On Union with Christ & the Fruits of the Fellowship Ensuing Therefrom

“…them which are in Christ Jesus…”

Rom. 8:1

“Abide in Me, and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in Me.  I am the vine, ye are the branches…”

Jn. 15:4-5

“So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.”

Rom. 12:5



Order of Contents

Historical Theology

Ways Union to Christ is Before & After Faith
Spiritual Union to Christ: Fount of Justification, Adoption, Sanctification &
.     Glorification
Fruits of the Union

Latin  6+





Vermigli, Peter Martyr – ‘What Union the Godly have with Christ’  in The Common Places…  (London: Henrie Denham et al., 1583), pt. 3, ch. 3, ‘Of Faith and the Certainty thereof; and how faith may agree with fear’, pp. 77-79

Calvin, John – 1. ‘The Benefits of Christ made available to us by the Secret Operation of the Spirit’  in Institutes of the Christian Religion  tr. Henry Beveridge  (1559; Edinburgh: Calvin Translation Society, 1845), vol. 2, bk. 3, pp. 85-92

Beza, Theodore

A Brief & Pithy Sum of the Christian Faith made in Form of a Confession  (London, 1562), ch. 4

3. The Holy Ghost makes us partakers of Jesus Christ by faith only

7. How this is to be understand, which we say, as St. Paul says, that we be justified by only faith

pp. 33-37  in A Book of Christian Questions & Answers… (London, 1574)

Viret, Pierre – A Christian Instruction…  (d. 1571; London: Veale, 1573)

The Sum of the Principal Points of the Christian Faith

20. Of the Communication in the Benefits of Jesus Christ  19

The Summary of the Christian Doctrine, set forth in Form of Dialogue & of Catechism

Of the Communication or partaking of the benefit of Christ

Of the Benefits of Jesus Christ towards his Church

Of the Possession of the Benefits of Jesus Christ in the Church during this Life

Of the Consummation of the Benefits of Jesus Christ

A Familiar Exposition of the Principal Points of the Catechism, and of the Christian Doctrine, made in Form of Dialogue

8th Dialogue: Of the Communion between Jesus Christ & Man

Of the Communion of the nature, which Jesus Christ has with man, and not with angels, and how necessary it is to man’s salvation

Of Two Sorts of union and communion which Jesus Christ has with man, without the which no man can obtain salvation

Of the Spiritual Marriage between Jesus Christ and his Church, and first of the union of nature that is required in this marriage

Of Another more Special Union & Conjunction which is proper to marriage, which is between Jesus Christ and his Church

How that Jesus Christ cannot be the Savior of mankind, unless He have as well an human soul, as an human body

Ursinus, Zachary – The Sum of Christian Religion: Delivered…  in his Lectures upon the Catechism…  tr. Henrie Parrie  (d. 1583; Oxford, 1587)

Of the Communion of the Faithful, or Christians, with Christ

1. What is the Anointing of Christians
2. What is the prophetical function of Christians, that is, in what sense they are, and are called ‘Prophets’
3. What is the Priesthood of Christians
4. What is the Kingdom of Christians

Zanchi, Girolamo – Confession of the Christian Religion…  (1586; Cambridge, 1599), pp. 75-91 & 291-95

Ch. 12, ’Of the True Dispensation of the Redemption, the Salvation, & Life which is Laid Up in Christ Alone: & therefore of the Necessary Uniting and Participation with Christ’
.        On Aphorism 8

Virel, Matthew – Intro  to ch. 4. Of Faith, by the which we are made one with Christ, and so be partakers of all his gifts  in A Learned & Excellent Treatise Containing All the Principal Grounds of Christian Religion  (London, 1594), bk. 1

Virel (1561-1595)

Perkins, William

’The Mystical Union’  in An Exposition of the Symbol, or Apostles’ Creed…  (Cambridge, 1595), p. 477

Perkins (d. 1602) was an influential, puritan, Anglican clergyman and Cambridge theologian.

The Foundation of Christian Religion, Gathered into Six Principles  an appendix to A Golden Chain (Cambridge: Legat, 1600)

4th Principle: Union to Christ by Faith: Justification & Sanctification
.                    Expounded



Rutherford, Samuel – Positions 3-10, pp. 352-63  in Christ Dying & Drawing Sinners to Himself  (London: 1647), pt. 2

Leigh, Edward – System or Body of Divinity…  (London, A.M., 1654), bk. 7

ch. 1. Of our Union with Christ, pp. 485-89
ch. 5. Of the Communion & Fellowship Believers have with Christ, & their Benefits by Him, & Specially of Adoption, pp. 510-12

Ambrose, Isaac – ch. 7, ‘The Growing of the Soul with Christ’  in The Doctrine & Directions but more especially the Practice & Behavior of a Man in the Act of the New Birth…  (London: 1650), pp. 66-70

Owen, John – ch. 10, ‘The Glory of Christ in the Communication of Himself unto Believers’  in Meditations & Discourses on the Glory of Christ  in Works, vol. 1, pp. 360-67

van Mastricht, Peter – ch. 5, ‘The Union of those to be Redeemed with Christ’  in Theoretical Practical Theology  (2nd ed. 1698; RHB), vol. 5, pt. 1, bk. 6



Payson, Edward – ‘Blessed Reciprocity: the Reciprocal Interest of Christ & his People’  in Works 1.552-60

Shaw, Samuel – ‘On Communion with God’  in Emmanuel: or a Discovery as it Imports a Living Principle in the Minds of Men, & on Communion with God  (Galsgow, 1829), pp. 263-304  The volume has an introductory essay by Robert Gordon.

Shaw (1635-1696) was an English, presbyterian, non-conformist minister.  He wrote a work on the plague and performed a funeral oration for the puritan minister, Thomas Blake.

Gordon (1786–1853) was a minister in the Church of Scotland at the time, but would join the Free Church of Scotland at the Disruption (1843) and would succeed Thomas Chalmers as a professor of divinity at the Free Church College.



Berkhof, Louis – ‘The Mystical Union’  (1950)  18 paragraphs, from his Systematic Theology





Zanchi, Jerome – The Spiritual Marriage between Christ & His Church & Every One of the Faithful  (RHB, 2021)  152 pp.  ToC

“Developing from Girolama Zanchi’s exegetical labors through Ephesians, Spiritual Marriage draws readers into the rich theological of doctrine of union with Christ.  Following the lead of the apostle Paul, Zanchi demonstrates how our earthly marriages fulfill their truest purpose by drawing our attention toward the spiritual marriage between Christ and His Church.  By paying attention to the Genesis account of Adam’s marriage to Eve, to pertinent Old Testament laws, and to the teachings of Jesus and His apostles, we begin to understand something of that higher and heavenly union.”



Sibbes, Richard – Bowels Opened, or a Discovery of the Near & Dear Love, Union & Communion betwixt Christ & the Church, & Consequently betwixt Him & every believing soul, Delivered in Diverse Sermons on the Fourth, Fifth & Sixth Chapters of the Canticles…  (London, 1639)  Detailed ToC

Sibbes (c.1577-1635) was an English puritan.

Hall, Joseph – Christ-Mystical, or the Blessed Union of Christ & his Members  ToC  in Holy Raptures, or, Pathetical Meditations of the Love of Christ, Together with a Treatise of Christ Mystical...  (London, 1652), pp. 1-152

Hall (1574-1656) was a godly, Anglican bishop.

Calamy the Elder, Edmund – Evidence for Heaven: containing Infallible Signs & Real De­monstrations of our Union with Christ & Assurance of Salvation, with an Appendix of Laying Down cer­tain Rules to be Observed for Preserving our Assurance once Obtained  (London, 1657)  245 pp.

Calamy (1600-1666) was an English presbyterian minister and Westminster divine.

Owen, John – Of Communion with God the Father, Son & Holy Ghost  (1657)  ToC  in Works  ed. Goold  (NY: Robert Carter, 1851; rep. Banner), vol. 2, pp. 2-274

Owen (1616-1683) was an English, congregationalist puritan.

Polhill, Edward – An Answer to the Discourse of Mr. William Sherlock, Touching the Knowledge of Christ, & our Union & Communion with Him  (London, 1675)  621 pp.  no ToC  EEBO

Polhill (c.1622-c.1694) was a lay-theologian commended by John Owen, though he was a hypothetical universalist.  Sherlock was an influential, rationalizing Anglican bishop and theological writer.

Ferguson, Robert – ch. 3, ‘Of the Union of Believers with Christ’  Outline  in The Interest of Reason in Religion…  & the Nature of the Union Betwixt Christ & Believers; (with Reflections on Several Late Writings, especially Mr. Sherlock’s Discourse…)…  (London, 1675), pp. 421-665

Ferguson (c. 1637–1714) was a Scottish, presbyterian minister.

Sherlock was a rationalizing, Anglican bishop and influential writer.  Ferguson quotes him as saying, “…the methods of divine grace are denyed to consist in the producti∣on of any new principles by an omnipotent & irresistible Power…” (p. 430), that is, he denied monergistic regeneration and any vital, organic, spiritual union of Christ with believers, thus allowing natural men to adopt Christianity as natural men.

After introductory discoursing, sections 6-12 deny, one by one, the believer’s union with Christ to be the same as other unions: 6. the hypostatic union, 7. a bodily union, 8. a union of becoming the same person, 9. not only a legal union, 10. not merely a union of love, 11. not by a previous union to the Church, 12. not a political union.  Section 13 is: “An Intelligible Notion of it assigned, and the whole shut up.” (pp. 653-65)

pp. 656-661:

“1st. The highest and closest union is between those things that are actuated by one spirit dwelling and moving in them…

2dly. Things at the greatest distance, and between which there is no physical continuity, may be acted by the same spirit, providing he be immense and infinite…

3dly. ‘Tis Christ as mediator that believers are united to…

4. The Holy Ghost did in a singular manner operate upon and reside in the human nature of Christ…

5thly. The Holy Ghost is the immediate renewer and sanctifier of the elect…

6thly. ‘Tis from, by, and through Jesus Christ as mediator that the Spirit, whether it be with respect to his Immediate seisure of us and dwelling in us, or with reference to any of his saving operations, is given to and bestowed upon us…

7ly. Through the communication of the Spirit from Christ to us, and immediately upon his taking the possession of us, the nature of Christ, the seed of God, and a vital living principle comes to be formed in us.”

Flavel, John

The Method of Grace, in bringing Home the Eternal Redemption…  wherein the Great Mystery of our Union & Communion with Christ is Opened & Applied…  (London, 1681)  Outline  Index

Sermon 1, ‘That the Lord Jesus Christ with all his precious benefits becomes ours by God’s special and effectual Application’

Sermon 2, ‘That there is a strict and dear Union betwixt Christ and all true believers’

Sermon 5, ‘That those Souls which have Union with Christ, are quickened with a Supernatural principle of life by the Spirit of God in order thereunto’

Sermon 6, ‘That the receiving of the Lord Jesus Christ is that saving and vital act of faith which gives the soul right both to his person and benefits’

Sermon 8, ‘That all true believers have a real communion or fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ’

Sermon 15, ‘That Jesus Christ is the only Consolation of Believers, and of none besides them’

Sermon 17, ‘That Jesus Christ has purchased and procured special favour and acceptation with God for all that are in him’

Sermon 18, ‘That interest in Christ sets the soul at liberty from all that bondage whereunto it was subjected in its natural state’

Sermon 24, ‘1. The thing to be tried, our Union with Christ.
2. The trial of it, by the giving of his Spirit to us. 3. The certainty of the trial this way: ‘hereby we know”

England’s Duty under the Present Gospel Liberty from Rev. 3:20, wherein is opened…  the invaluable privileges of union and communion granted to all who receive Him...  (London, 1689)

Sermon 6, ‘That Jesus Christ is an Earnest Suitor for Union
& Communion with the Souls of Sinners’

Sermon 10, ‘That Christ will Certainly come into the Soul that
Opens to Him; and will not come empty handed, but will bring rich entertainment with Him; ‘I will come in to him, and sup with him”

Sermon 11, ‘That there is a mutual, sweet and intimate communion betwixt Jesus Christ & believers in this



Bagshawe, William – Essays on Union to Christ: being the Substance of Several Sermons  (London, 1703)  395 pp.  ToC

Bagshaw (1628–1702) was an English presbyterian and nonconformist minister.




Order of Quotes




Theodore Beza

A Book of Christian Questions & Answers  (London, 1574), p. 39

“Question:  There is yet one doubt behind, whether your saying that Christ is taken hold on by faith agrees with that which you said afore when you avouched that all gifts do flow into us from Christ taken hold upon by faith.  For it seems to follow either that faith is not of the Father’s gift in Christ, or else that this your latter saying is untrue. For needs must faith go before taking hold, if Christ be taken hold on by faith.

Answer:  The beginning of our salvation comes of God, who first chose us in Christ ere we were born, yea and ere ever the foundations of the world were laid, and also first loves and knows us in the time of our being born, when as yet we be not given unto Christ and graffed into Him in very deed, but are to be given and graffed.

Therefore if ye have an eye to the very instant of the e: we do both believe and also take hold by belief upon Christ offered unto us, both at once.  For the cause of a thing cannot be working in very deed unless the effect of it come forth together with it.  But if ye look to the order of causes, I grant that the traynme•• of faith (yea of true faith) goes before the taking hold upon Christ, and consequently is given, not to them that are already graffed, but to them that are at the point to be graffed into Him.  Yet follows it not thereupon that faith is not given unto us in Christ, considering that the heavenly Father, setty his determination in his only Son does not then first behold us in Christ when we be given unto Him, but has chosen us, known us, and loved us in Him, yea even before the foundations of the world were laid, and much rather when as yet we hated Him: like as Christ Himself also took hold of us first to the end that we might take hold Him afterward.

Again look, what is begun in us by grace, that we might thereby be graffed into Christ, and therefore in respect of the order of causes, is done before our taking hold upon Christ; the same is increased and strengthened in us afterward by the same grace in Christ, whom we have now taken hold on by faith.”


Jerome Zanchi

pp. 71-72  of ch. 11, section 15  in H. Zanchius his Confession of Christian Religion…  (Cambridge, 1599)

“…and that in our name He took unto Himself possession of the heavenly inheritance: ‘and sits at the right hand of God’ (Eph. 1:20), that is, has taken to Himself power over all things in heaven and in earth: So that, in asmuch as He is our Mediator and is man, He has obtained of his Father the second place: is appointed head of the Church, as well which is in heaven, as which is on earth: that from Him, and even from his flesh, is conveyed by his Holy Spirit, whatsoever pertains to the quickening and to the spiritual life of us, to all those, which as members are fastened unto Him their head.

And therefore we acknowledge, believe and confess that in Christ alone is placed our whole salvation, redemption, justice, favor of God and eternal life: according to that saying, ‘Who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption’ (1 Cor. 1:30): Also, ‘He is our peace’: Also, ‘Jehouah our righteousness’, ‘in Him we have redemption by his blood, forgiveness of sins’:  Also, ‘It pleased the Father that in Him all fullness should dwell’: Also, ‘Life is in his Son’ (Eph. 2:14; Jer. 23:6; Eph. 1:7; Col. 1:19; 1 Jn. 5:11).

And therefore we know that the promise concerning redemption, which was made unto the first man, did receive accomplishment in this other man Jesus Christ: so that whosoever will be made partaker of it, he must needs be joined to his head Christ and be made a member of Him.  For we have redemption and salvation not only by Him, as a Mediator, but also in Him, as our head.  This is our faith concerning Christ the redeemer, his person, natures, and office, and the salvation of mankind fulfilled and laid up in Him.”


Zacharias Ursinus

‘Of the Office & Person of Christ the Only Mediator’  in A Collection of Certain Learned Discourses…  (Oxford, 1600), p. 245

“XI.  Therefore all Christ is everywhere, although
his human nature, since his ascension untill the
day of the Last Judgment, be nowhere but in Heaven.

Mt. 28:6, ‘He is risen, he is not here,’ Mt. 26:11, ‘Me ye have not always with you.’ Jn. 16:28;  ‘I leave the world and go unto my Father.’  Acts 3:21, ‘Whom the heavens must contain, until the time of restoring of all things.

XII.  And the godly in what place of heaven or
earth so ever they abide, are united to the human
nature assumed by the Son of God, as members to
their head, the same Holy Spirit dwelling in Christ
by unity of essence with the Word, and in the godly
by grace.

1. Cor. 12:13, ‘By one Spirit we are all baptized into
one body.’  Eph. 4:4, ‘There is one body and one Spirit.’  1
Jn. 4:13, ‘By this we know that we abide in Him and He
in us, because He hath given us of his Spirit.’  Rom. 8:11,
‘If the Spirit of Him who hath raised etc. dwell in you etc.’
Irenaeus, bk. 3, ch. 19, ‘As of dry meal one lump cannot be made, nor one bread: so neither could we which are many, be made one in Christ Jesus, without that water which is from Heaven.”



Historical Theology


Muller, Richard – ‘unio mystica sive praesentia gratiae tantum’  in Dictionary of Latin & Greek Theological Terms: Drawn Principally from Protestant Scholastic Theology  1st ed.  (Baker, 1985), pp. 314-5



Muller, Richard –

Dictionary of Latin & Greek Theological Terms: Drawn Principally from Protestant Scholastic Theology  1st ed.  (Baker, 1985), p. 313

‘unio essentialis’

essential union; i.e., a union of two different essences, such as the union of all things with God according to the divine omnipraesentia (q.v.) and omnipotentia (q.v.) and manifest in the divine concursus.

This union of God with all things can also be called the unio generalis, or general union, inasmuch as it belongs to the universal nonsaving work of God as opposed to the unio specialis or unio mystica (q.v.).”



In What Way Union to Christ is Before & After Faith


Flavel, John – Sermon 6, ‘That the Receiving of the Lord Jesus Christ is that Saving & Vital Act of Faith which gives the Soul Right both to his Person & Benefits’  in The Method of Grace, in bringing Home the Eternal Redemption…  wherein the Great Mystery of our Union & Communion with Christ is Opened & Applied…  (d. 1708; London, 1681), pp. 113-34

Witsius, Herman – Ch. 6, ‘Whether the Elect are United to Christ Before Faith…’, Sections 1-4  of Conciliatory or Irenical Animadversions on the Controversies Agitated in Britain: under the Unhappy names of Antinomians & Neonomians  (Glasgow, 1807), pp. 67-9

In sections 1-2 Witsius carefully defines the union of Christ to the elect while they are in their natural corruption (by decree and eternal consent), which does not involve a spiritual union.

Section 3 describes a certain spiritual union in effectual calling before faith, which produces faith, since faith flows from spiritual life.  Section 4 is of the mutual spiritual union upon faith, with Christ’s benefits following.

Witsius’s teaching is in accord with the Westminster Larger Catechism below.

Halyburton, Thomas – Section XI  in ‘A Modest Inquiry whether Regeneration or Justification has the Precedency in Order of Nature’  in The Works of the Rev. Thomas Halyburton…  (London : Thomas Tegg, 1835), p. 553



Samuel Rutherford

Survey of Spiritual Antichrist, Pt. 2, ch. 61, ‘How Faith Justifies…’, p. 108

“Objection 1 [of Saltmarsh, an Antinomian]:  ‘Christ is not ours by any act of our own, but by an infinite act of God’s imputing his righteousness.  Therefore, Christ is not ours by faith.’

[Rutherford’s] Answer:  Christ is not ours, by any act of our own, as by a ransom, a meritorious and principal cause. [This is] True, therefore [Saltmarsh concludes], [Christ is] not [ours] by faith, as a condition knowing, apprehending, feeling, applying, receiving, [and] opening the everlasting doors, that the King of glory may enter in.  It’s false [that is, Saltmarsh’s inference].

So bread is ours only by an omnipotent act of Him that causes the earth to bring forth, as by the first principal and effectual cause: Therefore [Saltmarsh would conclude], bread is not our’s in a civil way, by plowing, sowing, earing, and in a spiritual way, by laying hold by faith on the Covenant, in which the world, the things of this life, are made ours (1 Cor. 3:21); this is a lax and vain consequence.”


Westminster Larger Catechism


Note that Westminster defines union with Christ, not as an act, but as a work, and that not before effectual calling.  Nor does it define it as only occuring upon, or after, faith, but in connecting it with effectual calling leaves it open that the inception of the spiritual union, in a certain respect, may be before faith.  Witsius teaches such above.


“Q. 66. What is that union which the elect have with Christ?

A. The union which the elect have with Christ is the work of God’s grace,[f] whereby they are spiritually and mystically, yet really and inseparably, joined to Christ as their head and husband;[g] which is done in their effectual calling.[h]

[f] Eph. 1:22Eph. 2:6-8
[g] 1 Cor. 6:17John 10:28Eph. 5:23,30
[h] 1 Pet. 5:101 Cor. 1:9



That Spiritual Union to Christ is the Fount of Justification, Adoption, Sanctification & Glorification


Westminster Larger Catechism [See also the ordering of the questions that follow this question]

“Q. 69. What is the communion in grace which the members of the invisible church have with Christ?

A. The communion in grace which the members of the invisible church have with Christ, is their partaking of the virtue of his mediation, in their justification,[t] adoption,[v] sanctification, and whatever else, in this life, manifests their union with him.[w]

[t] Rom. 8:30
[v] Eph. 1:5
[w] 1 Cor. 1:30


Richard Muller

‘unio mystica sive praesentia gratiae tantum’  in Dictionary of Latin & Greek Theological Terms: Drawn Principally from Protestant Scholastic Theology  1st ed.  (Baker, 1985), pp. 314-5

“The orthodox therefore define the unio mystica as the spiritual conjunction (conjunctio spiritualis) of the Triune God with the believer in and following justification.  It is a substantial and graciously effective indwelling.

In relation to the ordo salutis (q.v.), or order of salvation, the Protestant scholastics distinguish the initial unitio (q.v.), or uniting, of the unio mystica, which is the basis for the imputation of Christ’s righteousness to the believer and which corresponds with the adoption (adoptio) of the believer, and the ongoing unio, or union, of the unio mystica, which continues concurrent with sanctification throughout the life of the believer…”



Fruits of Union with Christ


à Brakel, Wilhelmus – The Christian’s Reasonable Service  ed. Joel Beeke, trans. Bartel Elshout  Buy  (1700; RHB, 1992/1999)

vol. 2

36. ‘Spiritual Peace’, pp. 439-55
37. ‘Spiritual Joy’, pp. 455-69

Proposition 6, ‘All of man‟s felicity, here and hereafter, consists in communion with and the beholding of God’, pp. 671-81
‘The Spiritual Beholding of God’, pp. 685-88
‘Conditions in Which the Soul May Be in her Approach unto God’, pp. 688-94

vol. 3

56. ‘The Glorification of God’, pp. 243-63
57. ‘Love toward God’, pp. 263-77
58. ‘Love toward Jesus Christ’, pp. 277-91
59. ‘The Fear of God’, pp. 291-303
60. ‘Obedience toward God’, pp. 303-17
61. ‘Hope in God’, pp. 317-331
62. ‘Spiritual Strength or Courage’, pp. 331-49
63. ‘The Profession of Christ & his Truth’, pp. 349-79
64. ‘Contentment’, pp. 379-97
65. ‘Self-Denial’, pp. 397-414
66. ‘Patience’, pp. 414-27
67. ‘Uprightness’, pp. 427-43

vol. 4

76. ‘Watchfulness’, pp. 11-19
77. ‘Solitude’, pp. 19-25
78. ‘Spiritual Meditation’, pp. 25-31

82. ‘Love for one’s Neighbor’, pp. 53-67
83. ‘Humility’, pp. 67-79
84. ‘Meekness’, pp. 79-91
85. ‘Peaceableness’, pp. 91-103
86. ‘Diligence’, pp. 103-113
87. ‘Compassion’, pp. 113-29
88. ‘Prudence’, pp. 129-39
89. Spiritual Growth’, pp. 139-59





Szegedin Pannonius, Stephan – ‘Of the Conjunction & Incorporation of Believers with Christ’  in Common Places of Pure Theology…  (Basil, 1585/93), I. ‘Of God, in General’, pp. 88-89

Polanus, Amandus

The Divisions of Theology Framed according to a Natural Orderly Method  (Basil, 1590; Geneva, 1623)

36. ‘Of Communion with Christ’, pp. 110-15
43. ‘Of Conservation in this Communion’, pp. 148-51

ch. 35, ‘On the Communion of the Saints’  in A System of Theology  (Hanau, 1609; 1615), vol. 2, bk. 6, cols. 2921-33



Piscator, Johannes – Locus 13, ‘Of the Conjunction, or Union of the Faithful with Christ, & also of Communion’  in Theological Theses  (Herborn, 1606-1607), vol. 1, pp. 239-45  This locus comes after the one on Saving Faith and comes before Repentance and Justification.

Wendelin, Marcus Friedrich – ch. 24, ‘Of the Reception of the Mediator, & of Justifying Faith’  in Christian Theology  (Hanau, 1634; 2nd ed., Amsterdam, 1657), bk. 1, ‘Knowledge of God’, pp. 448-81

Crocius, Ludwig – ch. 17, ‘The Consequences & Effects of Christian Faith, where is Treated of the Union of the Faithful with God & the Evangelical Justification of Them’  in A System of Sacred Theology  (Bremen, 1636), bk. 4, ‘Of the Principles & Means of Human Salvation’, pp. 1115-26

Crocius (1586-1655)

Voet, Gisbert

7. Union & Communion with Christ  in Syllabus of Theological Problems  (Utrecht, 1643), pt. 1, section 2, tract 3   Abbr.

‘Of the Communion of the Saints, pt. 1’  in Select Theological Disputations, vol. 5  (Utrecht, 1648-1667), pp. 387-98

Note that though this disputation comes after one on the Church, yet union with Christ (and not just the saints) is a major topic of it.  Union with Christ was often treated under the common place of the communion of the saints.  The second disputation following on the same topic responds to objections against the holding of conventicles.




“But when it pleased God, who separated me [Paul] from my mother’s womb [before he was converted], and called me by his grace, to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach Him…”

Gal. 1:15-16

“…Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellow-prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me [Paul].”

Rom. 16:7

“And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.  In the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth…  into the ark…  as God had commanded him: and the Lord shut him in.  And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark…”

Gen. 7:12-17




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