Commentaries on the Psalms

The Psalms are the heart of the Bible and show us what it is to be a man or lady after God’s own heart.  Infuse yourself with the raw motions of the Holy Spirit that reverberate through this inspired book.  

To help you towards feeding endlessly in the inexhaustible depths of the Psalms the rest of your life this side of heaven, here are the best commentaries from godly men of old on these Scriptures, including all of the works receiving Charles Spurgeon’s top recommendation:

Commentaries on the Whole Book of Psalms  (90+)

Commentaries on Individual Psalms

We are currently working on adding all the Old Testament commentaries that received Spurgeon’s top rating to the O.T. Commentaries page (and have made it up through the Psalms) and hope to finish off the rest in the not-too-distant future.  Come back for more.