Augustus Strong on the Sincere Free Offer of the Gospel

1836 – 1921



Systematic Theology, 1907, no page number, as quoted by T.P. Simmons here.  This quote was compiled by Robert Basham.

God’s call to all men to repent and to believe the gospel is no more insincere than His command to all men to Love Him with all the heart.  There is no obstacle in the way of men’s obedience to the gospel, that does not exist to prevent their obedience to the law.  If it is proper to publish the commands of the law, it is proper to publish the invitations of the gospel.  A human being may be perfectly sincere in giving an invitation which he knows will be refused.  He may desire to have the invitation accepted, while yet he may, for certain reasons of justice and personal dignity, be unwilling to put forth special efforts, aside from the invitation itself, to secure the acceptance of it on the part of those to whom it is offered.




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