certain Foods; on the States of Fastings, & of the Reason & Necessity of Them  449

On Abstinence from a Suffocated Thing & Blood  452

Of Feast Days; on the Necessity of Feasts, even in Honor of the Creatures  454

On Confession to a Priest; on Making Private Confession at Certain Times  456

On the Sacraments; on the Absolute Necessity of Baptism  458

On the Seven Sacraments of the Church  459

Of the Changing of the Elements in the Eucharist after the Descending of the Spirit [upon the words of consecration; that is, of transubstantiation]  463

Of Infants being Admitted to the Sacred Supper  466

Of Marriage  467

On Polygamy  469

Of the Last Things; of the State & Place of the Souls of the Faithful & of Prayers & Sacrifices for the Dead  470

Select Controversies with the Infidel Jews  473

Prolegomena on the Causes of Unbelief & the Means of Conversion  473
The Rejection of Them  474
Of their Future Conversion  474
The Two General Means  475
A Number of the Causes of Unbelief with as Many Opposing Remedies; the First Class of the Causes  476

Remedies Opposing  507

Of the False Theological Principles  528

Of the Talmud  531
Of the Kabbalistic Art  533
Of the True Principle of the Christian Religion; on the Books of the N.T.  536
Of God & the Holy Trinity  538
Of the Holy Trinity  542
Of the Works of Creation; of the Creation of Evil Angels  544
Of the Creation of All Spirits  545

Controversies with Pseudo-Philosophers, Rationalists, Anti-Scripturalists, etc.  642-95

A Compendious Dissertation on the Author of the Mosaic Books, contra the Writer of the Historical-Critical Old Testament  671

Clauberg, Johann & Martin Hund – Select Disputations, in which Controversies of Faith Against All Kinds of Adversaries (Principally the Socinians & Papists…) are Explicated  (Duisberg, 1665)

Clauberg (1622-1665) was a German theologian and philosopher.  Clauberg was the founding Rector of the first University of Duisburg, where he taught from 1655 to 1665.  He is known as a ‘scholastic Cartesian’.  Hund (1624-1666) was a professor of theology at Duisburg from 1655-†1666.



Resurrection of the Flesh, 1-3  1
Trinity, 1-12  13


Word of God, 1-3  98
Power of the Word & Phrases of Sacred Scripture, 1-4  117
Consequences Deducted out of Sacred Scripture,1-11  145
Disputation on the Presupposition of Sacred Scripture  227


Of the Fundamental Truth of Faith, 1-12  242
Of the Novelty of Dogmas in Theology, 1-2  347
Of the End that Ought to be Aimed at in Theology  387
Of the Faith of Antichrist, 1-2  406


Of Oral Chewing, 1-6  424
Of the Multi-Presence of the Body of Christ, 1-3  452
Of the Nature of Liberty, 1-2  477
Of the Distinction of the Divine & Human Intellect  487


Of the Image of God, 1-7  491
Of the Election of Men to Salvation  530
Of the Testaments & Covenants of God  545
Of the Justification of Man Before God in All his Estate  550

Essenius, Andreas – A Synopsis of Controversial Theology & a Complete Index of the Passages of Sacred Scripture which the Adversaries Use to Seek to Strengthen their Errors & Attack & Deflect the Truth, & are Accustomed to Abuse, being Propounded by a Singular, Brief Method Through their Collections  (Utrecht, 1677)  479 pp.  no ToC  Scripture Index

Essenius (1618-1677).  This is a volume of questions defining the theological issues; a simple answer of Affirm or Deny, etc. with the sects it pertains to is then given (without further elaboration).  The Scripture index is very large (most of the volume) and covers most verses of the Bible.  Essenius states the sect that uses the verse, its error, and then refutes it in a sentence or two.

1. Theology & Religion  1
2. Sacred Scripture  3
3. God  9
4. Decree of God  13
5. Creation  19
6. Providence of God  25
7. Law of God  28
8. Sin & Misery of Man  40
9. Gospel & Christ the Mediator  46
10. Calling & Regeneration  61
11. Faith & its Perseverance  64
12. Justification & Christian Liberty  68
13. Sanctification & Good Works  73
14. Church & its Notes  74
15. Head of the Church & Antichrist  80
16. Ministry of the Church & Councils  85
17. Sacraments  94
18. Ecclesiastical Discipline  99
19. Monastics  101
20. Last Things  104

Scripture Index  109-479

Turretin, Francis

Institutes of Elenctic Theology, vols. 123  (Geneva, 1679-1686; NY, Robert Carter, 1847)  Index 1, 2, 3  In English: Buy

Turretin (1623–1687)

vol. 1

Publisher’s Notice  xiii
Dedicatory Epistle  xv
Preface  xxiii
Funeral Oration  xxix

Locus 1. Theology  3

1. ‘Should the word ‘theology’ be used in the Christian schools, and in how many ways can it be understood?’  3

2. ‘Whether there is a theology and its divisions.’  4

3. ‘Whether natural theology is given?’  7

4. ‘Whether natural theology is sufficient for salvation, or whether some common religion is given, through which all promiscuously are able to be saved?  It is denied contra the Socinians and Remonstrants.’  10

5. ‘Are God and Divine things the Object of Divine Knowledge. We affirm.’  16

6. ‘What is the genus of theology?’  18

7. ‘Is theology theoretical or practical’  19

8. ‘Is human reason the principle and rule by which the doctrines of the Christian religion and theology (which are the objects of faith) ought to be measured?  We deny against the Socinians.’  22

9. ‘Does any judgment belong to reason in matters of faith?  Or is there no use at all for it?’  27

10. ‘May the judgment of contradiction be allowed to human reason in matters of faith?  We affirm.’  30

11. ‘Is there any use of the testimony of the senses in mysteries of faith; or ought it to be entirely rejected?  We affirm the former and deny the latter.’  32

12. ‘Are the doctrines of faith and practice to be proved only by the express Word of God? May they not also be legitimately proved by consequences drawn from Scripture?  We affirm the latter.’  34

13. ‘Is there any use of philosophy in theology? We affirm.’  40

14. ‘Are some theological topics fundamental, others not; and how can they be mutually distinguished?’  44

2. Sacred Scripture  53

1. ‘Was revelation by the Word necessary? We affirm.’  53

2. ‘Was it necessary for the Word to be committed to writing? We affirm.’  55

3. ‘Were the sacred Scriptures written only occasionally and without the divine command? We deny against the papists.’  57

4. ‘Are the Holy Scriptures genuine and divine? We affirm.’  59

5. ‘Are there in Scripture true contradictions, or any irreconcilable passages, which cannot be resolved or harmonized in any way? We deny.’  66

6. ‘From what source does the divine authority of the Scriptures become known to us? Does it depend upon the testimony of the Church either as to itself or as to us? We deny against the papists.’  79

7. ‘Has any canonical book perished? We deny.’  87

8. ‘Are the books of the Old Testament still a part of the canon of faith and rule of practice in the Church of the New Testament? We affirm against the Anabaptists.’  90

9. ‘Ought Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, the two first books of the Maccabees, Baruch, the additions to Esther and Daniel to be numbered among the canonical books? We deny against the Papists.’  93

10. ‘Have the original texts of the Old and New Testaments come down to us pure and uncorrupted? We affirm against the papists.’  96

11. ‘Are the Hebrew version of the Old Testament and the Greek of the New the only authentic versions? We affirm against the papists.’  101

12. ‘Is the present Hebrew text in things as well as words so authentic and inspired (theopneustos) in such a sense that all the extant versions are to be referred to it as a rule and, wherever they vary, to be corrected by it? Or may we desert the reading it supplies, if judged less appropriate, and correct it either by a comparison of ancient translators or by suitable (stochastike) judgment and conjecture and follow another more suitable reading? We affirm the former and deny the latter.’  105

13. ‘Are versions necessary, and what ought to be their true use and authority in the Church?’  111

14. ‘Is the Septuagint version of the Old Testament authentic? We deny.’  115

15. ‘Is the Vulgate authentic? We deny against the papists’  118

16. ‘Do the Scriptures so perfectly contain all things necessary to salvation that there is no need of unwritten traditions after it?  We affirm against the papists.’  121

17. ‘Are the Scriptures so perspicuous in things necessary to salvation that they can be understood by believers without the external help of unwritten tradition or ecclesiastical authority?  We affirm against the papists.’  129

18. ‘Can the Scriptures be profitably read by any believer, and ought he to read them without permission? We affirm against the papists.’  133

19. ‘Whether the Scriptures have a fourfold sense: literal, allegorical, anagogical and tropological. We deny against the papists.’  134

20. ‘Whether the Scriptures (or God speaking in them) are the supreme and infallible judge of controversies and the interpreter of the Scriptures. Or whether the Church or the Roman pontiff is. We affirm the former and deny the latter against the papists.’  138

21. ‘Are the writings of the fathers the rule of truth in doctrines of faith and in the interpretation of the Scriptures? We deny against the papists.’  146

3. God, One & Three  153

1. ‘Can the Existence of God be irrefutably demonstrated against atheists? We affirm.’  153

2. ‘Are there any atheists properly so called? We deny.’  160

3. ‘Is God one? We affirm against the heathen and Tritheists.’  163

4. ‘Is his name so peculiar to God alone as to be incommunicable to creatures?  We affirm against the Socinians.’  166

5. ‘Can the divine attributes be really distinguished from the divine essence?  We deny against the Socinians.’  169

6. ‘Is the distinction of attributes into communicable and incommunicable a good one?  We affirm.’  171

7. ‘Is God most simple and free from all composition?  We affirm against Socinus and Vorstius.’  172

8. ‘Is God infinite in essence?  We affirm against Socinus and Vortius.’  175

9. ‘Is God immense and omnipresent as to essence?  We affirm against Socinus and Vorstius.’  178

10. ‘Does the eternity of God exclude succession according to priority and posteriority?  We affirm against the Socinians.’  182

11. ‘Is God immutable both in essence and will?  We affirm.’  185

12. ‘Do all things fall under the knowledge of God, both singulars and future contingencies?  We affirm against Socinus.’  187

13. ‘Is there a middle knowledge in God between the natural and the free?  We deny against the Jesuits, Socinians and Remonstrants.’  192

14. ‘Does God will some things necessarily and others freely?  We affirm.’  197

15. ‘May the will be properly distinguished into the will of decree and of precept, good purpose (eudokias) and good pleasure (euarestias), signified, secret and revealed?  We affirm.’  199

16. ‘May the will be properly distinguished into antecedent and consequent, efficacious and inefficacious, conditional and absolute?  We deny.’  204

17. ‘Can any cause be assigned for the will of God?  We deny.’  209

18. ‘Is the will of God the primary rule of justice?  We distinguish.’  210

19. ‘Is vindictive justice natural to God?  We affirm against the Socinians.’  212

20. ‘How does the goodness, love, grace and mercy of God differ from each other?’  217

21. ‘What is the omnipotence of God, and does it extend to those things which imply a contradiction?  We deny.’  220

22. ‘What is the dominion of God, and of how many kinds?  May an absolute and ordinate right be granted?’  225

23. ‘What are the meanings of the words ‘essence,’ ‘substance,’ ‘subsistence,’ ‘person,’ ‘Trinity,’ homoousion in this mystery; and may the church properly use them?’  228

24. ‘Is the mystery of the Trinity a fundamental article of faith?  We affirm against the Socinians and Remonstrants.’  234

25. ‘In the one divine essence are there three distinct persons: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?  We affirm against the Socinians.’  238

26. ‘Can the mystery of the Trinity be proved from the Old Testament, and was it known under it?  We affirm against the Socinians.’  244

27. ‘Can the divine persons be distinguished from the essence, and from each other, and how?’  248

28. ‘Is the Son true and eternal God, coessential and coeternal with the Father?  We affirm against Socinus.’  252

29. ‘Was the Son of God begotten of the Father from eternity?  We affirm.’  261

30. ‘Is the Holy Spirit a divine person, distinct from the Father and the Son? We affirm.’  270

31. ‘Did the Holy Spirit proceed from the Father and the Son? We affirm.’  275

4. Decrees of God in General, & of Predestination  279

1. ‘Are decrees in God, and how?’  279

2. ‘Are the decrees of God eternal?  We affirm against Socinus.’  281

3. ‘Are there conditional decrees?  We deny against the Socinians, Remonstrants and Jesuits.’  283

4. ‘Does the decree necessitate future things?  We affirm.’  286

5. ‘Is the fixed and immoveable end of the life of each man with all its circumstances so determined by the decree of God, that he cannot die in another moment of time or by another kind of death than that in which he does die?  We affirm against the Socinians and Remonstrants.’  289

6. ‘Ought predestination to be publicly taught and preached?  We affirm.’  295

7. ‘In what sense are the words ‘predestination,’ prognoseos, ekloges and prosthesos used in this mystery?’  297

8. ‘Was there a predestination of angels, and was it of the same kind and order with the predestination of men?  The former we affirm; the latter we deny.’  301

9. ‘Whether the Object of Predestination was Man Creatable, or Capable of Falling; or whether as Created and Fallen.  The Former we Deny; the latter we Affirm.’  306

10. ‘Is Christ the cause and foundation of election?  We deny against the Arminians and Lutherans.’  314

11. ‘Is election made from the foresight of faith, or works; or from the grace of God alone?  The former we deny; the latter we affirm.’  318

12. ‘Is the election of certain men to salvation constant and immutable?  We affirm against the Remonstrants.’  326

13. ‘Can the believer be certain of his own election with a certainty not only conjectural and moral, but infallible and of faith?  We affirm against the papists and Remonstrants.’  333

14. ‘Is the decree of reprobation absolute, depending upon the good pleasure (eudokia) of God alone; or is sin its proper cause?  We distinguish.’  339

15. ‘Is infidelity, or unbelief of the gospel, presupposed as a cause of reprobation?  We deny against the Remonstrants.’  348

16. ‘Is the will of God to save persevering believers and condemn the unbelieving, the whole decree of reprobation?  We deny against the Remonstrants.’  350

17. ‘Can there be attributed to God any conditional will, or universal purpose of pitying the whole human race fallen in sin, of destinating Christ as Mediator to each and all, and of calling them all to a saving participation of his benefits?  We deny.’  352

18. ‘Is any order to be admitted in the divine decrees, and what is it?’  371

5. Creation  385

1. ‘What is creation?’  385

2. ‘Is the ability to create communicable to any creature either principally or instrumentally?  We deny.’  387

3. ‘Was the world from eternity, or at least could it have been?  We deny.’  389

4. ‘In what season of the year was the world created?  In the spring, or in the autumn?’  394

5. ‘Was the world created in a moment, or in six days?  And, were the particular works of each of the six days created without motion and succession of time, or did God employ a whole day in the production of each thing?’  396

6. ‘In what order were the works of creation produced by God in the six days?’  398

7. ‘From the use of the luminaries posited by Moses can judiciary astrology be built up?  We deny against the astrologers and planetarians.’  403

8. ‘Was Adam the first of mortals, or did men exist before him?  And is the epoch of the created world and of men’s deeds to be referred much farther back than Adam?  The former we affirm; the latter we deny, against the Preadamites.’  407

9. ‘Was man created in puris naturalibus, or could he have been so created? We deny against the Pelagians and Scholastics.’  412

10. ‘In what consisted the image of God in which man was created?’  414

11. ‘Was original righteousness natural or supernatural? The former we affirm, the latter we deny against the Romanists.’  419

12. ‘Did the first man before his fall possess immortality, or was he mortal in nature and condition? The former we affirm; the latter we deny against the Socinians.’  422

13. ‘Are souls created by God, or are they propagated? We affirm the former and deny the latter.’  425

14. ‘Is the soul immortal in virtue of its intrinsic construction? We affirm.’  430

6. Actual Providence of God  439

1. ‘Is there a providence?  We affirm.’   439

2. ‘Is the providence of God rightly called ‘fate,’ and is a fatal necessity properly ascribed to it?  We distinguish.’  444

3. ‘Do all things come under providence—small as well as great, contingent and free, natural and necessary?  We affirm.’  446

4. ‘Is providence occupied only in the conservation and sustentation of things; or also in their government (through which God Himself acts and efficaciously concurs with them by a concourse not general and indifferent, but particular, specific and immediate)?  We deny the former and affirm the latter, against the Jesuits, Socinians and Remonstrants.’  449

5. ‘Does God concur with second causes not only by a particular and simultaneous, but also by a previous concourse?  We affirm.’  453

6. ‘How can the concourse of God be reconciled with the contingency and liberty of second causes—especially of the will of man.’  458

7. ‘Do sins fall under providence, and how is it applied to them?’  462

8. ‘Whether it follows and can be elicited by legitimate consequence from our doctrine that we make God the author of sin.  We deny against the Romanists, Socinians, Remonstrants and Lutherans.’  473

 9. ‘Is there a use and abuse of the doctrine of providence?’  479

7. Angels  485

1. ‘Whether and when angels were created.’  485

2. ‘Are angels spiritual and incorporeal substances?  We affirm.’  487

3. ‘What is the mode and what is the object of angelic knowledge?’  489

4. ‘What is the will and the free will of angels?  Do affections belong to them?’  491

5. ‘What is the power of the angels?’  492

6. ‘What were the apparitions of angels, and what bodies did they assume?’  494

7. ‘Is there any order among the angels and are there distinct hierarchies among them?  The former we affirm; the latter we deny against the Jews and Romanists.’  495

8. ‘Why and for what does God use the ministry of angels?  Is a particular angel assigned as a perpetual guardian to each believer?  We deny.’  499

9. ‘Are angels our intercessors with God, and is any religious worship due to them?  We deny against the Romanists.’  503

8. State of Man after the Fall & Covenant of Nature  513

1. ‘What was the liberty of Adam in his state of innocence?’  513

2. ‘Did Adam have the power to believe in Christ?’  515

3. ‘Whether God made any covenant with Adam, and what kind it was.’  517

4. ‘Why is it called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and why did God give Adam a law about not tasting it?’  521

5. ‘Why was it called the tree of life?’  523

6. ‘Whether Adam had the promise of eternal and heavenly life so that (his course of obedience being finished) he would have been carried to heaven.  We affirm.’  525

7. ‘Does the earthly paradise still exist?  We deny.’  528

9. Sin in General & Specific  535

1. ‘Whether the formal reason of sin may rightly be said to consist in illegality (anomia).  We affirm.’  535

2. ‘Whether the hekousion or voluntary (inasmuch as it is of him who knowingly and willingly does anything) is of the essence of sin?  We deny against the papists and Socinians.’  537

3. ‘Whether guilt is the formal of sin, or its inseparable adjunct, or only its effect.  And whether it may well be distinguished into guilt of culpability and of punishment.’  538

4. ‘Whether all sins are of themselves and in their own nature mortal.  Or whether any venial sin can be granted.  The former we affirm; the latter we deny against the papists.’  539

5. ‘What was the sin of the angels by which they are said to have rebelled against God?’  544

 6. ‘What was the first sin of man—unbelief or pride?’  546

7. ‘How could a holy man fall, and what was the true cause of his fall?’  549

8. ‘Whether Adam by his fall lost the image of God.  We affirm.’  553

9. ‘Whether the actual disobedience of Adam is imputed by an immediate and antecedent imputation to all his posterity springing from him by natural generation.  We affirm.’   555

10. ‘Whether any original sin or inherent stain and depravity may be granted, propagated to us by generation.  We affirm against the Pelagians and Socinians.’  569

11. ‘Whether original sin has corrupted the very essence of the soul.  Also whether it is a mere privation or a certain positive quality too.’  575

12. ‘How is original sin propagated from parents to their children?’  578

13. ‘Actual sin and its various divisions.’  581

14. ‘In what consists the formal reason of the sin against the Holy Spirit?  Also why is it unpardonable?’  584

15. ‘Whether sin is able to be a punishment for sin?’  589

10. Free Choice of Man in State of Sin  597

1. ‘Whether the term ‘free will’ or self-determining power (autexousiou) should be retained in the Christian schools.  And to what faculty of the soul does it properly belong—the intellect or will?’  597

2. ‘Whether every necessity is repugnant to freedom of will.  We deny against the papists and Remonstrants.’  599

3. ‘Whether the formal reason of free will consists in indifference or in rational spontaneity.  The former we deny; the latter we affirm against papists, Socinians and Remonstrants.’  602

4. ‘Whether the free will in a state of sin is so a servant of and enslaved by sin that it can do nothing but sin; or whether it still has the power to incline itself to good, not only civil and externally moral, but internal and spiritual, answering accurately to the will of God prescribed in the law.  The former we affirm; the latter we deny, against the papists, Socinians and Remonstrants.’  605

5. ‘Whether the virtues of the heathen were good works form which the power of free will to good can be inferred.  We deny against the papists.’  618

Index  621

vol. 2

Dedicatory Epistle  xiii
Preface  xxi

11. Law of God  3

1. ‘Whether there is a natural law, and how it differs from the moral law.  The former we affirm; the latter we distinguish.’  3

2. ‘Are the precepts of the decalogue of natural and indispensable right?  We affirm.’  8

3. ‘Is the moral law so perfect a rule of life and morals that nothing can be added to it or ought to be corrected in it for the true worship of God?  Or did Christ fulfill it not only as imperfect, but also correct it as contrary to his doctrines?  The former we affirm; the latter we deny against the Socinians, Anabaptists, Remonstrants and papists.’  18

4. ‘May anything be added to the moral law in the way of counsel?  We deny against the papists.’  26

5. ‘Are four precepts rightly assigned to the first table and six to the second?  We affirm.’  30

6. ‘What rules are to be observed in explaining and keeping the precepts of the decalogue?’  32

1st Commandment

7. ‘Is God alone to be worshipped and invoked?  Or is it lawful to invoke and religiously worship deceased saints?  We affirm the former and deny the latter against the papists.’  35

8. ‘Should the bodies of saints and relics be adored with religious worship?  We deny against the papists.’  43

2nd Command

9. ‘Is it lawful to religiously worship images of God, the holy Trinity, Christ, the virgin and other saints?  We deny against the papists.’  47

10. ‘Whether not only the worship, but also the formation and use of religious images in sacred places is prohibited by the Second Commandment.  We affirm against the Lutherans.’  56

3rd Command

11. ‘Whether every oath so obliges the conscience that we are bound to keep it by an inevitable necessity.  We distinguish.’  59

12. ‘Whether it is lawful to use ambiguous equivocations and mental reservations in oaths.  We deny against the papists and especially the Jesuits.’  63

4th Commandment

13. ‘Whether the first institution of the Sabbath was in the Fourth Commandment; and whether the commandment is partly moral, partly ceremonial.  The former we deny; the latter we affirm.’  68

14. ‘Whether the institution of the Lord’s Day is divine or human; whether it is of necessary and perpetual or of free and mutable observance.  The former we affirm and the latter we deny (as to both parts).’  81

15. ‘Whether it belongs to the faith in the New Testament that besides the Lord’s Day there are other festival days properly so called whose celebration is necessary per se and by reason of mystery, not by reason of order or ecclesiastical polity only.  We deny against the papists.’  88

5th Commandment

16. ‘May children withdraw themselves from the power of their parents and marry without their consent?  We deny against the papists.’  92

6th Commandment

17. ‘Are the rights of war and punishment contained under this commandment?  Are suicide (autocheiria) and duelling prohibited?  The former we deny; the latter we affirm.’  98

7th Commandment

18. ‘What is forbidden and what is enjoined by the precept concerning not committing adultery?’  105

8th Commandment

19. ‘What is forbidden and commanded by the precept concerning not stealing?  Is usury of all kinds contained under it?  We deny.’  108

9th Commandment

20. Whether a lie under any pretext can be rendered virtuous and lawful.  We deny against the Socinians.’  113

10th Commandment

21. ‘What concupiscence is prohibited by the tenth precept?  Are the incipient motions sins?  We affirm.’  118

22. Which and how many fold is the use of the Moral Law, according to the varied states of man?  and whether it is able to oblige to obedience and the penalty simultaneously?  121

23. Whether the Moral Law has been wholly abrogated under the New Testament?  or whether truly it yet pertains in some respect to Christians?  The former is denied; the latter is affirmed, contra Antinomians.  124

24. ‘What was the end and use of the ceremonial law under the Old Testament?  When and how?’  128

25. ‘Was the ceremonial law abrogated under the New Testament?  When and how?’  139

26. ‘Whether the judicial law was abrogated under the New Testament.  We make distinctions.’  145

12. Covenant of Grace & its Twofold Economy in the Old & New Testament  151

1. ‘The origin and meaning of the words bryth, diathekesfoedusepangelias and evangelium used here.’  151

2. ‘Who were the contracting parties; who is the mediator; what are the clauses of the covenant—both on God’s part and on man’s?’  155

3. ‘Is the covenant of grace conditional and what are its conditions?’  164

4. ‘How do the covenants of works and of grace agree with and differ from each other?’  169

5. ‘Was the covenant of grace one and the same as to substance under each dispensation?  We affirm against the Socinians, Anabaptists and Remonstrants.’  171

6. ‘Was the covenant of grace ever universal, either as to presentation or acceptance?  We deny.’  182

7. ‘Why did God will to dispense the single covenant of grace in different ways?  In how many ways was it dispensed?  And what was its economy?’  192

8. ‘How the old and new covenants differ from each other: whether essentially (as to substance of doctrine) or accidentally (as to the manner of dispensation).  We make distinctions.’  206

9. ‘Whether Christ under the Old Testament had only the relation of a surety giving security or also of a surety promising it.  The former we deny; the latter we affirm.’  212

10. ‘Whether the fathers under the Old Testament can be said to have been still under the wrath of God and the curse of the law, and to have remained under the guilt of sin even until the death of Christ; nor had aphesin, or a full and properly so-called remission of sins, been made, but only a paresin.  We make distinctions.’  218

11. ‘Whether the souls of the fathers of the Old Testament were immediately received into heaven after death or were cast into limbo.  The former we affirm; the latter we deny against the papists.’  227

12. ‘Whether the Sinaitic legal covenant, made by Moses with the people of Israel on Mount Sinai, was a certain third covenant distinct in species from the covenant of nature and the covenant of grace.  We deny.’  231

13. Person & State of Christ  241

1. ‘Has the promised Messiah already come?  We affirm against the Jews.’   241

2. ‘Is Jesus of Nazareth the true Messiah?  We affirm against the Jews.’  254

3. ‘Was it necessary for the Son of God to become incarnate?  We affirm.’  264

4. ‘Whether only the second person of the Trinity became incarnate and why.’  268

5. ‘Was the human nature assumed by the Logos like ours in all respects (sin excepted) and his flesh taken from the substance of the blessed virgin; or did it come down from heaven?  The former we affirm; the latter we deny against the Anabaptists.’  270

6. ‘Did the Son of God assume human nature into the unity of this person?  We affirm against the Socinians.’  274

7. ‘Was the hypostatical union of the two natures in Christ such that neither the person is divided nor the natures confounded?  We affirm against Nestorius and Eutyches.’  280

8. ‘Were certain properties of the divine nature formally communicated to the human nature of Christ by the personal union?  We deny against the Lutherans.’  283

9. ‘Was Christ the Mediator bound to perform his office under a twofold state?  We affirm.’  292

10. ‘What was the natal year, month and day of Christ?’  294

11. ‘How was Christ conceived from the Holy Spirit and born of the blessed virgin?’  298

12. ‘What graces were bestowed on the human nature of Christ?  And did he have faith and hope?  We affirm.’  304

13. ‘From its very creation was the soul of Christ so filled with knowledge that it could be ignorant of or learn nothing?  We deny against the papists.’  306

14. ‘Did Christ suffer only corporeal punishments for us in the body or in the soul, but only as to its lower and sensitive part?  Or did He in truth also bear the spiritual and infernal punishments of sin themselves (in the superior as well as in the inferior part) properly in Himself and from a sense of God’s wrath?  We deny the former and affirm the latter against the papists.’  309

15. ‘Was the soul of Christ, after its separation from the body, translated to paradise immediately?  Or did it descend locally to hell?  The former we affirm; the latter we deny against the papists and Lutherans.’  313

16. ‘May the descent into hell be rightly referred to infernal torments and to a most abject state under the dominion of death in the sepulcher?  We affirm.’  317

17. ‘Did Christ rise by his own power?  We affirm against the Socinians.’  319

18. ‘Did Christ ascend properly by a local movement from the lower places to the supreme heaven of the blessed; or metaphorically by disappearance?  We affirm the former and deny the latter against the Lutherans.’  321

19. ‘What is the session of Christ at the right hand of God?  According to what nature does it apply to Christ and does it pertain to the relation of situation?  We deny.’  324

14. Mediatorial Office of Christ  331

1. ‘In what sense is the name “Mediator” applied to Christ?’  331

2. ‘Is Christ a Mediator according to both natures?  We affirm against the papists and Stancar.’  334

3. ‘Is Christ the Mediator of angels?  We deny.’  339

4. ‘Is Christ alone our Mediator with God?  We affirm against the Papists.’  340

5. ‘Why ought Christ to sustain a threefold office of Mediator?’  344

6. ‘Was Christ caught up into heaven before beginning his public ministry in order to be taught there by the Father?  We deny against the Socinians.’  348

7. ‘In what does the prophetic office of Christ consist; or what are its parts and what is its mode?’  350

8. ‘Whether Christ was a Priest of true name who began his priesthood on earth.  Or was he so called only figuratively, who fulfilled his office in heaven after his ascension and not before?  We affirm the former and deny the latter against the Socinians.’  355

9. ‘On the nature and unity of Christ’s priesthood and why it is said to be according to the order of Melchizedek.’  358

10. ‘Was it necessary for Christ to make satisfaction to divine justice for us?  We affirm against the Socinians.’  368

11. ‘Did Christ truly and properly satisfy God’s justice in our place?  We affirm against the Socinians.’  375

12. ‘Was the satisfaction of Christ so perfect as to leave no room after it either for human satisfactions in this life or for purgatory after this life?  We affirm against the Romanists.’  385

13. ‘Is the satisfaction of Christ to be restricted to the sufferings and punishments which He endured for us?  Or is it to be extended also to the active obedience by which He perfectly fulfilled the law in his whole life?  The former we deny and the latter we affirm.’  391

14. ‘Did Christ die for each and every man universally or only for the elect?  The former we deny; the latter we affirm.’  400

15. ‘Why and how does Christ intercede for us?’  424

16. ‘Whether the economical kingdom of Christ is temporal and earthly or spiritual and heavenly.  The former we deny; we assert the latter against the Jews.’  427

17. ‘Is the Mediatorial kingdom of Christ to continue forever?  We affirm.’  430

18. ‘Is Christ to be adored as Mediator?  We distinguish.’  434

15. Calling & Faith  441

1. ‘What is calling and of how many kinds?  Also, how do external and internal calling differ?’  441

2. ‘Are the reprobate, who partake of the external calling, called with the design and intention on God’s part that they should become partakers of salvation?  And, this being denied, does it follow that God does not deal seriously with them, but hypocritically and falsely; or that He can be accused of any injustice?  We deny.’  443

3. ‘Is sufficient, subjective and internal grace given to each and every one?  We deny against the Romanists, Socinians and Arminians.’  449

4. ‘Is effectual calling so denominated from the event (or from congruity) or from the supernatural operation of grace itself?  The former we deny; the latter we affirm against the Romanists and Arminians.’  455

5. ‘Whether in the first moment of conversion man is merely passive or whether his will cooperates in some measure with the grace of God.  The former we affirm and deny the latter against all Synergists.’  477

6. ‘Whether efficacious grace operates only by a certain moral suasion which man is able either to receive or to reject.  Or whether it operates by an invincible and omnipotent suasion which the will of man cannot resist.  The former we deny; the latter we affirm against the Romanists and Arminians.’  481

7. ‘In how many ways may faith be taken and how many kinds of it are enumerated?’  492

8. ‘How many acts does justifying faith include in its formal conception?’  493

9. ‘Is faith assent without knowledge and can it be defined better by ignorance than by knowledge?  We deny against the Romanists.’  497

10. ‘Is faith trust?  We affirm against the Romanists.’  500

11. ‘What is the object of faith in general and can what is false come under it?  We deny.’  502

12. ‘Whether the proper and specific object of justifying faith is the special promise of mercy in Christ.  We affirm against the Romanists.’  506

13. ‘Whether the form of justifying faith is love or obedience to God’s commands.  We deny against the Romanists and Socinians.’  511

14. ‘Do infants have faith?  We distinguish.’  513

15. ‘Does temporary faith differ only in degree and duration or also in kind from justifying faith?  The former we deny; the latter we affirm against the Remonstrants.’  517

16. ‘Whether the true believer can ever totally or finally fall from faith.  We deny against the Romanists, Socinians, Remonstrants and others who favor the apostasy of the saints.’  522

17. ‘Whether the believer can and ought to be certain of his faith and justification by a divine and not merely conjectural certainty.  We affirm against the Romanists and Remonstrants.’  541

16. Justification  557

1. ‘Is the word “justification” always used in a forensic sense in this argument; or is it also used in a moral and physical sense?  The former we affirm; the latter we deny against the Romanists.’  557

2. ‘Is the impulsive and meritorious cause (on account of which man is justified in the judgment of God) inherent righteousness infused into us or good works?  We deny against the Romanists.’  560

3. ‘Is the righteousness and obedience of Christ imputed to us the meritorious cause and foundation of our justification with God?  We affirm against the Romanists and Socinians.’  568

4. ‘Does justification consist only in the remission of sins?  Or does it embrace also adoption and the right to life?  The former we deny and affirm the latter.’  577

5. ‘Does remission of sins consist in an absolute removal of them?  Or in the pardon of them?  And after the guilt is remitted is a certain punishment retained?  Or is it wholly remitted?  The former we deny; the latter we affirm against the Romanists.’  580

6. ‘What is the adoption which is given to us in justification?’  585

7. ‘Does faith justify us properly and of itself or only relatively and instrumentally?  The former we deny; the latter we affirm against the Socinians, Remonstrants and Romanists.’  588

8. ‘Does faith alone justify?  We affirm against the Romanists.’  593

9. ‘Was justification made from eternity or is it made in time?  Is it an undivided act taking place at one and the same time?’  600

10. ‘The unity, perfection and certainty of justification.’  602

17. Sanctification & Good Works  609

1. ‘What is sanctification and how is it distinguished from justification, yet inseparable from it?’  609

2. ‘Is sanctification so perfect in this life that believers can fulfill the law absolutely?  We deny against the Romanists and Socinians.’  613

3. ‘Are good works necessary to salvation?  We affirm.’  620

4. ‘What is required that a work may be truly good?  Are the works of the righteous such?  We affirm.’  624

5. ‘Is there a merit of congruity or condignity?  Do good works merit eternal life?  We deny against the Romanists.’  627

Index  641


vol. 3

To the Reader  v

18. Church  3

1. ‘The necessity of the discussion concerning the church, and whether the knowledge of the church ought to precede the knowledge of doctrine.’  3

2. ‘The word ‘church’–its homonyms and definition.’  7

3. ‘Besides the elect, are reprobates and infidels (whether secret or open) also true members of the church of Christ?  We deny against the Romanists.’  11

4. ‘Do unbaptized catechumens, the excommunicated and schismatics belong to the church?  We distinguish.’  21

5. ‘In what sense may the church be called one?’  24

6. ‘In what sense is the church called catholic?’  26

7. ‘Is the true church rightly said to be invisible?  We affirm against the Romanists.’  29

8. ‘Is the true church indefectible, which always was and always ought to be in the world until the consummation of the ages?  We affirm against the Socinians.’  36

9. ‘Ought the church to enjoy perpetual splendor and eminence; or can it be at times so obscured and lessened that no assembly of it appears publicly on earth?  The former we deny; the latter we affirm against the Romanists.’  41

10. ‘Where was our church before Luther and Zwingli, and how was it preserved?’  50

11. ‘Is the church infallible or can it err about faith?  The former we deny; the latter we affirm against the Romanists.’  60

12. ‘Is the truth of doctrine which is held in any assembly, or its conformity with the Word of God by the pure preaching and profession of the Word, and the lawful administration and use of the sacraments, a mark of the true visible church?  We affirm against the Romanists.’  74

13. ‘Are the name ‘catholic’, antiquity, continued duration, amplitude, the succession of bishops, harmony in doctrine with the ancient church, union of the members with each other and with the head, holiness of doctrine, the efficacy of the same, holiness of life, the glory of miracles, prophetic light, the confession of adversaries, the unhappy end of the persecutors of the church and the temporal happiness of those who have defended it, marks of the true church?  We deny against the Romanists.’  83

14. ‘Can the church of Rome of today be called a true church of Christ?  We deny against the Romanists.’  103

15. ‘Are the evangelical and Reformed churches true churches of Christ?  We affirm.’  117

16. ‘Should the government of the church be monarchical?  We deny against the Romanists.’  125

17. ‘Was Peter an ecumenical Pontiff and the head of the church and the vicar of Christ?  We deny against the Romanists.’  132

18. ‘Was Peter at Rome, and did he hold the episcopate there for many years?  We deny against the Romanists.’  144

19. ‘Is the Roman pope the successor of Peter in a monarchy or ecumenical pontificate?  We deny.’  151

20. ‘Was the primacy which obtains in the roman church established from the beginning, or was it introduced little by little and by degrees in the progress of the ages?  The former we deny; the latter we affirm.’  160

21. ‘Is the episcopate an order or grade of ecclesiastical hierarchy distinct from the presbyterate; and is it superior by divine right?  We deny.’  169

22. ‘Is it necessary that there should be a public ministry and a calling to it in the church?  We affirm against Fanatics and Enthusiasts.’  178

23. ‘Of how many kinds is the call to the ministry and is an ordinary call always necessary?  We distinguish.’  183

24. ‘Does the right of electing and calling pastors belong to bishops alone or to the church?  The former we deny; the latter we affirm against the Romanists.’  190

25. ‘Was the call of the first Reformers legitimate?  We affirm against the Romanists.’  199

26. ‘Is a perpetual celibacy according to apostolic institution to be necessarily observed by the sacred order?  Or is marriage lawful for ministers?  The former we deny; the latter we affirm against the Romanists.’  209

27. ‘Are ecclesiastical persons exempt from the jurisdiction of and subjection to the civil magistrate?  We deny against the Romanists.’  219

28. ‘Is any salary due ministers of the church?  We affirm against the Anabaptists.’  228

29. ‘Does any spiritual power distinct from the political belong to the church?  We affirm.’  232

30. ‘Is the ecclesiastical power concerned with doctrines, creeds and confessions of faith?  We affirm.’  239

31. ‘Does a legislative power properly so called, of enacting laws binding the conscience, belong to the church?  Or only an ordaining (diataktike) power, of sanctioning constitutions and canons for the sake of good order (eutaxion)?  The former we deny; the latter we affirm against the Romanists.’  242

32. ‘Does the spiritual power of excommunicating contumacious and scandalous sinners belong to sacred ministers?  We affirm against Erastus and his followers.’  248

33. ‘Does it belong to the Roman pontiff to proclaim and gather councils, to preside over them and to confer upon them infallible authority in doctrines of faith and religion?  And is the Council of Trent to be accepted?  We deny against the Romanists.’  260

34. ‘What is the right of the Christian magistrate about sacred things, and does the care and recognition of religion belong in any way to him?  We affirm.’  268

19. Sacraments  287

1. ‘What is a sacrament as to the name and as to the thing?’  287

2. ‘Was it necessary that sacraments should be instituted in the church and is their use necessary?  We distinguish.’  292

3. ‘What is the nature of the sign required in a sacrament?’  294

4. ‘Is the essential and internal form of the sacraments placed in the relation of the sign to the thing signified and in their merely relative union (schetike)?  We affirm against the Romanists.’  297

5. ‘Are the sacraments only marks and badges of our profession?  Or are they also signs and seals of the grace of God concerning the remission of sins and the regeneration of the Spirit?  We affirm against the Socinians and Romanists.’  299

6. ‘Is the sacramental word a declarative and concionative (concionale) word or is it the consecratory which is operative?  The former we affirm; the latter we deny against the Romanists.’  302

7. ‘Whether the intention of the minister (at least of doing what the church does) is necessary to the essence and efficacy of the sacrament.  We deny against the Romanists.’  304

8. ‘Do the sacraments of the New Testament work grace so physically that they effect and contain itex opere operato, whether faith and devotion are present or not?  Or are they rather efficacious signs and seals of grace?  The former we deny; the latter we affirm against the Romanists.’  308

9. ‘Does the difference between the sacraments of the Old and New Testaments consist in this—that the former adumbrate and the latter contain grace; that the former have the figure, the latter have the body itself?  We deny.’  315

10. ‘Is a mark (i.e., a spiritual and indelible sign) impressed upon the soul in the three sacraments, baptism, confirmation and order?  We deny  against the Romanists.’  320

11. ‘What is baptism and of how many kinds is it?’  322

12. ‘Was baptism only a temporary rite, distinguishing believers from unbelievers, which ought to continue only for a time?  We deny against the Socinians.’  327

13. ‘Is baptism absolutely necessary to salvation?  We deny against the Romanists.’  330

14. ‘Is baptism by laymen or women lawful in any case?  We deny against the Romanists.’  335

15. ‘Is baptism administered by heretics lawful?  We distinguish.’  338

16. ‘Was John’s baptism essentially the same as Christ’s baptism?  We affirm against the Romanists.’  340

17. ‘Is the formula of baptism prescribed by Christ to be observed in its administration?  And what does it imply?’  344

18. ‘Is the true doctrine concerning baptism retained in the Roman church?  We distinguish’  346

19. ‘Does baptism take away sins in such a way that they are not, or only that they do not reign and are not imputed?  Does it take away past and present sins only and leave future sins to repentance?  Or does it extend itself to sins committed not only before but also after baptism?  The former we deny; the latter we affirm against the Romanists.’  350

20. ‘Should the infants of covenanted believers be baptized?  We affirm against the Anabaptists.’  354

21. ‘What is the holy Supper and by what names is it specially distinguished in the Scriptures as well as among the ancients?’  359

22. ‘Why was the holy Supper instituted by our Lord and of how many parts does it consist?’  365

23. ‘Is the consecration made in the Eucharist by the utterance of the wordsHoc est enim corpus meum?  And ought they to be secretly uttered?  We deny against the Romanists.’  372

24. ‘Is the rite of breaking bread necessary in the administration of the Supper?  We affirm.’  377

25. ‘Ought both symbols of the Eucharist to be administered according to the command of God to each and every adult believer?  Or is the use of the cup to be forbidden to the people?  The former we affirm; the latter we deny against the Romanists.’  381

26. ‘Are the words of the Supper to be understood properly and literally (kata to rheton), or figuratively and sacramentally?  The former we deny; the latter we affirm against the Romanists and Lutherans.’  396

27. ‘In the Eucharist, is there an entire conversion of the substance of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ; or are the bread and wine, in virtue of the words of consecration, truly transubstantiated into the very body and blood of Christ, the external species only of the bread and wine remaining?  We deny against the Romanists.’  416

28. ‘Is Christ corporeally present in the Eucharist, and is He eaten with the mouth by believers?  We deny against the Romanists and Lutherans.’  431

29. ‘Is an external, real and properly so called sacrifice offered to God in the Eucharist; not only of praise, thanksgiving and commemoration, but a truly propitiatory sacrifice for the sins of the living and the dead?  We deny against the Romanists.’  443

30. ‘Is the worship oflatria(or adoration) due to the sacrament of the Eucharist?  We deny against the Romanists.’  458

31. ‘Are confirmation, penance, orders, marriage and extreme unction true sacraments?  We deny against the Romanists.’  467

20. Last Things  481

1. ‘Will there be a resurrection of the dead on the last day?  We affirm.’  481

2. ‘Are the same bodies numerically which have died to be raised again?  We affirm against the Socinians.’  490

3. ‘Besides the universal resurrection, is there a particular resurrection of saints or of the martyrs which will precede the last by a thousand years?’  We deny.’  492

4. ‘Can anything certain and determinate be held concerning the time of the end of the world?  And are certain signs to precede it?  The former we deny; the latter we affirm.’  499

5. ‘What will the destruction of the earth be like?  Will it be annihilated by the final conflagaration or will it be restored and renewed?’  506

6. ‘Is there a final judgment to be expected and what will it be like?’  512

7. ‘Is there a hell?  And what are its punishments—whether only of loss or also of sense?  We affirm the latter.’  518

8. ‘Will eternal life consist in the vision of God or in the love and enjoyment of Him?  And under what symbols is it usually described and why?’  521

9. ‘What are the endowments and qualities of glorified bodies?’  530

10. ‘Will there be degrees of glory?  And will the glory in heaven be equal or unequal and unlike?’  533

11. ‘Will the saints in the other world know one another?  We affirm.’  541

12. ‘What is the difference between the church militant and the church triumphant?’  543

13. ‘Will the saints glorify God not only with a mental, but also with a vocal language?  And will there be a diversity of languages or only one?’  545


Works, vol. 4, Disputations  Indices: Subject 1, 2, 3; Scripture 1, 2, 3

Necessity of Our Secession from the Church of Rome

Preface to Secession from Rome
Preface to Satisfaction of Christ
ToC 1, 2, 3

1. The State of the Question is Propounded: the Roman Church is Argued to be Heretics  3
2. First Part on Roman Idolatry  31
3. Second Part on Roman Idolatry  53
4. Third Part on Roman Idolatry  77
5. On Roman Tyranny  97
6. On the Romish Babylon  125
7. A Demonstration of the Antichrist  147
8. Objections are Solved  181

Decade of Miscellaneous Disputations

1. On the Book of Life  207
2. First Part on the Authority of Holy Scripture Against the Papists  233
3. Second Part on the Authority of Holy Scripture  253
4. On the Necessity of Good Works  271
5. On the Three Heavenly Witnesses out of 1 Jn. 5:7  289
6. On the Spirit, the Water and the Blood which Bear Witness in the Earth, out of 1 Jn. 5:8  307
7. Of Baptism out of the Cloud & Water, out of 1 Cor. 10:1-2  325
8. Of Manna, out of 1 Cor. 10:3  341
9. Of the Rock, Christ, out of 1 Cor. 10:4  357
10. Of the Brass Serpent  371

On the Satisfaction of Christ, Disputations 11-23  385-712

11. Necessity of Christ’s Satisfaction, pt. 1  385
12. Necessity of Christ’s Satisfaction, pt. 2  409
13. Truth of Christ’s Satisfaction, pt. 1  439
14. Truth of Christ’s Satisfaction, pt. 2  469
15. Truth of Christ’s Satisfaction, pt. 3  495
16. Truth of Christ’s Satisfaction, pt. 4  521
17. Truth of Christ’s Satisfaction, pt. 5  543
18. Truth of Christ’s Satisfaction, pt. 6  563
19. Truth of Christ’s Satisfaction, pt. 7  593
20. Truth of Christ’s Satisfaction, pt. 8  625
21. Truth of Christ’s Satisfaction, pt. 9  644
22. Perfection of Christ’s Satisfaction, pt. 1  667
23. Perfection of Christ’s Satisfaction, pt. 2  691

24. A Theological Disputation on the Pontifical Circle  713  [in that the Papists say that one needs the Church to interpret Scripture, and yet the Church is proved out of Scripture]

25. A Textual Exercise on the Harmony of Paul & James on the Article of Justification  731

Rissen, Leonard – A Sum of Didactic & Elenctic Theologyout of Our Theologians, Especially out of Francis Turretin’s Institutes of Theology, so Augmented & Illustrated  (Bern, 1676; 1690)  Extended Latin ToC

Here is an introduction to the life of Rissen (1636-1700) with his chapter on Justification in English.

Brief Table of Contents

1. Of Theology  2
2. Of Scripture  15
3. Of God  64
4. Of the Most Holy Trinity  98
5. Of the Decrees of God  111
6. Of Predestination  124
7. Of Creation  147
8. Of the Providence of God  186
9. Of the Law & the Fall  203
10. Of the Covenant of Grace  257
11. Of Christ  268
12. Of the Offices of Christ  314
13. Of Conversion & Faith  371
14. Of Justification  411
15. Of the Decalogue & Good Works  456
16. Of the Church  554
17. Of the Sacraments  671
18. Of the Last Things  767

Cloppenburg, Johannes – All the Theological Works, vol. 2  (Elenctic & Christian Sabbath)  (Amsterdam, 1684)  ToC

Cloppenburg (1592-1652)

Heidegger, Johann H. – The Mound of the Council of Trent…  where is a Historical-Theological Anatomy of the Council of Trent…  vol. 1, 2  (Zurich: Gessner, 1690)  ToC 1, 2



Pictet, Benedict – A Brief Syllabus of Controversies  (Geneva, 1711)

Bk. 1, On Controversies Agitated from the Age of the Reformation

1. Of Atheists, Deists & Anti-Scripturalists  1

The Errors of Spinoza  3
Hobbes  9
Edward Herbert  12
The View of David George of Holland  13
Of Libertines  14

2. Of Jews  15
3. Of Mohammedans  29
4. Of the Papists  22

Of the Jansenists  33
On the View of Richard Simon  39

5. On the Anabaptists  40
.       On the View of the Schwenckfeldians  47
6. On the View of Weigel & the Weigelians  49
7. Propositions of M. de Molinos as they were Condemned by Innocent XI in 1687  57
8. Porpositions taken from the Book of Rev. Francis Salignac Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambrai [France] as they were Condemned at Rome by Innocent XII in 1699  68
9. Of Quakers  74
10. Of Antinomians  78
11. The View of the Anti-Trinitarians, Servetus, Valentinus Gentilis, Socinus & the Socinians  79
12. Of the Arminians, or the Remonstrants  92
13.  Of the Augustinian Evangelical Brethren  98
14. Of the Modern Greeks  100
15. Of the Russites or the Moscovites, the Copts & the Abyssinians, or the Ethiopians  106
16. Of the Pietists  113

Bk. 2, Of the Heretics which have Disturbed the Christian Church, by the Century  116

1. On the Heretics of the First Century  116
2. Of the 2nd Century  126
3. Of the 3rd Century  154
4. Of the 4th Century  159
5. Of the 5th Century  166
6. Of the 6th Century  172
7. Of the 7th Century  174
8. Of the 8th Century  175
9. Of the 9th Century  176

Lampe, Friedrich – Rudiments of Elenctic Theology  (Bremen, 1729)  ToC

Lampe (1683-1729) was a German Pietist pastor, theologian and professor of dogmatics. He was a Cocceian, and follower of Johannes d’Outrein.  He is known as the first Pietist leader from a reformed rather than Lutheran background.



Latin Systematic Theologies Emphasizing Polemics


Junius, Franciscus

The Theological Works, vol. 2, Elenctic  (Heidelberg, 1607; 1608)  The Latin table of contents is at the beginning of each volume.

Junius (1545-1602)

vol. 2, Elenctic

1. The First Defense of the Catholic Doctrine of the Sacred Trinity of Persons in the Unity of the Divine Essence Against Samosatenian Errors  1
2. The Second Defense  61
3. The Third Defense  125
4. An Examination of the Declarations & Arguments of Gratianus Prosper Against the Saving Doctrine of God, Baptism & Others  227
5. A Collation of the Catholic Doctrine of Nature & Grace  301

6. Animadversions on the First Controversy of the Word of God Written and Not Written of Robert Bellarmine of the Society of Jesus, so Called  405
7. On the Second Controversy on Christ the Head of the Whole Church  539
8. On the Third Controversy on the Highest Pontiff  633
9. On the Three Books on the Change of the Roman Empire from the Greeks to the Franks  879
10. On the Fourth Controversy, on Councils & the Church Militant  1023
11. A Single Book on the Church  997
12. On the Fifth Controversy, of the Members of the Militant Church  1173
13. Animadversions on the Appended Short Book to the 3rd Controversy  1429
14. On the Sixth Controversy, of the Church which is in Purgatory  1465

15. An Oration Against the Jesuits, a Sermon translated out of the French Idiom into Latin  1545

Animadversions on the Seventh Controversy of Robert Bellarmine, which is the 4th Disputation of his 2nd Tome, on the Church Triumphant, or of Glory & the Worship of the Saints  (St. Andrews, 1609)

Oration on the Antiquity & Excellence of the Hebrew Language  2
1st Oration, on the Gracious Promise & Covenant of God with the Church  13
2nd Oration, on the Covenant & Testament of God in the Old Church  22
3rd Oration, on the Adjuncts of the Law & the Parts of the Old Testament  31

On the Preface  1577
Bk. 1

On ch. 1  1587
On ch. 2  1590
On ch. 3  1592
On ch. 4  1594
On ch. 5  1595
On ch. 6  1597
On ch. 7  1599
On ch. 8  1600
On ch. 9  1601
On ch. 10  1602
On ch. 11  1603
On ch. 12  1605
On ch. 13  1609
On ch. 14  1617
On ch. 15  1621
On ch. 16  1622
On ch. 17  1625
On ch. 18  1628
On ch. 19  1636
On ch. 20  1646

Bk. 2, On Relics & Images of Saints

On ch. 1  1657
On ch. 2  1658
On ch. 3  1662
On ch. 4  1672

On ch. 30  1745

On the Appendix to the Tract on the Worship of Images, on the Preface

On ch. 1  1749
On ch. 2  1750
On ch. 3  1751
On ch. 4  1751
On ch. 5  1754
On ch. 6  1756

Bk. 3

On ch. 1  1757
On ch. 3  1757
On ch. 4  1758

On ch. 17  1788

A View, a Dialogue, by which Immanuel Tremellius purges himself from those criminations which Gilbert Genebrardus, a theologian of Paris…  brings himself into the Chronography, or the view of universal history  1789-1806

Pareus, David – Theological Collections of Universal Orthodox Theology, where also All of the Present Theological Controversies are Clearly and Variously Explained, vol. 12  (1611/20)  Table of contents: vol. 12

Pareus (1548-1622)

ToC, vol. 1

Collection 1, Disputations

1. Theology & the Word of God  3
2. God  8
3. The Son of God Incarnate  10
4. Problems on the Office of Christ the Mediator  12
5. Holy Spirit  15
6. Creation of the World, Angels & Men  16
7. Providence of God  18
8. Sin  21
9. Free-Will  27
10. Predestination  30
11. The Gospel & Grace  35
12. Justifying Faith  39
13. Justification by Faith, Appendix on Roman Justification  44
14. Sanctification, the other Benefit of Christ, which is Regeneration & Conversion unto God  58
15. Good Works  66
16. Sacraments in General, & the False Dogma of the Papists  69
17. Baptism  77
18. Lord’s Supper  79
19. The False & Horrid Dogma of Papists & Jesuits on the Eucharist & the Sacrifice of the Mass, out of Bellarmine & the Council of Trent  85
20. Church of God  97
21. The False Dogma of the Papists on the Church & its Notes  115
22. The Government & Ecclesiastical Ministry in the Apostolic Church  121
23. Church Government Before the Popes & under the Popes, & of the Primacy of the Pope  127

Collection 2, Disputations

1. Sacred Scripture  139
2. God & the Most Holy Trinity; Solution to the Sophisms Against the Distinction of Essence & Persons  141
3. Attributes of God  148
4. Creation of the World  153
5. Good & Bad Angels  156
6. Creation of Man & his First State  159
7. Providence of God  163
8. The Fall & the First Sin of Man  166
9. Sin in General & its Distinctions  170
10. Cause of Sin  174
11. The Nature, Propagation & Effects of Original Sin  179
Note on the Origin of the Human Soul  183
12. Free-Will of Man After the Fall  188
13. Punishment of Sin, Death & the Misery of Man  193
.      Testimony of S. Scripture on the Vindicatory Justice of God  196
14. Eternal Predestination of God  198
15. Grace & the Gospel  201
16. Old & New Covenant of God  204
17. Person, Office & Benefits of the Mediator  210
18. True Divinity & Humanity of Christ  213
19. Personal Union of the Two Natures of Christ  220
20. Threefold Office of Christ the Mediator  224
21. Passion, Death, Burial & Descent to ‘Inferos’ of Christ  228
22. Resurrection, Ascension & Session at the Right Hand of God of Christ  233
23. Satisfaction & Merit of Christ the Mediator  238
24. Faith  244
25. Justification  249
26. Person, Office & Gifts of the Holy Spirit  252
27. Regeneration & Conversion [Resipiscentia]  255
28. Appendix on Regeneration & Repentance, Comprehending the False Dogma of Romanists  260
Abrogation of Auricular Confession out of Socrate  264
29. The Law, its Abrogation & Use  266
30. Good Works  268
31. Christian Liberty, Human Traditions, Adiaphora & Scandal  272
32. Prayer  277
33. True Church  286
34. False Church & its Notes  289
35. Head & Members of the Church  294
36. Primacy of the Roman Pope  300
37. Antichrist  305
38. Ecclesiastical Government of the New Testament  309
39. Ministry & Ministers of the Church & their Calling  314
40. Power of the Church about Doctrine  322
41. Power of the Church about Discipline in Upholding Laws  326
42. Power of the Church about Discipline in Enacting Censures  337
43. Vows  342
.        Note on Vows, Councils & Decrees  349
44. Sacraments in General  351
45. Baptism  357
46. Lord’s Supper  365
47. Papal Mass  376
48. The Five False Marks of the Sacraments of the Papal Church  384
49. Marriage  392
Note out of Thomas: What Promise Makes or does not Make
Marriages  400
50. Civil Magistrate  403
51. Fasting & Alms  409
52. Indulgences & Purgatory  416
53. Resurrection of the Dead & the Last Judgment  420

Collection 3, Disputations

1. Sacred Scripture  427
2. God, One & Three  431
3. Person of Christ  433
4. Threefold Office of Christ the Mediator  435
5. Providence of God  437
6. Eternal Predestination of God  440
7. Sin  442
Note on Sin: in What Way the Theologian Disputes [It]  445
8. Free-Will  446
9. Law & Gospel  449
10. Justification by Faith  451
11. Good Works  454
12. Christian Liberty  456
13. Church  459
14. Sacraments, Baptism, Holy Supper & Antichrist  461

Collection 4, Disputations

1. Sacred Scripture  457
2. God & his Saving Knowledge  469
3. Person & Incarnation of the Son of God  472
4. Office of Mediator, Against the Blasphemies of Socinus  475
5. Providence of God  479
6. Eternal Predestination of God  483
Note on Some Theses of Augustine  489
7. Sin  495
8. Free-Will of Man, a Public [Disputation]  495
The Same, Free-Will of Man, a Private [Disputation]  501
9. Law & Gospel  502
10. Justification of Man Before God  505
11. Christian Liberty  508
12. Good Works  512
13. Church  516
14. Sacraments in General, & of Baptism  521
15. Lord’s Supper  523
16. Antichrist  527

Collection 5, Disputations

1. Sacred Theology & its Principles & Parts  535
2. Books Canonical & Apocryphal  538
3. Authority & Perfection of Sacred Scripture  542
4. Perspicuity & Interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures, & the Judgment of Controversies  545
5. God, One & Three  549
6. Creation of Man in the Image of God  553
7. Providence of God  555
8. Conversion [Resipiscentia]  558
9. Free-Will  563
10. Law & Gospel  564
11. Person of Christ  569
12. Office of Christ the Mediator  562
13. Antichrist  575
14. Predestination  577
15. Faith & Justification by Faith From Works  580
16. Church & its Members, Head & Qualities  583
17. Notes of the Visible Church  585
18. Sacraments in General & of Baptism  588
19. Lord’s Supper & the Papal Mass  590
20. Descent of Christ to ‘Inferos’, the Resurrection from the Dead, the Ascension to Heaven & the Session at the Right Hand  593

Collection 6, Disputations

1. Person & Office of Christ  599
2. Church  605
3. Free-Will of Man  607
4. Predestination  612
5. Sin  615
6. Faith & Justification  618
7. Good Works  620
8. Judgment of Controversies in Causes of Religion  624
9. Political Magistrate  626
10. Baptism  629
11. Holy Lord’s Supper  632
12. Prayer to God  634
13. Providence of God  638
Note on the Same  641

Collection 7, Disputations

1. Sacred Scripture  647
2. God  649
3. Person & Office of Christ the Mediator  650
4. Free-Will  653
5. Faith & Justification of Man Before God  655
6. Eternal Predestination of God  657
7. Christian Liberty  661
8. Church & Councils  663
9. Sacraments in General  606
10. Baptism  673
11. Eucharist of the Lord & the Papal Mass  675
12. Conversion [Resipiscentia]  679
13. Law & Gospel  681
14. Civil & Ecclesiastical Power  683
15. Marriage  686
16. Antichrist  689
17. Prayer to God & of an Oath  692

Collection 8, Disputations

1. Sacred Scripture  697
2. God  699
3. Person of Christ  700
4. Providence of God  704
5. Free-Will of Man  706
6. Eternal Predestination of God  708
7. Justification by Faith  711
8. Christian Liberty  713
Note on the Conscience, Good & Bad  715
9. Church & Councils  717
10. Sacraments in General  722
11. Baptism  722
12. Lord’s Supper & the Papal Mass  724
13. Repentance or Conversion [Resipiscentia]  726
14. Law & Gospel  729
15. Civil Power, or the Political Magistrate  731
16. Ministry & Ministers of the New Testament Church  734
17. Antichrist  736
18. Prayer to God  739
19. Marriage  741

Collection 9, Disputations

1. Sacred Scripture  747
2. God, One & Three  749
3. Eternal Predestination of God  752
4. Free-Will  755
5. Sin  757
6. Person & Office of Christ  760
7. Justification of a Sinful Man Before God  764
8. Church  767
9. Sacraments in General  771
10. Baptism  773
11. Sacred Lord’s Supper  777
12. False Dogma of the Papists About the Lord’s Supper  781
13. Monarchical State of the Church & of Antichrist  783
14. Blessedness, the Worship of Saints & Purgatory  787
15. Creation of the World  791
16. Justifying Faith & the Merits of Works  793
Note on Merit out of Biel & Thomas of Argentina  795

Collection 10, Disputations

1. Canon, Edition, Reading, Authority, Obscurity, Interpretation & Perfection of Sacred Scripture  803
2. God  807
3. Providence of God  809
4. Free-Will  812
5. Sin in General  815
6. Person of Christ  817
7. Office of Christ the Mediator  820
8. Faith & Works  823
9. Justification of Man Before God  826
10. Christian Liberty  827
11. Erroneous & False Dogmas About the Papists’ Sacrifice of the Mass  830
12. Divine Predestination  832
13. Church of God  834
14. Sacraments in General  836
15. Sacrament of Baptism  838
16. Sacred Supper of the Lord  841
17. Antichrist  845
.       Note on the Three & a Half Years of Antichrist  848
18. Prayer to Saints  849
19. Purgatory  853
20. Law & Gospel  857
21. Matrimonial Errors of the Pontiffs  860
22. Councils  862
23. Theological Question: Whether we are Schismatics or Heretics for Making a Secession from the Roman Church?  865
24. Authority, Perspicuity & Definitive, Judicial Use of the Sacred Scriptures  868


Table of Contents, vol. 2

Collection 1, Disputations

1. Creation of Man  3
2. Fall, or the First Sin of Man  6
3. Sin of Man in General: Original & Actual  9
4. Free-Will  13
5. Divine Providence  18
6. Person & Office of Christ the Mediator  23
7. Justifying Faith  28
8. Law of God  32
9. Gospel  37
10. Justification by Faith  40
11. Sanctification  43
12. Church  46
13. Eternal Predestination of God  50
14. Sacred Scripture  55
15. Sacraments in General  59
16. Baptism  63
17. Lord’s Supper  66
18. Good Works in Particular: Prayer, Fasting & Alms  72
19. Invocation, & a Species of it: an Oath  76

Collection 2, Disputations

1. Authority, the Canonical Books, Version & Interpretation of Scripture  83
2. Perspicuity & Perfection of Sacred Scripture  86
3. God, One & Three  89
4. Incarnation of the Son of God  91
5. Descent of Christ to ‘Inferos’  93
6. Providence of God  86
7. Sin  99
8. Predestination  103
9. Free-Will of Man  106
10. Justification of a Sinner Before God  110
11. Church  113
12. Ministry & Ministers of the Church & their Lawful Calling  117
13. Of the External or Ministerial Government of the Church-Militant  121
14. Sacraments in General  125
15. Baptism  129
16. Lord’s Supper  132
17. Regeneration, or the Conversion of Man to God  136

Collection 3

1. Canon, Versions & Reading of the Sacred Scriptures  141
2. Perspicuity & Perfection of Sacred Scripture  142
3. Of God & the Trinity of Divine Persons  143
4. Providence of God  144
5. Eternal Predestination of God  146
6. Original & Actual Sin  147
7. Grace & Free-Will  148
8. Of the Covenant, or the Harmony & Difference of the Old & New Testament  150
9. The Mediator Christ, Theses of Controversy with Pagans, Jews, Samosatenians & Sophists  151
10. The Natural Union in Christ & the Communication of Properties  153
11. Justifying Faith & Justification  155
12. The Certainty of Justification, the Necessity of Works & of Merit  156
13.  Conversion, or the Regeneration of Man  157
14. The Church & its Notes  159
15. The Calling of the Ministers of the Church  160
16. The Government of the Church, & the Primacy of the Pope  162
17. Antichrist  193
18. The Sacraments in General  164
19. Baptism  166
20. The Holy Supper of the Lord, or the Eucharist  167

Collection 4, Disputations

1. Canon & Perfection of Holy Scripture  171
2. Reading, Obscurity & Interpretation of Holy Scripture  172
3. God & the Holy Trinity  173
4. Sin  174
5. Providence of God  175
6. Divine Predestination  176
7. Grace & Free-Will  177
8. Harmony & Difference of the Old & New Testament  178
9. Christ the Mediator  179
10. Person of Christ the Mediator  180
11. Justification by Faith  181
12. Certainty of Grace & the Merits of Works  182
13. Church & its Notes  183
14. State of the Saints After this Life & of their Worship  184
15. Ministry & Ministers of the Church  185
16. Sacraments in General  187

Collection 5, Disputations

1. Canon, Authority & Perfection of Sacred Scripture  191
2. Perspicuity, Interpretation & the Judgment of Interpretation of the Sacred Scripture  192
3. God & the Sacred Trinity  193
4. Providence of God  194
5. Divine Predestination  195
6. Sin, its Cause & Effect  196
7. Grace & Free-Will  197
8. Christ the Mediator  198
9. Person of Christ the Mediator  200
10. The Communication of Properties in the Person of Christ, & of his Satisfaction  201
11. Ascension of Christ to Heaven & Session at the Right Hand of God  202
12. Antichrist  204
13. Justification by Faith  205
14. The Certainty of Faith & of Justification, & not the Perfection, Justification & Merits of Good Works  206
15. Church & its Notes  207
16. Sacraments in General  208
17. Baptism  210
18. Holy Supper of the Lord  211
19. Of Statues & Images in Church Buildings  212
20. Christian Liberty  213

Collection 6, Disputations

1. Sacred Scripture  217
2. God & the Holy Trinity  219
3. Providence of God  221
4. Eternal Predestination of God  223
5. Sin & its Cause  225
6. The Person & Office of Christ the Mediator  228
7. Grace of God & Free-Will  231
8. Communication of Properties in the Person of Christ  233
9. Satisfaction of Christ the Mediator for our Sins  237
10. Of the Burial, Descent to ‘Inferos’, the Resurrection, Ascension to Heaven & Session at the Right Hand of God of Christ  239
11. Antichrist  241
12. The Justification of a Sinner Before God  245
13. Perseverance of the Saints out of the Book of Augustine, On Good Perseverance  248
14. Merits of Good Works  252
15. Church & its Notes  254
16. Calling of Ministers of the Church  257
17. Sacraments in General  262
18. Sacrament of Baptism  264
19. Sacrament of the Eucharist, or the Supper of the Lord  267
20. Of Monks & the Monastic Perfection  270
21. Of Prayer to Saints  274

Collection 7

1. Authority, Reading, Necessity, Obscurity & Perfection of Holy Scripture  281
2. God, Creation of the World & Angels  263
3. Satisfaction of Christ for Us  285
4. Providence of God  287
5. Eternal Predestination of God  291
6. Person, Office & Benefits of Christ the Mediator  299
7. Justification by Faith  305
8. Merits of Good Works, the Restricting of Foods & Fasting
9. The Certainty of Faith, of Grace, of Justification, of Perseverance, of Salvation, Predestination & Finally of the Faithful, Against the Papistical Doubt  309
10. The Ecclesiastical Ministry, the Calling of Ministers & Ecclesiastical Discipline  315
11. Sacraments in General, in Specific of Baptism  320
12. Holy Supper of the Lord  326
13. Church  331

Collection 8, Disputations

1. Authority, Interpretation, Reading, Perfection & Necessity of Sacred Scripture  339
2. Sacred Trinity in the Unity of the Divine Essence  341
3. Providence of God & the Cause of Sin  342
4. Twofold Predestination of God: One of the Good to Glory; Another of the Evil to Punishment, Wherein is Prefixed the Title of the First Book of Fulgentius to Monimum  344
5. Person & Office of Christ the Mediator  348
6. Faith & Justification  350
7. Intercession & Prayer to Saints; & of Purgatory & Images  352
8. Antichrist  354
9. Church  356
10. Free-Will & Grace  357
11. Sacraments in General & of Baptism  359
12. Sacrament of the Supper of the Lord & of the Pontifical Mass  361
13. Sin, the Cause of Sin in General & of the First Sin  362
14. Original Sin & the Sin Against the Holy Spirit  364
15. Law & Gospel & of their Difference  366
16. Political Magistrate  368
17. Good Works  370
18. Omnipotence of God, & of its Abuse  371
19. Of Fleeing the Papacy  372
20. Continuation of Fleeing the Papacy  373
21. The Heaven of the Blessed  376
22. Perseverance of the Saints  378
23. Death of Christ for All  379
24. Of Fleeing & Taking up the Popish Mass  381
25. Of the Judgment of Controversies about Religion  382
26. Of Vows & Oaths in the New Testament  385

Collection 9, 40 Disputations on the Controversies of the Jesuit Cardinal, Robert Bellarmine

1. Of the Truths & Falsehoods of Bellarmine about the Canon of the Sacred Scriptures, Book 1, ‘Assertions on the Word of God’  389
2. Of the Truths & Falsehoods of Bellarmine about the Editions, Versions & Readings of the Sacred Scriptures, Book 2, ‘Assertions on the Word of God’  397
3. Of the Falsehoods of Bellarmine about the Interpretations of the Sacred Scriptures, Book 3, ‘Assertions on the Word of God’  403
4. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about Traditions, Book 4, ‘Assertions on the Word of God’  413
5. Of God, One & Three, out of Bellarmine, Books 1 & 2, ‘Of Christ’  421
6. Of the Incarnation of the Son of God, out of Bellarmine, Books 3-5, ‘Of Christ’  424
7. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Monarchical Church of the Apostle Peter, Book 1, ‘Of the Roman Pontiff’  430
8. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Successors of the Roman Pontiff in the Monarchical Church of the Apostle Peter, Book 2, ‘Of the Roman Pontiff’  433
9. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy on the Antichrist, Book 3, ‘Of the Roman Pontiff’  436
10. Continuation of the Antichrist  442
11. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy on the Power of the Roman Pontiff, Spiritual & Temporal, Books 4-5, ‘Of the Roman Pontiff’  447
12. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy on Ecclesiastical Councils, Books 1-2  450
13. Of the Calumnies & Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Church & its Notes, Books 3-4, ‘Of the Church Militant’  455
14. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of Clerics, Book 1  465
15. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of Monks, Book 2  467
16. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Question of the Civil Power or Magistrate, Book 3, ‘Of Laymen’  470
17. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about Purgatory, Books 1-2, ‘Of Purgatory’  476
18. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Blessedness & Canonization of the Saints, Book 1, ‘Of the Blessedness of the Saints’  482
19. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Veneration of Relics & Images, Books 2-3  487
20. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Sacraments in General, Book 1, ‘Of the Sacraments’  492
21. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Effect, Difference & Number of the Sacraments, Books 2, ‘Of the Effect of the Sacraments’  498
22. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine About the Controversy of the Sacrament of Baptism & of Confirmation  503
23. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Eucharist, Books 1-2  510
24. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Possibility of the Presence of the Body of Christ under the Appearance of the Eucharist, Books 1-2  515
25. The Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Substance, Rite, Effect, Integrity & Veneration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, Book 4, ‘Of the Eucharist’  520
26. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Mass, Books 1-2  525
27. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Pseudo-Sacrament of Penitence, Books 1-4  530
28. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of Indulgences, Extreme Unction, Ecclesiastical Order & Matrimony  536
29. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy the Grace of the First Man, Book 1, & of the Definition & Partition of Sin, Book 1, ‘Of the Amiss.[?] of Grace’  540
30. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Cause of Sin, Book 2, ‘Of the Amiss.[?] of Grace’  546
31. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the First Sin & its Effects, Books 3-6  550
32. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of Grace & Free-Will, Books 1-2  557
33. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of Free-Will, Books 3-4, ‘Of Grace & Free-Will’  562
34. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of Free-Will in Morals & Spirituals, Books 5-6, ‘Of Grace & Free-Will’  568
35. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Nature & Proper Act of Justification by Faith, Book 1, ‘Of Justification’  572
36. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Formal Cause of Justification & of Inherent Righteousness, Book 2, ‘Of Justification’  572
37. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Uncertainty, Immutability & Inequality of Righteousness, Book 3, ‘Of Justification’  590
38. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Necessity & Righteousness of Works, Book 4, ‘Of Justification’  598
39. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Merits of Works, Book 5, ‘Of Justification’  606
40. Of the Vanities of Bellarmine about the Controversy of the Good Works in Particular: Prayer, Fasting & Alms, Books 1-3  613

Scharp, John – A Course of Theology, in which All the Dogmas & Controversies of Faith Agitated in this Generation Between Us & Papists are Handled one by one and the Arguments of Bellarmine are Responded to, vol. 12 (Geneva, 1620)  Extended Latin Table of Contents

Sharp (1572-1648) was Scottish though was also influential in France.  Even though this work is against the Papists, Scharp handles most of the topics of theology in systematic order.

Brief Table of Contents

vol. 1

1. Of Theology  1
2. Of Sacred Scripture  8
3. Of Go  170
4. Of the Trinity  208
5. Of Predestination  288
6. Of Creation  366
7. Of the Image of God in Man Before the Fall  367
8. Of Angels  388
9. Of the Providence of God  408
10. Of Sin  411
11. Of Original Sin  456
12. Of Actual Sin  506
13. Of the Sin Against the Holy Spirit  522
14. Of the Evil of Punishment  531
15. Of Free Choice  542
16. Of the Law of God  585
17. Of the Gospel  688
18. The Covenant & Testament  701
19. Of Christ the Mediator  703
20. Of the Office of Christ  817
21. Of Calling  898
22. Of Justification  921
23. Of Repentance  1152
24. Of the Christian Life  1230
25. Of Christian Liberty  1236
26. Of Fasting  1251
27. Of Scandal  1265
28. Of Prayer  1269
29. Of Glorification  1280
30. Of the Resurrection of the Body  1284
31. Of the Last Judgment  1291
32. Of Life Eternal  1294
33. Of the Sacraments  1301
34. Of Baptism  1345
35. Of the Lord’s Supper  1381
36.  Of the Five Spurious Sacraments  1555


Vol. 2

1. Of the Church  9
2. Of the Church Triumphant  19
3. Of the Church Militant  87
4. Of the Body of the Church Militant  273
5. Of Councils  385
6. Of Monastics  441
7. Of Vows  457
8. Of the Magistrate  488
9. Of Purgatory  521

Alsted, Johann Heinrich

A Compendium of Theology, Exhibiting a Method of Scriptural Theology in 8 Parts  (Hanoviae, 1624)  Extended table of contents

Part 5, Polemical Theology, pp. 301-385

Alphabetical Index of Errors Pertaining to Polemical
Theology, p. 560 ff.

Polemical Theology, Exhibiting the Principal Eternal Things of Religion in Navigating Controversies  (Hanau, 1620; 1627)  Extended Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Prolegomena to Polemical Theology  1

Of the Division of Theological Controversies  1
Chronology of Councils  2
Chronology of Creeds  17
Chronology of Confessions [post-1500]  30
Chronology of Fathers  31
Chronology of Scholars  34
Chronology of Various Theologians  37
Chronology of Jewish Doctors  44
Chronology of Heretics & Schismatics  47
Are Theological Controversies to be Dragged on, and How?  62

Part 1, Controversies of the Jews & Muslims with Christians

1. Controversies of the Jews with Christians

1. Are Traditions Necessary Before the Word of God has been Written?  66
2. Are There Three Persons in the One Essence of God?  71
3. Is Jesus of Nazareth the Genuine Messiah Promised to the Fathers?  75
4. Is the Righteousness by which we Stand Before God the Righteousness of the Messiah, which is ours by a Gratuitous Imputation and True Faith?  103
5. Has the Legal Worship of the Old Testament been Necessarily Abolished by the Messiah?  109
6. Should the Felicity of the New Testament Church be the Specific Expectation of Any in These Lands?  111
7. Ought Jews to Convert to the Faith of Christ?  116
8. Is the Conversion of the Gentiles Predicted from the Prophets?  119
9. Is the Name YHWH Ineffable?  120
10. Does Scripture Propose to us Two Messiahs, One of Which is a Worldly King?  121
11. Are the Rabbis the Best Interpreters?  122
12. .What is the Certainty that the Jews Have in a Historical Event?  124
13. Is it Possible that a Man be Naturally Himself to the Gift of Prophecy?  125
14. Are Numerous Commandments of the Law of Moses Rightly Received from the Jews?  125
15. O’ Man, are you Able to Perfectly Fulfill the Law of God?  126
16. Are Prayers in the Name of the Messiah Obliged to be Received?  127
17. What Ought to be Discerned about the Kabbalistic Interpretation of Scripture by Gimmetrios, Notarickun, Athbasch, etc.?  128
18. Ought Not the Time of Appeasing to be Observed in Prayers?  129
19. Are the Orders & Names of the Angels Able to be Known by Us?  130
20. Has the Time of the Coming of the Messiah been Predicted and Made Definite by God in the Old Testament?  131
21. Do the External Ceremonies of Sacrifices, Purgings & Expiations Purify, of Themselves, the Soul?  132
22. Is the Long Duration of the Present Exile of the Jews an Expiation of Sins?  134
23. Are There Four Legislators of the World?  135
24. When has the Prophetic Word in the People of God Withdrawn?  136

2. Controversies of the Muslims with Christians  151

Part 2, A catholic Symphony

1. A Minor catholic Symphony  161

1. On the Apostles’ Creed  161
2. On the Decalogue  166
3. On the Lord’s Prayer  168
4. On Baptism  168
5. On the Lord’s Supper  169

2. A Major catholic Symphony: Theological Common Places  174

1. Sacred Scripture  174
2. God & of Three Persons in One Divinity  177
3. God the Father  179
4. God the Son  180
5. Holy Spirit  181
6. Creation  182
7. Providence of God  182
8. Man  185
9. Fall of Man  186
10. Sin  188
11. Free-Will  189
12. Law  191
13. Jesus Christ  193
14. Election  204
15. Repentance  206
16. Gospel  208
17. Grace of God  210
18. Faith  212
19. Justification  215
20. Good Works  218
21. Church  222
22. Sacraments  232
23. Baptism  238
24. Supper of the Lord  240
25. The Keys  248
26. Prayer  251
27. Resurrection & Life Eternal  254

Part 3, Controversies with the Samosatenians [Monarchianism, Adoptionism, Socinianism]

1. 8 General Controversies  258
2. An Examination of the Racovian Catechism [Socinian]  289

Sacred Scripture  289
The Way of Salvation  293
Knowledge of God  294
Person of Christ  298
Prophetic Office of Christ  311
Kingly Office of Christ  340
Priestly Office of Christ  341
Church of Christ  345

Part 4, Controversies with the Romanists

Sacred Scripture  349
Christ the Mediator  369
The Roman Pontiff  379
Councils  390
Of Controversies  394
Church  396
Clericis  406
Monastics  414
Laics [On the Civil Magistrate]  426
Church Striving in Purgatory  433
Burial  442
Church Triumphant in Heaven & of the Saints in Heaven  444
Relics, Images & the Worship of Things  451
Church Buildings & Feasts  461
Sacraments in General  465
Baptism & Confirmation  475
Sacrament of the Eucharist & the Sacrifice of the Mass  483
Repentance & Indulgences  502
The Three Other Sacraments: Extreme Unction, Ordination & Matrimony  513
Grace of the First Man in Paradise  520
The Loss of Grace & the State of Sin  526
Grace & the Predestination of God, & the Free-Will of Man  538
Justification & of Good Works in General  548
Of the Good Works in Specific: Prayer  566
.      Fasting  569
.      Alms  572

Part 5, Controversies Between Lutherans & Calvinists

Class 1, Preliminary Controversies  575
Class 2, Controversies about the Decalogue  586
Class 3, Controversies about the Creed  600
Class 4, Controversies about the Lord’s Prayer  647
Class 5, Controversies on the Sacraments in General  650
Class 6, Controversies on Baptism  655
Class 7, Controversies on the Holy Supper  660

Part 6,

Section 1, Of the Dogmas of Jacob Arminius & his Disciples

1. Decree of Predestination  675
2. The Universality of the Merit of the Death of Christ  679
3-4. The Grace of God & the Conversion of Man  680
5. Perseverance of the Saints & the Certainty of Salvation  683

Section 2, Index of Questions which are Ventilated Between Erudite Theologians  699

Section 3, An Admonition on the Errors of the Anabaptists  700

Alting, J. Henricus – A Method of Didactic Theology  (Amsterdam, 1656; 1662)

Alting (1583-1644).  This work is essentially the same as Alting’s, Theologia elenctica nova, sive systema elencticum (Amsterdam, 1654) and Theologia problematica nova, sive systema problematum theologicorum (Amsterdam, 1662).


Table of Contents

1. Nature of Theology  3
2. The First Principle of Theology, Sacred Scripture  4
3. God  10
4. Decrees of God in General, & of Predestination in Specific  16
5. Creation  22
6. Providence  28
7. Sin in General & in Specific  36
8. Free-Will in the State of Sin  42
9. Punishment of Sin  45
10. Law of God  49
11. Gospel & the Gospel Covenant  55
12. Person & Office of Christ  62
13. Church  71
14. Calling of the Militant Church by the Word & Sacraments  79
15. Government of the Church  89
16. The Gift of Repentance & Faith by Effectual Calling  98
17. Justification  105
18. Sanctification  112
19. Perseverence  119
20. Glorification  129

A Method of Catechetical Theology [in 127 aphorisms]  134-148

Prideaux, John – All the Theological Works Extent in Latin  (Tigur, 1672)  Table of Contents comes after the Dedication and Preface

Prideaux (1578–1650) was a reformed Anglican bishop and professor of theology.

Table of Contents

IV.  A Bundle of Theological Controversies

Introductory Inquiry: Of the Existence of God  531
1. Of the Scripture  533
2. Of the Knowledge of God  559
3. Of Sin  584
4. Of the Church  602
5. Of Redemption  665
6. Of the Sacraments  679
7. Of the Last Things  692

Essenius, Andreas – A Dogmatic Compendium of Theology, where, beyond Explanatory Theses & Scriptural Assertions, True Sentiments are Confirmed by Arguments Throughout in Controversies, Revoking a few certain groups, the Principal Exceptions & Objections of the Adversaries being Propounded & Solved, and also the Practical Use of these Places Described, this being the editions in use in the Schools, at the end is added a Tract on the Rule of Preaching by Johannes Hoornbeek  (Utrecht, 1685)  The table of contents is on p. 796

Essenius (1618-1677)

Table of Contents

1 – The Nature of Theology   1
2 – Faith   23
3 – Sacred Scripture   43
4 – God   97
5 – The Divine Persons   148
6 – The Decree of God   172
7 – Creation   193
8 – Providence   228
9 – The Legal Covenant   249
10 – Sin   387
11 – The Evangelical Covenant   432
12 – Christ the Mediator   474
13 – The Procuring of Salvation   535
14 – Calling and Regeneration   555
15 – Justification, Reconciliation and Adoption   566
16 – Sanctification   613
17 – Preservation and Confirmation   629
18 – Of Sealing   643
19 – Glorification   702
20 – The Church   726

Gautier, Thomas – Principles of Didactic Theology Briefly, Clearly and Entirely Given, with a Decision on the Principle Controversies out of the Sacred Scripture  (Marburg, 1696)  343 pp., 20 chs. There is a scope of the work after the preface and a subject index at the end.

Gautier (1638-1709)

Marck, Johannes à – A Compendium of Christian Theology, Didactic and Elenctic  (Amsterdam, 1696; 1722)

Marck (1656-1731)

Table of Contents

1 – Of the Name and Definition of Theology   1
2 – Of the First Principle [Principio] of Theology, or Sola Scriptura   18
3 – Religion   60
4 – Of the Name, Essence and Attributes of God   70
5 – The Persons of the Trinity   99
6 – The Divine Decrees   120
7 – The Predestination of Men to Salvation or Damnation   129
8 – The Divine Creation of the World   150
9 – Good and Bad Angels   171
10 – The Actual Providence of God   189
11 – The Worship of God and the Rule of His Law   200
12 – The Decalogue and of Each of its Precepts   229
13 – The Creation and Nature of Man   262
14 – The First State of the Integrity of Man, and a view of the Image
.            of God and the Covenant of Works   276
15 – The Sin of Men, and its Various Kinds   294
16 – The Various Penaltis of Human Sin   325
17 – The Covenant of Grace, the Gospel, and its Various
.            Economies   333
18 – The Mediator of the Covenant of Grace   347
19 – The Person of Jesus Christ   363
20 – The Three-fold Office of Christ the Mediator: Prophetic,
.             Priestly and Kingly   386
21 – The Two-fold State of Jesus Christ: of being Emptied, and
.            of Exaltation   420
22 – The Ordinances [officiis] of the Covenant of Grace: Faith
.             and Repentance   446
23 – The Effectual Calling of the Elect   468
24 – The Justification of the Elect Before God   477
25 – Sanctification and Good Works   497
26 – Prayer, Fasting, Set Hours, Alm[s], Vow[s]   510
27 – The Certain Preservation of the Elect   537
28 – Regeneration, Adoption, Reconciliation and Liberty   541
29 – The Sacraments of the Covenant of Grace; in particular:
.             Circumcision, Pascha [Passover & Easter] and ones
.             falsely named as such from the New Testament   551
30 – The Holy Baptism of Christians   578
31 – The Holy Supper of the Lord   604
32 – The Covenant Joining God and the Church   627
33 – The Varied Government [or Reign] of the Church   655
34 – The Blessed Glorification of the Elect   696

Braun, Johannes – The Doctrine of the Covenants, or A System of Didactic & Elenctic Theology  (Amsterdam, 1691)

Braun (1628-1708)

Table of Contents

Part 1, of the Instrument of the Covenants

Ch. 1  Of Theology, Religion & the Use of Reason in Theology  1

Locus 1. Of the Sacred Scripture  11

Ch. 2  Of the Necessity, Divinity & Authority of Sacred Scripture  11
Ch. 3  Of the Canon, the Apocryphal Books, Traditions & an Enthusiastic Spirit  19
Ch. 4  Of the Perfection, Perspicuity, Reading, Interpretation & Sense of Sacred Scripture  23
Ch. 5  Of the Sum Interpretation of Sacred Scripture & the Judge of Controversies.  Of the Study of Prophecy & the Periods of the Church of the New Testament, & of the Rule to be Observed in Interpreting Sacred Scripture, & of the Integrity of Sacred Scripture  36

Part 2, Of the Parts of the Covenant, or of God & Man

Locus 2. Of God & his Attributes  50

Ch. 1  Of the Existence of God  50
Ch. 2  Of the Unity, Names, & Attributes of God in General  61
Ch. 3  Of the Knowledge [Scientia] & Will of God  72
Ch. 4  Of the Power, Affections & Virtues of God  81
Ch. 5  Of the Truth of God & his Light in the Conscience of Man, or of the Conscience  91
Ch. 6  Of the Omnipresence, Eternity, Simplicity & Immutability of God  108

Locus 3. Of the Trinity & of the Deity of the Son & Holy Spirit  121

Ch. 7  Of the Trinity  121
Ch. 8  Of the Deity of the Son & the Holy Spirit  134

Locus 4. Of the Internal Operations of God, of Decrees, Predestination, Election & Reprobation  144

Ch. 9  Of the Internal Operations of God, & of Predestination, Election & Reprobation  144

Locus 5. Of the External Operations of God, of Creation & of the Angels  159

Ch. 10  Of the External  Works of God, & in specific of Creation  159
Ch. 11  Of Angels  174

Locus 6. Of the Providence of God  188

Ch. 12  Of the Providence of God  188

Locus 7. Of Man  206

Ch. 13  Of the Creation of Man, & of the Nature of the Soul [Mentis]  206
Ch. 14  Of the Faculties of the Soul, & its Union with the Body, & of the Immortality of the Whole Man  225
Ch. 15  Of the Image of God in Man  238

Part 3, Of the Covenants Themselves

Locus 8. Of the Nature of the Covenants, & of the Covenant of Works  249

Ch. 1  Of the Covenant in General  249
Ch. 2  Of the Covenant of Works  253

Locus 9. Of the Violation of the Covenant of Works through Disobedience, or of Sin  265

Ch. 3  Of the Violation of the Covenant of Works by Sin, or of Sin  265

Locus 10. Of the Covenant of Grace & its Mediator & of the Satisfaction of the Mediator  276

Ch. 4  Of the Covenant of Grace  276
Ch. 5  Of the Mediator, Christ & of his Surety, & of the Counsel of Peace  279
Ch. 6  Of the Satisfaction of the Mediator, or of the Solution of the Surety  293
Ch. 7  Of Universal Grace  299

Locus 11. Of Faith & Justification  303

Ch. 8  Of Faith  303
Ch. 9  Of Justification  313

Locus 12. Of Sanctification, Good Works, Repentance, Fasting & Prayer  322

Ch. 10  Of Sanctification  322
Ch. 11  Of Good Works  330
Ch. 12  Of Repentance  337
Ch. 13  Of Fasting & Prayer  341

Locus 13. Of the Promise & Threatening of the Covenant of Grace, or of Eternal Life & Death  351

Ch. 14  Of the Promise & Threat of the Covenant of Grace, or of Eternal Life & Death  351

Locus 14. Of the Promulgation & of the Necessary Powers to the Repentance of the Covenant of Grace; or of the Calling to Faith, Free Choice & the Grace of God  362

Ch. 15  Of the Promulgation of the Covenant of Grace, or of the Calling to Faith  362
Ch. 16  Of the Necessary Powers unto the Repentance of the Covenant of Grace, & of the Freedom of Choice  369

Locus 15 & Ch. 18. Of the Constancy of the Covenant of Grace, or of the Perseverance of the Saints  386

Part 4, Of the Economies of the Covenants

Locus 16 & Ch. 1. Of the Economy under the Promise  396

Locus 17.  Of the Economy under the Old Testament; of the Moral, Ceremonial & Judicial Law  412

Ch. 2  Of the Old Testament in General  412
Ch. 3  Of the Moral Law of God in General  421
Ch. 4  Of the First Three Precepts  429
Ch. 5  Of the Fourth Precept, or of the Sabbath  435
Ch. 6  Of the Precepts of the Second Table  453
Ch. 7  Of the Perfection of the Moral Law  459
Ch. 8  Of the Use of the Moral Law  465
Ch. 9  Of the Ceremonial & Judicial Law  476

Locus 18. Of the Word, Sacraments, the Church & Church Government under the Old Testament, & of the Abolition of the Old Testament  490

Ch. 10  Of the Word & Sacraments under the Old Testament  490
Ch. 11  Of the Church & Church Government under the Old Testament  495
Ch. 12  Of the Abolition of the Old Testament  501

Locus 19. Of the Economy under the New Testament in General & of the Messiah  507

Ch. 13  Of the New Testament  507
Ch. 14  Of the Messiah  509
Ch. 15  Of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ  513
Ch. 16  Of the Person & Personal Union, or of the Hypostasis of the Divine Nature & Human Nature of Christ, & of the Communion of Properties  518
Ch. 17  Of the Humiliation & Exaltation of Jesus Christ  536

Locus 20. Of the Gospel & of the Good Things of the New Testament  550

Ch. 18  Of the Gospel  550
Ch. 19  Of the Blessings of the New Testament  552

Locus 21. Of the Word & Sacraments under the New Testament  579

Ch. 20  Of the Word & Sacraments in General under the New Testament  579
Ch. 21  Of Baptism  592
Ch. 22  Of the Holy Supper  602
Ch. 23  Of the Mass of the Papists  615

Locus 22. Of the Church under the Church Government of the New Testament, of the Ministers of the Church, of Classes, Synods (or Councils), of the Law & of Ecclesiastical Discipline  620

Ch. 24  Of the Church  620
Ch. 25  Of Ecclesiastical Government under the New Testament  630
Ch. 26  Of Ecclesiastical Ministers under the New Testament  639
Ch. 27  Of Classes & Synods, or of Councils  655
Ch. 28  Of the Law & Church Discipline  660

Locus 23. Of Magistrates & of their Law about Political & Sacred Things  668

Ch. 29  Of Magistrates & of their Political Power  668
Ch. 30  Of the Power of Magistrates about the Sacred  675

Locus 24. Of the Various Declarations of the Church, of Antichrist & his Rise, Progress & Fall; & of the Glorious Reign of Christ in the Last Times  681

Ch. 31  Of the Various Declarations of the Church of the New Testament, & of the Antichrist  681
Ch. 32  Of the Fall of the Antichrist  695
Ch. 33  Of Glorious Reign of Christ after the Destruction of the Kingdom of Antichrist  700

Locus 25. Of the Resurrection of Bodies, of the Last Judgment, & of the End of the Ages  705

Ch. 34  Of the Resurrection  705
Ch. 35  Of the Last Judgment & the End of the Ages  713


van Mastricht, Peter – Theoretical-Practical Theology



Pictet, Benedict – The Marrow of Christian Theology, Instructive & Elenctic  (Geneva, 1711)  246 pp.  This is in a dialogue, question and answer format.  The Latin table of contents is at the end of the work.

Table of Contents

1 – Of Theology in General, the Existence of God, and Religion   1
2 – The Word of God and Sacred Scripture   6
3 – The One God and his Perfections   19
4 – The Trinity   35
5 – The Creation of the World, Angels and Man   50
6 – The Fall of the Angels and Man, and the Consequences   59
7 – Providence   73
8 – The Decrees of God Concerning the Salvation of Men   84
9 – Christ the Mediator, the Law, the Covenant of Grace   93
10 – The Benefits of Christ and Calling   128
11 – Justification   141
12 – Sanctification   154
13 – Renovation and Glorification   171
14 – The Church   189
15 – Sacraments   220

van den Honert, Johann – Institutions of Didactic & Elenctic Theology  (1735)  The whole work is in outline form, with various orations appended.

Honert (1693-1758)

Table of Contents

Preliminary: of Theology & Sacred Scripture  1-28

Book 1, of the Covenant of Nature & of Works

1. Of God  29-51
2. Of the Decree of God  52-59
3. Of Creation & the Providence of God  60-70
4. Of the Creation of Man, & of his First State  71-84
5. Of Angels  85-96
6. Of the Corruption of the Stock of Man  97-115

Book 2, of the Business of Grace

1. Of the Author of Grace: God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit  116-134
2. Of the Eternal Design to Work Grace & Wrath  134-152
3. Of the Suretiship of the Son & the Pact of Human Salvation  153-161
4. Of the Covenanting of the Covenant of Grace, by Calling & Faith  162-176
5. Of the Justification of a Sinner  176-184
6. Of the Sanctification of a Sinner  185-195
7. Of the Communion of the Church & of the Use of the Seals of the Covenant  196-209
8. Of the Glorification of Man after Death  209-216

Inaugural Oration on Regeneration  217
Inaugural Oration on Ecclesiastical History: Theologians Most Necessary  259
Oration on the Mutual Tolerance of Christians  299
Inaugural Oration on the Wisdom & Art of Ecclesiastical Oratory  361

Stapfer, Johann – Institutes of Universal Polemical Theology, Ordered in a Scientific Arrangement, vol. 12345  (Zurich, 1756)  The ToC to all the volumes is after the Preface in the first volume.

Stapfer (1708-1775) was a professor of theology at Bern.  He was influenced by the philosophical rationalism of Christian Wolff, though, by him “the orthodox reformed tradition was continued with little overt alteration of the doctrinal loci and their basic definitions.” – Richard Muller

Table Contents

Vol. 1

1. Of the True Rule of Study & of the System of Polemical Theology  1

2. Of the Cautions to be Observed in Polemical Theology  33

3. A Demonstration of the Truth of Theology is Exhibited  66

I. The Heads of it:  It is Agitated of the Divine Existence  67
II. Of the Attributes Dependent on the Divine Existence  73
III. Of the Attributes Dependent on the Divine Intellect  78
IV. Of the Will & Power of God  90
V. Of the Decrees of God in General  105
VI. Of the Wisdom, Goodness, Holiness, Justice, Omnipresence, & the Remaining Perfections of God  121
VII. Of Creation & Providence, & the Immortality of the Soul  176
VIII. Of the Dependence of Man on God as the Fundamental of Religion  208
IX. Of the First State of Man  213
X. Of Sin & the Consequence of It  228
XI. Of the Impotence of Man to Extricate Himself out of Infinite Evil & to Restore a Pristine State  242
XII. Of the Necessity of Revelation & the Criterion of it  258
XIII. Of Freedom, in which the Revelation of the Means of Human Deliverance is contained  282
XIV. Of the Religion of a Sinner in General  299
XV. Of the Person of the Deliverer & of his Properties  308
XVI. Of the Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity  310
XVII. Of the Counsel of the Most Holy Trinity about the Salvation of Man  322
XVIII. Of the Execution of the Decree of the Means of Salvation through Providing Christ  337
XIX. Of the Application of the Means of Deliverance  353
XX. Of the City of God  408
XXI. Of the Offices of Citizens & of the Public Worship  428
XXII. Of Rites, or of the Sacred Ceremonies that ought to be Adhered to in the Public Worship in General  440
XXIII. Of the Principal Rites of the Church, or of the Sacraments of Baptism & the Holy Supper  446
XXIV.  Of the Consummation of the Church  470
XXV. Of the Political Magistrate  491
XXVI. Of the Excellence of the Christian Religion  497

4. Of Fundamental Articles  513

5. Of Heresy & the way in which Heretics ought to be dealt with, even of the Tolerance of Schismatics  551

Vol. 2

6. Of Atheism
7. Of Deism
8. Of Epicureanism
9. Of Gentilism
10. Of Naturalism

Vol. 3

11. Of Judaism & Mohommedism
12. Of Socinianism
13. Of the Indifferentism of Religions, of Latitudinarianists, & of the Religion of Prudentists

Vol. 4

14. Of Papalism
15. Of Fanaticism
16. Of Pelagianism
17. Of the Remonstrants
18. Of Mennonites, or Anabaptists

Vol. 5

19. Of the Oriental Church
20. Of the Consensus & Dissent of Protestants, or of the Reformed & of the Church Adhering to the [Lutheran] Augsburg Confession

Appendix:  of the Heresies of the First Ages
Index of Things Contained in the Whole Work

De Moor, Bernard – A Continuous Commentary on John Marck’s Compendium of Didactic and Elenctic Christian Theology, vol 1234567  (Leiden, 1761-71)  The first three chapters are in English in three volumes: Buy

De Moor (1709-1780) has a number of disputations available at PRDL.  As portions of De Moor’s systematic are translated into English, excerpts are being put up at the blog.  Here is a review of the first volume by Dr. Ryan McGraw.

De Moor “maintained the fundamental line of confessional orthodoxy without drawing heavily on any of the newer philosophies…  [and he] maintained a fairly centrist Reformed position… Vitringa and De Moor served as codifiers and bibliographers of the earlier tradition, the former from a federalist, the latter from a nonfederalist perspective.  Indeed, De Moor’s efforts did for later Reformed orthodoxy what the massive system of Quenstedt did for Lutheranism in the concluding years of the seventeenth century: the work was so exhaustive and so complete in detail and bibliography that it virtually ended the development of Reformed doctrine in the form of orthodox system.” – Richard Muller


Table of Contents

vol. 1

1. Of the Term & Definition of ‘Theology’  5
2. Of the Principle of Theology, or of Sacred Scripture  114
3. Of Religion  447
4. Of God, with respect to his Names, Essence & Attributes  498
5. Of the Trinity of Persons  695
6. Of the Divine Decrees  897

A Theological Disputation on Mk. 15:25 & Jn. 19:14  943
A Theological Disputation on Eph. 5:14  957
A Theological Disputation on: Vindictive Justice Essential to God  996

vol. 2

7. Of the Predestination of Men to Salvation or Damnation  1
8. Of the Divine Creation of the World  117
9. Of Good & Bad Angels  285
10. Of the Actual Providence of God  420
11. Of the Worship of God & the Regulating Rule of It  503
12. Of the Decalogue, & of Each Precept of It  688
13. Of the Creation & Nature of Man  976

vol. 3

14. Of the First State of Integrity of Man, & a View Here of the Image of God & the Covenant of Works  1
15. Of the Sin of Men, & its Various Species  109
16. Of the Variegated Punishment of Human Sin  328
17. Of the Covenant of Grace, the Gospel & its Varied Economy  366
18. Of the Mediator of the Covenant of Grace  436
19. Of the Person of Jesus Christ  621
20. Of the Three-fold Mediatorial Office of Jesus Christ, even Prophetical, Priestly & Kingly  837

vol. 4

21. Of the Twofold State of Jesus Christ  1
22. Of the Offices of the Covenant of Grace, even Faith & Repentance  285
23. Of the Efficacious Calling of the Elect  440
24. Of the Justification of the Elect Before God  535
25. Of Sanctification & Good Works  769

A Theological Disputation on the Prayers of Christ in Gethsemane, Mt. 26:39 ff.  840
An Inaugural Theological Disputation about ‘the Times of Refreshing’, Acts 3:19

vol. 5

26. Of Prayer, Fasting, Vigils, Alms & of a Vow  1
27. Of the Certain Conservation of the Elect  255
28. Of Regeneration, Adoption, Reconciliation & Liberation  178
29. Of the Sacraments of the Covenant of Grace, & especially of Circumcision, the Passover & the Pseudo-Sacraments of the New Testament  218
30. Of Christian Baptism  372
31. Of the Sacred Lord’s Supper  553

An Addition of Theological Theses [on fundamentals of the Reformed faith] which were publicly defended after the last Disputation on the Passover  772

A Secular Festival in the year 1719, celebrated the 29th of May by Professors of Theology in the Academy of Leiden  777

vol. 6

32. Of the Church Having Been Joined to God by Covenant  1
33. Of the Varied Government of the Church  180
34. Of the Blessed Glorification of the Elect  586

Theological Considerations to the Academic-Political Judgment of Permitting, by a Dispensation from a Christian & Reformed Lord, a Leviriate Marriage with a Kinsman  737

A Decade of Digested Controversial Theses Joined in a Series, by Bavio Voorda  759

A Theological Disputation on Having Remembered the Coming of Christ, 2 Pet. 1:16  765

Inaugural Oration of Barnard de Moor on the Imperfect Felicity of the Militant Church  1745  807

An Oration on that which is Excessive in Theological Science  1747  901

vol. 7

Scripture Index  1
Index of Principal Things  39
Index of Hebrew & Greek Words  122
A Supplement to the Perpetual Commentary  127  (Later-added end-notes and additions throughout each volume)
Typos  94

Beck, Jacob Christoph – A Synopsis of Universal, Natural & Revealed Theological Institutions, Dogmatic, Polemical & Practical, having been in Use in the Lecture Room:  A Brief Theological Encyclopaedia is Given & Delineated  (Basil, 1765)  Here are the tables of contents to the Prolegomena, Dogmatics Section 1Section 2Polemics & Practical sections.

Beck was a professor of theology, history and Old Testament at Basel and was influenced by the philosophical rationalism of Christian Wolff.



Latin Bible Commentaries that Emphasize Polemics


Essenius, Andreas – A Synopsis of Controversial Theology & a Complete Index of the Passages of Sacred Scripture which the Adversaries Use to Seek to Strengthen their Errors & Attack & Deflect the Truth, & are Accustomed to Abuse, being Propounded by a Singular, Brief Method Through their Collections  (Utrecht, 1677)  479 pp.  There is no table of contents; it goes through the subjects like a systematic theology for 20 chapters in 108 pages; then follows, for most of the volume, the Index of Scripture places, being a commentary on many verses of most of the chapters of the whole Bible, stating and refuting the opinions of sects.

Essenius (1618-1677)

Arnoldi, Nicolaus – Light in Darkness, or a Simultaneously Brief & Succinct Vindication & Conciliation of Passages of the Old & New Testament that All of the Sects of the Adversary Abuse in Order to Sure Up their Errors  (Franeker, 1680)

Arnoldi (1618-1680) was a German reformed professor of theology at Franeker.  The work is laid out like a Bible commentary and comments on much of the whole Bible.



Latin:  On Controversies



Grynaeus, Johann Jakob – A Disputation on the Particular Controversies of Religion, in which is Agitated the Circumstances & Fonts of Disagreements  (Basil, 1589)

Jager, Josias – Disputation 2, Of Those Controversies which have Shaken the Highest Power of Order which ought to be Observed in the Militant Church  (Basil, 1589)  Johann Grynaeus presided.

Howie, Robert – Disputation 3, in which is Agitated Those Controversies which have Shaken the Solidity of Faith in Christ  (Basil, 1589)

Howie was a reformed Scottish theologian.  Johann Grynaeus presided.



Beuther Michael – Theological Theorems on the True Adjudication of the Principal Controversies of the Christian Religion which are Agitated in the Church in this our World…  in the Academy of Basil…  (1602)

Beuther was a German reformed minister and librarian.

Buxtorf, Johanne – An Inaugural Theological Disputation on Discretionary Judgment About Controversies of the Christian Religion  (Basil, 1656)




Bucer, Martin – On Conciliating, & the Legitimate Judging, of Religious Controversies & Judgments…  (1545)



Laurent, Gaspard – On Public Disputations in Controversies of Religion, an Extensive Investigation of the Old Writings having been Taken  (1602)  135 pp.

Vedel, Nicolaus – Rational Theology, or on the Necessity & True Use of the Principles of Reason & Philosophy in Theological Controversies, in Three Books, for the Veracity of the Whole Christian Religion, & Especially of the Confessions of the Evangelicals, Against the Sophists of the Last Times  (Geneva, 1628)  800 pp.  ToC

Vedel was a reformed pastor and professor at Geneva.  He argues against a number of different sects, on every side, in this work.

Du Moulin, Louis – An Epistle of an Irenic Lover of Brethren [Irenaei Philadelphi] to the Illustrious Man, Newly Reborn [Renatum Verdaeum] in which is Discussed the Movements & Controversies Newly Sprung Up in England around Religion, & the Book by Joseph Hall, which Asserts Episcopacy to be of Divine Right, is Driven Off  (1641)  122 pp.

Du Moulin (c.1605-1680) was a French reformed theologian who became a professor of history at Oxford (1648-1660).



Werenfels, Samuel – Miscellanies, pt. 1, Containing Dissertations on Erudite Word-Fighters, to which, on account of like material, is added a Dissertation on Theological Controversies which ought to be Sacredly Drawn on…  (d. 1740), pp. 446-576  There is no table of contents, and the volume cuts off in the midst of the 10th dissertation on word-fighters.

Here is a full volume of the 10 dissertations on word-fighters, with a table of contents.  The work has been translated into English, linked above.



On the Polemical Theologian


Witsius, Herman – The Moderate [Modestus] Theologian, Delineated in an Inaugural Oration, as the Public Professor of Theology in the Academy in Leiden…  (Leiden)

von Mosheim, Johann L. – Dissertations on the Non-Contentious Theologian, or of the Office of the Theologian around Controversies  (Helmstadt, 1726)  134 pp.  ToC

Mosheim (1693-1755) was a German, Lutheran, church historian, particularly known for his Institutes of Ecclesiastical History.  Mosheim, while being more orthodox and conservative than most in his time, yet had a trans-denominational irenic tone and viewpoint characteristic of the beginnings of the enlightenment.






Le Vassor, Michel – A Treatise on How to Examine the Differences of Religion, Dedicated to the King of Great Britain  (Amsterdam, 1697)  605 pp.  ToC

Le Vassor (1648-1718) was a French Romanist, Oratorian priest and author, who became a Protestant in exile in England.  He is known for his theological, historical and political works.  This work has been seen as a defense of the Church of England.




Malcom, Howard – ‘Polemic Theology’  in Theological Index…  (Boston, 1868)

Contains older references in multiple languages, including the main Lutheran works of polemical theology and a few Romanist ones.




“Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry.  Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him.”

Acts 17:16-17




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